====================== Begin ===========================
ssh username@IP // ssh rudon@***.***.***.***
约定: 电脑A上的Ua用户,想要免密码ssh登录到远程的服务器B上的Ub用户
概括: 本地电脑A生成密码对,包含密钥(/home/Ua/.ssh/id_rsa)和公钥(/home/Ua/.ssh/id_rsa.pub),然后把公钥id_rsa.pub的内容追加到在服务器B的"已验证用户记录文件"上(/home/Ub/.ssh/authorized_keys),并设置此文件的权限为600,即可。
/* In 电脑A */ cd ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "你的电子邮箱" cd ~/.ssh/ cat id_rsa.pub (复制内容) /* In 服务器B */ ssh Ub@***.***.***.*** (然后输入密码) cd ~/.ssh/ (若不存在,请以Ub身份创建) echo '刚才在电脑A上复制的公钥内容' >> authorized_keys (若不行,使用sudo进行文件创建和修改) chmod 600 authorized_keys (若不行,请使用sudo) exit /* 回到了电脑A */ cd ssh Ub@***.***.***.***
grep -Rl '((w++' */*html | cut -d/ -f1 | sort -u
Multi-Kernel Start Menu
Set up Virtual Host
Notice of install of wrong version
alias: Remember variables
delete_strange_file: Delete weird(strange) name files and directories
ls -l |grep "^-"|wc -l /* 统计当前文件夹下文件的个数,文件数量 */ ls -l |grep "^d"|wc -l /* 统计当前文件夹下目录的个数,文件夹数量 */ ls -lR|grep "^-"|wc -l /* 统计当前文件夹下文件的个数,包括子文件夹里的 */ ls -lR|grep "^d"|wc -l /* 统计文件夹下目录的个数,包括子文件夹里的 */ find . -type f -name "*.zip" /* */ find . -type d -name "config" /* */ find . -type f -size +100M /* 大于100m的文件 */ du -sh /path/to/dir /* 文件夹大小 */ du -h . /* 查看当前文件夹大小,和遍历下面的所有文件大小 */ /* 保持文件结构,排除某些文件夹,备份其他所有文件 */ sudo ls cd cd /path-to-backup/ rsync -av --progress /var/www/cms/ /path-to-backup/ --exclude any-dir-name-in-source-dir/ --exclude 2nd-dir-name/ ls /* 保持文件结构,依据文件格式,备份部分文件 */ sudo ls cd cd SystemBackup mkdir 2015xxxx-xxxx cd 2015xxxx-xxxx mkdir filesFromCMS cd /var/www/ tar -cvf - $(find ./cms/templates/ -name "*.html" -o -name "*.htm" -o -name "*.php" -o -name "*.txt" -o -name "*.json") | (cd /home/rudon/SystemBackup/2015xxxx-xxxx/filesFromCMS/; tar -xvf -) cd /home/rudon/SystemBackup/2015xxxx-xxxx/filesFromCMS/ ls /* 根据名称,删除部分文件夹 */ cd /path-to-target-dir/ find . -type d -name "templates_c" find . -type d -name "templates_c" | xargs rm -rf find . -type d -name "templates_c"
cURL in terminal
search IP and Host-name in LAN
view_a_big_text_file:tail -n100 filename (click for more)
Terminal_Command:cp, rm, chown, chmod, scp, rename, uname, svn command,
SSH:link to other ubuntu with terminal, 无密码SSH登录
scp: Copy file to other host
Fn_KEY: show desktop(ctrl+win+d),switch windows(Alt+Tab,or ~ key)
SHELL Script
Find a file:find /var/www -name %partname%
Hide_a_folder: Just rename, add '.' before the folder name, and save.It's also for files.
see the size of file: du -h xxx.tar.gz >>> will be 86M
____________________ du xxx.tar.gz >>> will be 87568
Make a zip : tar cvzf xxx.tar.gz xxx/
tar -xvf infoform.tar.gz
delete folder : rm -r foldername/
make a zip and keep constrution for folder
cd /var/www/ zip -r target.zip cms/xx/xx.php cms/yy/yy.php
broken package
Restart window manager : sudo service lightdm restart
showing "Permission denied" when using nano? Here
播放器(media player, Rhythmbox)
install software
Chinese input Method
Good examples
Example of our cron jobs
Config in apache
(Have a look)
# /etc/apache2/ # |-- apache2.conf # | `-- ports.conf # |-- mods-enabled # | |-- *.load # | `-- *.conf # |-- conf.d # | `-- * # `-- sites-enabled # `-- *
NameVirtualHost *:80 Listen 80 localhost secure.xxx.com
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName xn--tjVz7pJ.com #中文域名的punycode编码 ServerAlias www.xn--tjVz7pJ.com #中文域名的punycode编码 DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/website/huojiu SuexecUserGroup huojiu huojiu ErrorLog "/usr/local/www/website/huojiu/error_log" CustomLog "/usr/local/www/website/huojiu/access_log" common </VirtualHost>
make a link from sites-available,like:
sudo ln -s ../sites-available/xxx xxx
command | return |
cURL http://www.baidu.com/ | <!DOCTYPE html> <html><head><title>百度一下,你就知道</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"><title>百度一下,你就知道</title> ............ </html> |
cURL curl -X GET http://babycms.com/admin/ajax.php?action=check_is_runing&sid=100 | true |
cURL curl -X POSThttp://production.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPITest.dll&API=RateV4&xml='<RateV4Request USERID="181SHENAS219">......</RateV4Request>' | [1] 22124 [2] 22125 |
1.JQuery for more ------------------ not using now
2.AngularJS for more ----------------- not using now
var obj = eval('(' + data + ')'); if(obj.success == 'true'){ alert(obj.filefullname); }
var obj = document.getElementById(id); for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { if (obj[i].selected == true) { return obj[i].innerHTML; } }
function trim(str) { return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); } function ltrim(str) { return str.replace(/(^\s*)/g, ""); } function rtrim(str) { return str.replace(/(\s*$)/g, ""); }
var myhash = {}; myhash["key1"] = "54"; myhash["key2"] = "654"; var s = JSON.stringify(myhash); alert(s); // {"key1":"54","key2":"654"}
If you want to use number as key: using []
var myhash = []; myhash[2] = "2222222"; myhash["key1"] = "54"; myhash["key2"] = "654"; myhash[3] = "3333333"; var s = JSON.stringify(myhash); alert(s); // [null,null,"2222222","3333333"]
字符串 转数组: stringObject.split(a,b) //a is ',' and b is limit how many will cut(not required)
function get_selected_ids(classname) { var new_order = []; $("."+classname).each(function() { if( this.checked ){ new_order.push(this.value); } }); var newid = new_order.join(','); return newid; } _________html____________ <input type="checkbox" name="select[]" class="select_class_input" value="<?php echo $cat['id']; ?>"/> _________to use____________ var ids = get_selected_ids('select_class_input'); alert(ids);
function tail_focus(obj){ var t=$("#"+obj).val(); $("#"+obj).val("").focus().val(t); // That is copy content at first, then make it empty, then focus, and paste again. }
$(function () { // Select all or none $("#AllorNone").click(function(){ var wantall = document.getElementById('AllorNone').checked; var newTask = document.getElementsByName('select[]'); for(var i=0;i<newTask.length;i++){ var e=newTask[i]; if(wantall){ e.checked=true; }else{ e.checked=false; } } }); }); _________html____________ <input type="checkbox" id="AllorNone"/> <input type="checkbox" name='select[]'/>......
