codeforces 2A.Winner
CodeForces 550B Preparing Olympiad
CodeForces 560A Currency System in Geraldion
CodeForces 560B Gerald is into Art
Codeforces 567A Lineland Mail
Codeforces 569A Music
Codeforces 570A Elections
Codeforces 570B Simple Game
hdu 5301 Buildings
hdu 5391 Zball in Tina Town
UVA 11040 Add bricks in the wall
hdu 1166 敌兵布阵
hdu 3874 Necklace
POJ 2299 Ultra-QuickSort
hdu 1166 敌兵布阵
hdu 3874 Necklace
UVA 11992 - Fast Matrix Operations
HDU1251 统计难题
HDU2072 单词数
POJ 2001 Shortest Prefixes
POJ 2418 Hardwood Species
poj 2503 Babelfish
HDU1171 Number Sequence
POJ 2406 Power Strings
POJ 2752 Seek the Name, Seek the Fame
POJ 3461 Oulipo
hdu 1010 Tempter of the Bone
hdu 1312 Red and Black
hdu 1548 A strange lift
hdu 2717 Catch That Cow
POJ 2386 Lake Counting
POJ 3669 Meteor Shower
hdu 1885 Key Task
POJ 1182 食物链
HDU 1856 More is better
hdu 3635 Dragon Balls
hdu 1217 Arbitrage
hdu 5294 Tricks Device
hdu 2122 Ice_cream’s world III
HDU 3405 World Islands
POJ 2485 Highways
POJ 3723 Conscription
POJ 3255 Roadblocks
hdu 1845 Jimmy’s Assignment
hdu 5294 Tricks Device
POJ 3069 Saruman's Army
POJ 3253 Fence Repair
POJ 3617 Best Cow Line
hdu 5366 The mook jong
codeforces 2A.Winner
Codeforces 570C Replacement
hdu 5288 OO’s Sequence
hdu 5364 Distribution money
hdu 5308 I Wanna Become A 24-Point Master
UVA 1644 Prime Gap
UVA 10006 Carmichael Numbers
hdu 5392 Infoplane in Tina Town
hdu 1061 Rightmost Digit
UVA 10006 Carmichael Numbers
POJ 1064 Cable master
POJ 2456 Aggressive cows
hdu 5399 Too Simple
鸽笼原理:hdu 1205 吃糖果
hdu 1058 Humble Number
hdu 3199 Hamming Problem
hdu 1133 Buy the Ticket
hdu 1171 Big Event in HDU
hdu 1398 Square Coins
UVA 10820 Send a Table
hdu 5365 Run
Codeforces 567B Berland National Library
Codeforces 567D One-Dimensional Battle Ships
Codeforces 567C Geometric Progression
hdu 5289 Assignment