Servlet 生命周期 ----3

1.The container sees that the request is for a servlet so the container creates two objects:(1)HttpServletResponse (2)HttpServletRequest
2.The Conatainer finds the correct servlet based on the URL in the request , create or allocates a thread for that request, and calls the servlet's ervice() method, passing the request and response obhects as arguments.
3.The service() method figures out which servlet method to call based on the HTTP method to call based on the HTTP method sent by the client.The client sent an HTTP get request so the service method calls the servlet's do get method passing the request and response objects as arguments.
4.The servlet uses the response object to write out the response goes back through the container.
5.The service method completes so the thread either dies ir return to a container-managed thread pool. The request and response object refernces fall out of the scope so these objects are toast(ready for garbage collection)---the client gets the response.