$.ajax({ url: "http://url/", type: "POST", dataType: "json", data: { "name": "Boy" }, success: function(json) { if (json.success) { // ... } else { // ... } }, complete: function() { // ... }, error: function() { // ... } });
Tags: append, cover layer, black layer, div append
function show_focus_pic (){ var win_height = $(window).height() - 40; var ele1 = $("<img src='.....' style='.......'/>").text(name); var ele2 = $("<div id='...' style='z-index:2;position: fixed;left:0;top:20px;text-align:center; width:100%;height:"+win_height+"px;'></div>"); ele2.append(ele1); //$("#sys_cover_lay").append(ele2); $(document.body).append(ele2); }
Tags: scroll, scrollTop, window height New function:
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $body = (window.opera) ? (document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" ? $('html') : $('body')) : $('html,body'); $('#btn_to_top').click(function () { $body.animate({scrollTop: 1}, 100); return false; }); $('#btn_to_bottom').click(function () { $body.animate({scrollTop: $(document).height()}, 100); return false; }); });
Old function:
function scroll (){ var win_height = $(window).height(); var input_height = document.getElementById('b_zipcode').offsetTop; //$('#id').animate({scrollTop: 1000+'px'}, 1000); $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: input_height+'px'}, 1000); }
http://XXX.com/admin/index.php?module=listings&action=showlistings§ion_id=699 [Drag and Drop]
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/jquery-ui.css" />
<script src="./assets/js/jquery-ui.js"></script>
$(function() {
var $sortable = $('#sortable'); var $old_order = $('#old_order'); var new_order = []; var old_order = []; // Find the url var url= window.location.href; var superurl= url.split('?')[0]; superurl = superurl+'?module=listings&action=change_order'; $( "#sortable" ).sortable({ axis: 'y', distance: 50, //revert: true, cursor: 'move', opacity: 0.6, placeholder: 'placeholder_empty', start: function(event, ui) { old_order = []; new_order = []; $sortable.children(".ui-state-default").each(function() { old_order.push(this.id); }); $old_order.val(old_order); }, update: function(event, ui) { old_order = []; new_order = []; $sortable.children(".ui-state-default").each(function() { new_order.push(this.id); }); var newid = new_order.join(','); var oldid = $old_order.val(); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: superurl, data: { neworder: newid, oldorder: oldid }, //beforeSend: function() { //$show.html("<img src='load.gif' /> "); //}, success: function(msg) { //alert(msg); //$show.html(""); } }); }
}); $( "#sortable" ).disableSelection(); });
And then,in html:
<tbody id="sortable">
<tr class="order_ico_tr ui-state-default" id='{$listings[item].id}'>
php:receive ajax and echo back;
keywords:select, selector, find option
------------------------------------------------- jQuery获取Select选择的Text和Value: 语法解释: 1. $("#select_id").change(function(){//code...}); //为Select添加事件,当选择其中一项时触发 2. var checkText=$("#select_id").find("option:selected").text(); //获取Select选择的Text 3. var checkValue=$("#select_id").val(); //获取Select选择的Value 4. var checkIndex=$("#select_id ").get(0).selectedIndex; //获取Select选择的索引值 5. var maxIndex=$("#select_id option:last").attr("index"); //获取Select最大的索引值 jQuery设置Select选择的Text和Value: 语法解释: 1. $("#select_id ").get(0).selectedIndex=1; //设置Select索引值为1的项选中 2. $("#select_id ").val(4); //设置Select的Value值为4的项选中 3. $("#select_id option[text='jQuery']").attr("selected", true); //设置Select的Text值为jQuery的项选中 jQuery添加/删除Select的Option项: 语法解释: 1. $("#select_id").append("<option value='Value'>Text</option>"); //为Select追加一个Option(下拉项) 2. $("#select_id").prepend("<option value='0'>请选择</option>"); //为Select插入一个Option(第一个位置) 3. $("#select_id option:last").remove(); //删除Select中索引值最大Option(最后一个) 4. $("#select_id option[index='0']").remove(); //删除Select中索引值为0的Option(第一个) 5. $("#select_id option[value='3']").remove(); //删除Select中Value='3'的Option 5. $("#select_id option[text='4']").remove(); //删除Select中Text='4'的Option ------------------------------------------------- // Find worldwide angular.forEach($scope.shipping_addr_options , function($one_row){ if($one_row.name == 'WorldWide'){ $scope.shipping_addr = $one_row; $("#shipping_country option:contains('WorldWide')").attr("selected", "selected"); ifindit = true; found_worldwide = true; return; } });
keywords:遍历数组,for in,foreach array,loop array
var arr = [11, 22, 33]; for(var v in arr){ alert(v); // 0,1,2 } var o = { a:1, b:2}; for(var v in o){ alert(v); //a,b }
keywords:单引号,双引号,数组传送,特殊符号,quote, double quote, js string ,input, array json string, html
============ PHP's data ============= $arr = array( 0 => array( 'names' => "Peter's Hat", 'price' => "100.22" ), 1 => array( 'names' => '14.1" notepad', 'price' => "1500" ) ); /* Get names_in_html_tag_attribute, like: title="{$names_str}" */ $names_arr = array(); foreach ($arr as $one){ $names_arr[] = htmlspecialchars($one['name'],ENT_QUOTES); } $names_str = implode(',', $names_arr); /* Get names_in_html_js_as_arr, like: var arr = {$names_arr_str}; */ $names_arr_str = ''; foreach ($arr as $one){ $name = addslashes($one['name']); $h = ($names_arr_str == '')?'':','; $names_arr_str .= $h."'{$name}'"; } $names_arr_str = '['.$names_arr_str.']'; ============ HTML's data ============= <a title="{$names_str}">xx</a> <script> var arr = {$names_arr_str}; alert(JSON.stringify(arr)); </script>
keywords:打印数组,弹出,查看,alert array,print array, JSON.stringify, alert json
var arr=[{"id":0,"row_id":5,"pid":69,"quantity":1,"color":"Black"},{"id":1,"row_id":6,"pid":69,"quantity":1,"color":"Orange"}]; var b=JSON.stringify(arr); alert(b);
function scan_array(arr) { for(var key in arr) { if(typeof(arr[key]) == 'array' || typeof(arr[key]) == 'object') { scan_array(arr[key]); } else { document.write(key + ' = ' + arr[key] + '<br>'); } } document.write('<hr>'); }
keywords:遍历元素, 遍历数组 , foreach arr, foreach elements
$('.Class_name').each(function(i,ele){ // i is the key 0,1,2,3,4,5,.... if(ele.checked){ $(ele).parent().parent().remove(); } });
keywords:append , focus , insert text, 插入,光标点,点击
/** * Insert into text , in Foucs-position * * @param {type} obj_id * @param {type} str * @returns {undefined} * * @link http://www.cnblogs.com/yoyiorlee/archive/2011/04/04/2005213.html */ function insertText(obj_id, str) { var obj = document.getElementById(obj_id); if (document.selection) { var sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = str } else if (typeof obj.selectionStart === 'number' && typeof obj.selectionEnd === 'number') { var startPos = obj.selectionStart, endPos = obj.selectionEnd, cursorPos = startPos, tmpStr = obj.value; obj.value = tmpStr.substring(0, startPos) + str + tmpStr.substring(endPos, tmpStr.length); cursorPos += str.length; obj.selectionStart = obj.selectionEnd = cursorPos } else { obj.value += str } } function moveEnd(obj_id) { var obj = document.getElementById(obj_id); obj.focus(); var len = obj.value.length; if (document.selection) { var sel = obj.createTextRange(); sel.moveStart('character', len); sel.collapse(); sel.select() } else if (typeof obj.selectionStart == 'number' && typeof obj.selectionEnd == 'number') { obj.selectionStart = obj.selectionEnd = len } }
<script src="assets/js/jquery.tablesorter.min.js"></script> <script> {literal} $(document).ready(function() { $("#sorttingtable_new").tablesorter(); } ); {/literal} </script> .... <table class="table table-bordered table-striped" id='sorttingtable_new'> ....
if you didn't want to sort first and 5th <th>, just change
root@web1:/var/log/mysql# mysqlcheck --repair --all-databases -p
and type the MySQL root password
Query with id order
1.SQL: select * from table where id IN (8,3,6,9,1,2,5,7);
result will be order by 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9
2.SQL: select * from table where id IN (8,3,6,9,1,2,5,7) order by field(id,3,6,9,1,2,5,8,7);
result will be order by 3,6,9,1,2,5,8,7
Tags: copy id column,copy table,copy columns, Insert into new Table with id from other table
INSERT INTO `table1` SELECT * FROM `table2`;
INSERT INTO `table1` (col_name1, col_name2) SELECT old_column1,old_column2 FROM `table2`;
Tags: Look for columns by keyword, match columns
drop database `XXX`; source ~/work/dump.sql
Database divert
convert character encoding
To change:
function update
big bullshit ==> if($this->useencoding) $fields[]="`".$v1."`='".addslashes(iconv('utf-8','windows-1251' , $data[$v1]))."'";
Show encodings
1. Schema
SELECT default_character_set_name FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA S WHERE schema_name='dbname';
2. Table
SELECT CCSA.character_set_name FROM information_schema.`TABLES` T, information_schema.`COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY` CCSA WHERE CCSA.collation_name = T.table_collation AND T.table_schema = "dbname" AND T.table_name = "pages";
3. Column
SELECT character_set_name FROM information_schema.`COLUMNS` C WHERE table_schema = "dbname" AND table_name = "pages" AND column_name = "name";
4. References:
dump and restore one row
mysqldump -t -uroot -pxxxxxxxxxx db_name table_name -w "id > 200" > path-to-file.sql
mysqldump -uxxx -pxxx database_name(or table name) > file_name
ex:(get out of mysql command)root@ns2:~# mysqldump -u xxx-pasdasdasd db_name > ~/dump.sql
col:birthday datetime
value format:1998-05-07
SQL: .... where DATE_FORMAT(`birthday`,'%m')=DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%m') AND DATE_FORMAT(`birthday`,'%d')=DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%d');
For more: http://blog.csdn.net/liguohui/article/details/7686560
For more: http://www.cnblogs.com/viaivi/archive/2011/12/08/2281319.html
backup, save, restore, rdb, copy redis data
Main Flows:
1. dump data into dump.rdb (A) in origin server
2. copy rdb file(A) to new server
3. Stop Redis service in new server
4. replace old rdb file(B) in new server to be our new dump.rdb(A)
5. Start Redis service in new server, and redis will load our target data from this rdb file (A)
<?php $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('', 6379); $redis->set('key', 'hello world'); echo $redis->get('key'); ?>
For more: https://github.com/joelcox/codeigniter-redis
/* String */ $this->redis->set('str_key','str_value'); //echo $this->redis->get('str_key');// will be "str_value" /* List */ $this->redis->del('list_key'); $this->redis->lpush('list_key',array('lpush_1','lpush_2')); $this->redis->rpush('list_key',array('rpush_1','rpush_2')); //print_r( $this->redis->lrange('list_key',0, -1) );die; //Array ( [0] => lpush_2 [1] => lpush_1 [2] => rpush_1 [3] => rpush_2 ) /* Hash */ $this->redis->hset('hash_ci','name','rudon'); $this->redis->hmset('hash_ci',array('name','rudon_new','id',100)); //echo $this->redis->hget('hash_ci','name'); // rudon_new //print_r($this->redis->hmget('hash_ci',array('name','id'))); //Array ( [0] => rudon_new [1] => 100 ) //print_r( $this->redis->hgetall('hash_ci') );//Array ( [0] => name [1] => rudon_new [2] => id [3] => 100 ) //print_r( $this->redis->hkeys('hash_ci'));//Array ( [0] => name [1] => id ) //print_r( $this->redis->hvals('hash_ci'));//Array ( [0] => rudon_new [1] => 100 ) /* Sets */ $this->redis->del('sets_key'); $this->redis->del('sets_key_2'); $this->redis->sadd('sets_key','val1','val2'); $this->redis->sadd('sets_key_2','val1','new1','new2'); //print_r($this->redis->SMEMBERS('sets_key'));//Array ( [0] => val1 [1] => val2 [2] => id_1 ) //print_r($this->redis->scard('sets_key'));//2 //print_r($this->redis->sdiff('sets_key','sets_key_2'));//Array ( [0] => val2 ) //print_r($this->redis->sinter('sets_key','sets_key_2'));//Array ( [0] => val1 ) //print_r($this->redis->sismember('sets_key','val3'));//0 or 1 //print_r($this->redis->smove('sets_key','sets_key_2','val2'));//move "val2" from "sets_key" to "sets_key_2" //print_r($this->redis->spop('sets_key'));// Random del and show one item in "sets_key" //print_r($this->redis->srandmember('sets_key'));// Random show one item in "sets_key" //$this->redis->srem('sets_key','val2'); // Remove "val2" from "sets_key" //print_r($this->redis->sunion('sets_key','sets_key_2'));// --No-repeat-- Array ( [0] => new1 [1] => val1 [2] => val2 [3] => new2 ) /** * SortedSet * * [More] * zrem key member [member ...] ---- del memeber * zremrangebyrank key 0 1 ---- del member(s) by their rank ,from 0 * zremrangebyscore key 12 20 ---- del member(s) by their score * zrevrange key 1 -1 ---- show members by key in list,reverse showing * zrevrangebyscore (reverse of zrangebyscore) * zrevrank (reverse of zrank) * */ $this->redis->del('SortedSet'); $this->redis->zadd('SortedSet',8,'val1',7,'val2'); //print_r($this->redis->zrange('SortedSet',0,-1));//Array ( [0] => val2 [1] => val1 ) //print_r($this->redis->zrange('SortedSet',0,-1,'WITHSCORES'));//Array ( [0] => val2 [1] => 7 [2] => val1 [3] => 8 ) //print_r($this->redis->zcard('SortedSet'));//2 $this->redis->del('z_join_test'); $this->redis->zadd('z_join_test',100,'John'); $this->redis->zadd('z_join_test',100,'Tom'); //print_r($this->redis->zscore('z_join_test','Tom'));//100 //print_r($this->redis->zincrby('z_join_test',-5,'Tom'));//95 (Will save and show score) //print_r($this->redis->zrange('z_join_test',0,-1,'WITHSCORES'));//Array ( [0] => John [1] => 100 [2] => Tom [3] => 100 ) //print_r($this->redis->zcount('z_join_test',99,101));//Will show 2, (min99 max101) $this->redis->zadd('z_join_test',60,'Peter'); //print_r($this->redis->zrangebyscore('z_join_test',0,90,'WITHSCORES'));//Array ( [0] => Peter [1] => 60 ) //print_r($this->redis->zrangebyscore('z_join_test','-inf','+inf'));//Array ( [0] => Peter [1] => John [2] => Tom ) //print_r($this->redis->zrank('z_join_test','Tom'));// 2,key-number-type, because order for them is 60、100、100, and letter "T" make Tom at last
What is doing:svn diff --summarize 376:379 svn://
Error:Cannot mix repository and working copy targets
Reason:different svn version ,using different Command
Right:svn diff --summarize -r 376:379 svn://
Mine:svn version 1.7.5 (r1336830)
more in here
1. Remove a folder
svn delete http://www.yourrepository.com/svn/folder --message "Deleting"
2. Tag
svn copy http://svn.example.com/project/trunk http://svn.example.com/project/tags/1.0 -m "Release 1.0"
Edit message after commited, for revision xx
rudon@rudon-Lenovo:~/NetBeansProjects/comname/trunk/cms$ svn propedit -r 633 --revprop svn:log
But it will say error :
svn: E165006: Repository has not been enabled to accept revision propchanges; ask the administrator to create a pre-revprop-change hook
How to do? Not finished, with some helpful link :
(在Bitbucket.org上注册帐号) (创建一个私人仓库,命名为CMS) /* 添加你电脑的SSH-public-key到BitBucket后台去, 按以下方法,或者参考http://blog.aboutc.net/linux/37/github-bitbucket-connect-via-ssh-keys */ cd ~/.ssh ( 如果返回 "No such file or directory", 说明你目前还没有一个密匙对, 创建方法:ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]" ) sudo apt-get install xclip xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ( 在BitBucket后台: ) 1. 点击右上角"用户头像" 2. 点击下拉菜单中的 "Manage account" 3. 点击左侧 "SSH keys" 4. 点击 "Add key" 5. 粘贴你的密匙到 "Key" 文本区 6. 点击 "Add key" /* 安装GIT */ sudo apt-get install git /* 添加Git支持到NetBeans IDE */ (Tools => Plugins => Click on second tab "Available Plugins" => Search "bitbucket" => select first 2 plugins with "bitbucket" => Install) /* 开始本地化 */ cd /var/www/ mkdir cms cd cms git init git remote add origin git@@bitbucket.org:comname/cms.git (注意! path "comname/cms.git" should depends on your repository) git status /* 创建文件并提交到本地Git数据库,并Push到公共的BitBucket的仓库中 */ mkdir any-folder mkdir includes cd includes echo 'anycode' >> sys_config.php cd ../ git status git commit -m "CMS, init with files." git push -u origin master /* 忽略指定文件和目录 */ cd /var/www/cms echo "any-folder" >> .gitignore echo "/includes/sys_config.php" >> .gitignore cp -p includes/sys_config.php includes/DIST-sys_config.php git rm --cached includes/sys_config.php rm includes/sys_config.php git status git commit -m "CMS, ignore config file." git push -u origin master /* 忽略后重新在本地建立这个文件,到时同一个开发组的人都要各自创建 */ cp -p includes/DIST-sys_config.php includes/sys_config.php nano includes/sys_config.php ( 在Netbeans中导入这个目录,并重新在git中提交和push (因为Netbeans会在根目录创建.netbeans隐形文件夹) ) Done!
/* Clone */ [--Backup target server first--] sudo -i cd /var/www ll ====> to see the owner for target folder mv babycms babycms_svn mkdir babycms cd babycms git clone [email protected]:comname/cms.git . ====> Look out for "." at the end /* Update */ cd /var/www chown -R babycms:babycms babycms/ cp -p babycms_svn/includes/sys_config.php babycms/includes/sys_config.php cp -p babycms_svn/includes/config.redis.php babycms/includes/config.redis.php cp -Rp babycms_svn/templates/ babycms/ [-- And other ignored files --] /* Pull from Remote Git */ cd /var/www/babycms/ git pull
<ul class="nav nav-pills"> <!-- v1 --> <li class="active"> <a href="http://local_dev.com/multi/category/Home"> <!----> Home </a> </li> <!-- v1 --> <li> <a href="http://local_dev.com/multi/category/product"> <!----> product </a> </li> <!-- v1 --> <li class="dropdown"> <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"> <!----> Case </a> <!-- v2 --> <ul class="dropdown-menu sub-menu"> <li class="dropdown"> <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"> <!-- href="http://local_dev.com/multi/category/case-lv2"--> case_lv2 </a> <!-- v3 --> <ul class="dropdown-menu sub-menu"> <li> <a href="http://local_dev.com/multi/category/case-lv3-1"> case_lv3_1 </a> </li> <li> <a href="http://local_dev.com/multi/category/case-lv3-3"> case_lv3_3 </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul>
Bootstrap v3 has removed class "sub-menu", they think sub-menu will go out of screen in Mobile.
More css to show the good position for sub-menu (cat level 3 or higher):
.dropdown-menu .sub-menu { left: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; /*visibility: hidden;*/ margin-top: -1px; }
Bootstrap v3 had cancel the "hover-and-show-sub-menu" effect,because in Mobile no "hover"
More js to show cat when mouse over menu, (hover)
$('ul.nav li.dropdown').hover(function() { $(this).find('.dropdown-menu:first').stop(true, true).delay(20).fadeIn(20); }, function() { $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(20).fadeOut(20); });
<ul class="nav nav-pills"> <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">Acessories</a></li> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" data-toggle="dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle">Boy <b class="caret"></b></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu" id="menu1"> <li> <a href="#">Shirts <i class="icon-chevron-right pull-right"></i></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu sub-menu"> <li><a href="#">Shirts</a></li> <li><a href="#">T-shirts</a></li> <li><a href="#">Polo Shirts</a></li> <li><a href="#">Tanktop</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">Jacket</a></li> <li><a href="#">Pants</a></li> <li><a href="#">Boxer</a></li> <li class="divider"></li> <li><a href="#">SweatShirts</a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" data-toggle="dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle">Girl <b class="caret"></b></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu" id="menu1"> <li><a href="#">Shirts</a></li> <li><a href="#">Pants</a></li> <li><a href="#">Skirts</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">Edition</a></li> <li><a href="#">Authorized Dealer</a></li> <li><a href="about.html">About</a></li> <li class="active"><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li> </ul>
bootstrap-tagsinput didn't support method "sorter" in typehead
<script src="jquery.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css" /> <script src="bootstrap.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-tagsinput.css" /> <script src="bootstrap-tagsinput.min.js"></script> <div class="well"> <input id="search" autocomplete="off" placeholder=" Try 'man'"/> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var colors = ["red", "blue", "Makk","green","manmm","manih", "yellow", "brown man", "black man", "an man", "Zoo man","man","Kman"]; $('#search').typeahead({ source: colors, highlighter: function (item) { var regex = new RegExp( '(' + this.query + ')', 'gi' ); return item.replace( regex, "<u>$1</u>" ); }, sorter: function (items){ //console.write('sss'); //return items.sort(); //return items.reverse(); var beginswith = [], caseSensitive = [], caseInsensitive = [], item, aItem; while (aItem = items.shift()) { //alert(aItem); //var item = JSON.parse(aItem); var item = aItem; if (!item.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase())) beginswith.push(item); else if (~item.indexOf(this.query)) caseSensitive.push(item); else caseInsensitive.push(item); } return beginswith.concat(caseSensitive, caseInsensitive) } }); </script>
<a href="http://datapsyche.wordpress.com/2014/05/28/bootstrap-3-tagsinput-typeahead-problems/">http://datapsyche.wordpress.com/2014/05/28/bootstrap-3-tagsinput-typeahead-problems/</a>
<a href="http://tatiyants.com/how-to-use-json-objects-with-twitter-bootstrap-typeahead/">http://tatiyants.com/how-to-use-json-objects-with-twitter-bootstrap-typeahead/</a>
Keywords: install, config php
[More] http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4d8502030101bv4h.html
When got error:
1.check system variable "$PATH" existing by command "env" or "echo $PATH"
2.if not,run command "PATH=$PATH:." for one time
3.or write "export PATH=$PATH:." on bottom of "~/.bashrc" for auto-run.
4. You also can test like "svn diff --summarize -r 998:999 svn://diskstation/comname/trunk/secure/"
Set up Virtual Host
Punycode ___Change "domain.com" to "xn--somecharshere.com"
config the NetBeans
ci Framework
Run .sh as ROOT -- to kill process in linux More
json_encode does't work when string contents Russian like "domain"
Tags: page screenshot,site screenshot
Tags: readdir, filesystem, file order
Tags: exec(), image magick, terminal, resize
Tags: mime, image, image/gif, image/jpeg
Tags: strlen, mb_strlen, cut with length, utf-8, russia, chinese
Tags: thumbnail, thumb, image resize, imagecopyresampled()
HTML character entity --   HTML字符实体 More_Chinese More_english
Beautiful 404 pages
Gray page
html { -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); -moz-filter: grayscale(100%); -ms-filter: grayscale(100%); -o-filter: grayscale(100%); filter: grayscale(100%); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayscale=1); }
Keywords: ci, config , smarty
[More] http://www.cnmiss.cn/?p=261
application is "news"
Intall php5-curl
Intall php5-curl there're lots of error, finally we need this article, and download one deb file and install it. where's this article?
Date span For example:
Flot -- draw a pic with JQuery
preg --with \n or \n\r
Array Sortting :array_multisort, usort, sort
Javascript#Pass_string-json-arr_from_PHP_to_JS.2C_with_QUOTE 单引号,双引号,数组传送,特殊符号,quote, double quote, js string ,input, array json string, html
1.Delete folder with contant (recursive)
public function dirDel($path) { $path = rtrim($path, '/'); $hand = opendir($path); while (($file = readdir($hand)) !== false) { if ($file == "." || $file == "..") continue; if (is_dir($path . "/" . $file)) { $this->dirDel($path . "/" . $file); } else { @unlink($path . "/" . $file); } } closedir($hand); @rmdir($path); }
2.object to array (recursive, in class file)
function object_to_array($object){ if( !is_object( $object ) && !is_array( $object ) ){ return $object; } if( is_object( $object ) ){ $object = get_object_vars( $object ); } return array_map( array('______Class name_______','object_to_array'), $object ); }
object to array (recursive, not in class file)
function object_to_array($object){ if( !is_object( $object ) && !is_array( $object ) ){ return $object; } if( is_object( $object ) ){ $object = get_object_vars( $object ); } return array_map( 'object_to_array', $object ); }
Content is long, please click "xslt" to jump.
Keywords: function a(), debug, var_dump()
you can use break and continue in foreach.
$array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); foreach ($array as $value) { if($value == 3){continue;} echo $value; if ($value == 5){break;} }
["js_site_array"]=> string(20819) ""2":"yiendovape.com","704":"中文.com""
<?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $path_target_dir = 'any-path-for-dir'; $link_target_dir = 'http://yousite.com/any-dir/'; $files = array(); $dh = opendir($path_target_dir); while ($file = readdir($dh)) { $p = $path_target_dir . $file; if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_file($p)) { $files[] = array( 'file' => iconv('GBK','UTF-8',$file), 'ext' => pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), 'link' => $link_target_dir . iconv('GBK','UTF-8',$file), ); } } ?> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <ul> <?php foreach ($files as $one): ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo $one['link']; ?>"> <?php echo $one['file']; ?> </a> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul>
can't not write into file and mkdir?
Beacause own of www folder is not the user now apache2 using.
1. so we use set "/etc/apache2/site-a..ble/cms" that
2.but fail when restart apache2?
we need to install module for "AssignUserId",it's to install the package "apache2-mpm-itk".
then we need change the session_path for this module ,restart,okit's me,Rudon. (talk) 11:59, 10 May 2013 (CEST)
1.install magento ,but asked 'PHP extension "mcrypt" must be loaded.' 2.(nomarly)http://www.techytalk.info/install-magento-ubuntu-fix-php-extensions-0-must-be-loaded-error-php-5-4/
sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt php5-curl php5-gd fail
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
php5-curl : Depends: phpapi-20100525 Depends: php5-common (= 5.4.6-1ubuntu1.2) but 5.3.10-1ubuntu3 is to be installed php5-gd : Depends: phpapi-20100525 Depends: php5-common (= 5.4.6-1ubuntu1.2) but 5.3.10-1ubuntu3 is to be installed php5-mcrypt : Depends: phpapi-20100525
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
so, sudo apt-get install php5-common=5.4.6-1ubuntu1.2 done now we can "sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt php5-curl php5-gd"
php can't not work! "__Whoops, it looks like you have an invalid PHP version.__", and the other old vitrul host also die~
beacause "sudo apt-get install php5-common=5.4.6-1ubuntu1.2" ,wrong version of ubuntu!!!!
6.how to fix? sudo apt-get remove php5-common=5.4.6-1ubuntu1.2 sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-itk sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 sudo apt-get install php5 sudo apt-get install php5-common sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
ok ! but magento also die~7........waitting for Fix it!!
Config in apache
(Have a look)
# /etc/apache2/ # |-- apache2.conf # | `-- ports.conf # |-- mods-enabled # | |-- *.load # | `-- *.conf # |-- conf.d # | `-- * # `-- sites-enabled # `-- *
NameVirtualHost *:80 Listen 80 localhost secure.babycms.com
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName xn--tjVz18B5xP7pJ.com #中文域名的punycode编码 ServerAlias www.xn--tjVz18B5xP7pJ.com #中文域名的punycode编码 DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/website/huojiu SuexecUserGroup huojiu huojiu ErrorLog "/usr/local/www/website/huojiu/error_log" CustomLog "/usr/local/www/website/huojiu/access_log" common </VirtualHost>
make a link from sites-available,like:
sudo ln -s ../sites-available/xxx xxx
PHP:Punycode Library - Google Code link
1.In controller ,can't use $this->load->model('xx')? You should parent::__construct() in __construct.
2.Can't use $this->db->xx(xx)? same as no.1
public function get_controller() { return $this->router->class; }
public function get_model() { return $this->router->method; }
---More in the url---
load the common variables and function ,with auto-run model. for all models and controllers
and how to use?
$this->db->where('idproduct', $product_id);
$this->db->update('pre_category_product', array('on_sale'=>'1'));
$this->db->select('title')->from('mytable')->where('id', $id)->limit(10, 20);
$query = $this->db->get();
Multi-Table $this->db->select('*'); $this->db->from('pre_category_product a'); $this->db->where('a.idproduct',$pid); $this->db->join('pre_product_ext_attribute b', 'a.idproduct = b.idproduct'); $query = $this->db->get();
1 where to put the js,css,img ?
2 how to load the js..?
3 == how to hide index.php? == More
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|assets|images|js|css|robots\.txt)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
Chinese:Let's go~
English:Let's go~
4 No pemisession to load the resource?
5 how to auto load the libray "session"?
<script src="assets/js/jquery.tablesorter.min.js"></script> <script> {literal} $(document).ready(function() { $("#sorttingtable_new").tablesorter(); } ); {/literal} </script> .... <table class="table table-bordered table-striped" id='sorttingtable_new'> ....
if you didn't want to sort first and 5th <th>, just change
1.[build] read svn,get lastest version,get the changing file list,and copy files to folder "build", by build.sh
2.[send] according to folder "build", send the files to server ,by phing
follow this ==> http://www.phing.info/trac/wiki/Users/Download
but need pear.how to fix it?
[to check]when you write "phing" ,it will notice that:Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
<1> [add $PATH]
[add this command in tail]
<2> [Make ~/.profile runs]
<3> [Go to deploy folder]
<4> [Check build.sh get the right to execute]
[if build.sh no right to be -x]
<5> [svn update]
<6> [How to run phing? see at README.TXT]
[Be Careful, last sentense "prd.server.properties" is the real one,Please use "phing -Dpropertiesfile=dev.server.properties -Dfrom_svn_rev=268 "]
<7> [Go!]
目标输入:http://babycms.com/pure/con/model/ 目标跳转:http://babycms.com/ci/index.php/con/mod/ -------------------- Case 1 规则: RewriteRule ^(.*)/ha/$ $1/admin/inde.kl [L] 例子: http://babycms.com/admin/ha/ 链接: /admin/admin/inde.kl -------------------- Case 2 规则: RewriteRule ^(.*)/ha/$ $1/admin/inde.kl [L] 例子: http://babycms.com/admin/ha/ 链接: /admin/admin/inde.kl
To get screenshot picture for one page, by url.
Just like: we need different style with picture, for choose style for one site.
So it need to use PHP to save the screenshot for existing-beautiful-site.
to see in files, download from http://www.shrinktheweb.com/content/pagepix-plugins-automated-website-previews.html
(choose PHP)
Access Key: 4e435345dasa65basdas23dcas6752342dcfgdf80e004df028
Secret Key: d333346586797890seasd3 (or you sign up one new.)
1. Pictures are 200*150, you need pay if you want bigger.
2. There's limit of quantity of picture for every month and day. 3. Now we are Looking for other way to create picture as screenshot,not using API but runing GD library in PHP.
For read list of files or dir, from target path.(Not Recursive)
if ($handle = opendir('.')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "$file\n"; } } closedir($handle); }
To know why the order of result, is not using alphabetical order, but a mass.
(In fact, it's readding in order by filesystem. ----- you can use "ls -U" to check. )
convert or resize pictures with php and command line, in linux.
<?php /** * Target * * 1.get list * 2.convert */ $limitMaxFileSize = true; $maxFileSize = 100; // KB $limitAllowedExt = false; $allowedExt = array('jpg', 'png', 'bmp'); // Add '/' $convert = array(); $arr = array(); //$path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/products/'; $path = 'products/'; $path = rtrim($path, '/') . '/'; // Go $handle = opendir($path); while (false !== ($folder = readdir($handle))) { if ($folder != '.' && $folder != '..') { if( is_dir($path. $folder)){ $one_pro = rtrim($path. $folder, '/') . '/'; $handle2 = opendir($one_pro); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle2))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_file($one_pro. $file)) { $pic_path = $one_pro. $file; $filesize = intval(filesize($pic_path) / 1024); if($limitMaxFileSize && $maxFileSize > $filesize){ // dont convert } else { $pathinfo = pathinfo($pic_path); if(!$limitAllowedExt || ($limitAllowedExt && in_array(strtolower($pathinfo['extension']), $allowedExt))){ $pathinfo['fileSize'] = $filesize; $convert[] = $pathinfo; } } } } closedir($handle2); } } } closedir($handle); /* Ready convert */ if(count($convert)){ $convert_list = array(); foreach($convert as $one){ $one_path = $one['dirname'].'/'.$one['basename']; $convert_list[] = $one_path; } /* Go */ foreach($convert_list as $one){ $com = "convert {$one} -resize 500x {$one}"; exec($com); } } die; ?>
<<<<<more>>>> http://php.net/manual/zh/function.image-type-to-mime-type.php
switch($mime){ case 'image/gif': $ext = 'gif'; break; case 'image/jpeg': $ext = 'jpg'; break; case 'image/png': $ext = 'png'; break; case 'application/x-shockwave-flash': $ext = 'swf'; break; case 'image/psd': $ext = 'psd'; break; case 'image/bmp': $ext = 'bmp'; break; case 'image/tiff': $ext = 'tiff'; break; default: break; }
/* Cut string with UTF-8 encoding */ function utf8Substr($str, $from, $len) { return preg_replace('#^(?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){0,'.$from.'}'. '((?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){0,'.$len.'}).*#s','$1',$str); }
header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8'); $en = "abcde"; $zn = "你好,我是中文"; $ru = "Японский"; $len = mb_strlen($en);//5 $len = mb_strlen($zn);//7 $len = mb_strlen($ru);//8 echo utf8Substr($en, 0, 4); // abcd echo utf8Substr($zn, 0, 4); // 你好,我 echo utf8Substr($ru, 0, 4); // Япон
/** * 生成缩略图 * @author [email protected] * @param string 源图绝对完整地址{带文件名及后缀名} * @param string 目标图绝对完整地址{带文件名及后缀名} * @param int 缩略图宽{0:此时目标高度不能为0,目标宽度为源图宽*(目标高度/源图高)} * @param int 缩略图高{0:此时目标宽度不能为0,目标高度为源图高*(目标宽度/源图宽)} * @param int 是否裁切{宽,高必须非0} * @param int/float 缩放{0:不缩放, 0<this<1:缩放到相应比例(此时宽高限制和裁切均失效)} * @param int 保真比例(0-100) * @return boolean */ function img2thumb ($src_img, $dst_img, $width = 75, $height = 75, $cut = 0, $proportion = 0, $quality = 100) { if(!is_file($src_img)) { return false; } if(!is_numeric($quality) || $quality < 0 || $quality > 100){ $quality = 100; } $infodst = pathinfo($dst_img); $dst_file_name = $infodst['basename']; $ot = strtolower($infodst['extension']); $otfunc = 'image' . ($ot == 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : $ot); $srcinfo = getimagesize($src_img); $src_w = $srcinfo[0]; $src_h = $srcinfo[1]; $type = strtolower(substr(image_type_to_extension($srcinfo[2]), 1)); $createfun = 'imagecreatefrom' . ($type == 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : $type); $dst_h = $height; $dst_w = $width; $x = $y = 0; /** * 缩略图不超过源图尺寸(前提是宽或高只有一个) */ if(($width> $src_w && $height> $src_h) || ($height> $src_h && $width == 0) || ($width> $src_w && $height == 0)) { $proportion = 1; } if($width> $src_w) { $dst_w = $width = $src_w; } if($height> $src_h) { $dst_h = $height = $src_h; } if(!$width && !$height && !$proportion) { return false; } if(!$proportion) { if($cut == 0) { if($dst_w && $dst_h) { if($dst_w/$src_w> $dst_h/$src_h) { $dst_w = $src_w * ($dst_h / $src_h); $x = 0 - ($dst_w - $width) / 2; } else { $dst_h = $src_h * ($dst_w / $src_w); $y = 0 - ($dst_h - $height) / 2; } } else if($dst_w xor $dst_h) { if($dst_w && !$dst_h) //有宽无高 { $propor = $dst_w / $src_w; $height = $dst_h = $src_h * $propor; } else if(!$dst_w && $dst_h) //有高无宽 { $propor = $dst_h / $src_h; $width = $dst_w = $src_w * $propor; } } } else { if(!$dst_h) //裁剪时无高 { $height = $dst_h = $dst_w; } if(!$dst_w) //裁剪时无宽 { $width = $dst_w = $dst_h; } $propor = min(max($dst_w / $src_w, $dst_h / $src_h), 1); $dst_w = (int)round($src_w * $propor); $dst_h = (int)round($src_h * $propor); $x = ($width - $dst_w) / 2; $y = ($height - $dst_h) / 2; } } else { $proportion = min($proportion, 1); $height = $dst_h = $src_h * $proportion; $width = $dst_w = $src_w * $proportion; } $src = $createfun($src_img); $dst = imagecreatetruecolor($width ? $width : $dst_w, $height ? $height : $dst_h); $white = imagecolorallocate($dst, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $white); if(function_exists('imagecopyresampled')) { imagecopyresampled($dst, $src, $x, $y, 0, 0, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h); } else { imagecopyresized($dst, $src, $x, $y, 0, 0, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h); } /* Draw picture */ //header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); //$otfunc($dst, null, $quality); /* Save into file */ $otfunc($dst, $dst_file_name, $quality); imagedestroy($dst); imagedestroy($src); return true; }
The following packages have unmet dependencies: php5-curl : Depends: phpapi-20100525 Depends: php5-common (= 5.4.9-4ubuntu2.1) but 5.3.10-1ubuntu3 is to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
where is it?
CLass File: /cms_root/admin/classes/class.dateandtime.php
how to use?
Example: http://babycms.com/admin/index.php?module=dashboard&action=dashboard_top
Script File : /cms_root/admin/classes/dashboard.class :: ajax_get_data_by_time()
Example code: _____
<?php $arrnum = array( '7' => array('id' => 5, 'name' => 1, 'age' => 7), '8' => array('id' => 2, 'name' => 3, 'age' => 4), '9' => array('id' => 8, 'name' => 10, 'age' => 5), '10' => array('id' => 1, 'name' => 2, 'age' => 2) ); $arr = array( 'a' => array('id' => 5, 'name' => 1, 'age' => 7), 'b' => array('id' => 2, 'name' => 3, 'age' => 4), 'c' => array('id' => 8, 'name' => 10, 'age' => 5), 'd' => array('id' => 1, 'name' => 2, 'age' => 2) ); function multi_array_sort($multi_array, $sort_key, $sort = SORT_DESC, $case_sensitive = true) { if (is_array($multi_array)) { foreach ($multi_array as $kkk=>$row_array) { if (is_array($row_array)) { if(!$case_sensitive){ $low_case = strtolower($row_array[$sort_key]); } else { $low_case = $row_array[$sort_key]; } $key_array[$kkk] = $low_case; } else { return false; } } } else { return false; } //print_r($key_array);die; array_multisort($key_array, $sort, $multi_array); return $multi_array; } //处理 echo '<pre/>'; print_r(multi_array_sort($arrnum, 'age')); exit; /* when string is not case sensitive */ multi_array_sort($arr, 'keyname', SORT_STRING, false);
if your source array is using Number-Keys, this function will delete them and to use 0,1... Number-Keys
1.SideBar Sidebar
2.Create Article under top menu CreateArticle
3.Create Link in article CreateLink
4.picture [upload and link] -- English help Chinese help
5. Give edit right to user GiveEditRightWiki
variables | value |
name | wiki |
sex | girl |
age | 99 |
name | Rudon |
<table border='1' style="border: green 2px solid; width:150px;"> <tr style="background:gray; color:white;"> <td>variables</td> <td>value</td> </tr> <tr> <td>name</td> <td>wiki</td> </tr> </table>
<h1><b>Version</b></h1> <h2>function</h2> <h2>function</h2> <h2>function</h2> <h1><b>Function</b></h1> <h2>function</h2> <h2>function</h2> <h2>function</h2>
1、Go to Cotrol Panel MediaWiki:Sidebar
Format: "http://rudon.net/wiki/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Sidebar"
2、Edit this page
3、Add some Nav title with this format (** url|nav name)
4、Preview and Save
0.Let's click the "edit" button after you enter some nav~
1.Then, Type some text what you like;
2.How to make new line?
-- Just press "Enter" two times ,to get one new line
3.How to make link?
-- Outsides link: click button "Ab" to make a link inside wiki~ ;
-- Inside like: "A" is to make a link to outside
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