
sp<IAudioTrack> AudioFlinger::createTrack(
        audio_stream_type_t streamType,
        uint32_t sampleRate,
        audio_format_t format,
        audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
        size_t frameCount,
        IAudioFlinger::track_flags_t *flags,
        const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
        audio_io_handle_t output,
        pid_t tid,
        int *sessionId,
        status_t *status)
    sp<PlaybackThread::Track> track;
    sp<TrackHandle> trackHandle;
    sp<Client> client;
    status_t lStatus;
    int lSessionId;

    // client AudioTrack::set already implements AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT => AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC,
    // but if someone uses binder directly they could bypass that and cause us to crash
    if (uint32_t(streamType) >= AUDIO_STREAM_CNT) {
        ALOGE("createTrack() invalid stream type %d", streamType);
        lStatus = BAD_VALUE;
        goto Exit;

    // client is responsible for conversion of 8-bit PCM to 16-bit PCM,
    // and we don't yet support 8.24 or 32-bit PCM
    if (audio_is_linear_pcm(format) && format != AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT) {
        ALOGE("createTrack() invalid format %d", format);
        lStatus = BAD_VALUE;
        goto Exit;

        Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
        PlaybackThread *thread = checkPlaybackThread_l(output);
        PlaybackThread *effectThread = NULL;
        if (thread == NULL) {
            ALOGE("no playback thread found for output handle %d", output);
            lStatus = BAD_VALUE;
            goto Exit;

        pid_t pid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
        client = registerPid_l(pid);

        ALOGV("createTrack() sessionId: %d", (sessionId == NULL) ? -2 : *sessionId);
        if (sessionId != NULL && *sessionId != AUDIO_SESSION_OUTPUT_MIX) {
            // check if an effect chain with the same session ID is present on another
            // output thread and move it here.
            // 查找其它线程中中是否有相同的sessionId的Chain,将其移到本线程中
            for (size_t i = 0; i < mPlaybackThreads.size(); i++) {
                sp<PlaybackThread> t = mPlaybackThreads.valueAt(i);
                if (mPlaybackThreads.keyAt(i) != output) {
                    uint32_t sessions = t->hasAudioSession(*sessionId);
                    if (sessions & PlaybackThread::EFFECT_SESSION) {
                        effectThread = t.get();
            lSessionId = *sessionId;
        } else {
            // if no audio session id is provided, create one here
            lSessionId = nextUniqueId();
            if (sessionId != NULL) {
                *sessionId = lSessionId;
        ALOGV("createTrack() lSessionId: %d", lSessionId);

        track = thread->createTrack_l(client, streamType, sampleRate, format,
                channelMask, frameCount, sharedBuffer, lSessionId, flags, tid, &lStatus);

        // move effect chain to this output thread if an effect on same session was waiting
        // for a track to be created
        // 将Chain切换到本线程中
        if (lStatus == NO_ERROR && effectThread != NULL) {
            Mutex::Autolock _dl(thread->mLock);
            Mutex::Autolock _sl(effectThread->mLock);
            moveEffectChain_l(lSessionId, effectThread, thread, true);

        // Look for sync events awaiting for a session to be used.
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)mPendingSyncEvents.size(); i++) {
            if (mPendingSyncEvents[i]->triggerSession() == lSessionId) {
                if (thread->isValidSyncEvent(mPendingSyncEvents[i])) {
                    if (lStatus == NO_ERROR) {
                        (void) track->setSyncEvent(mPendingSyncEvents[i]);
                    } else {
    if (lStatus == NO_ERROR) {
        trackHandle = new TrackHandle(track);
    } else {
        // remove local strong reference to Client before deleting the Track so that the Client
        // destructor is called by the TrackBase destructor with mLock held

    if (status != NULL) {
        *status = lStatus;
    return trackHandle;

//0、判断是否是fast track模式,来设置输入缓冲区的大小
//3、如果获得该会话对应EffectChain的input buffer,作为track的main buffer
//      后续由track处理之后的数据交由EffectChain继续处理
//5、如果是Fast track,发送配置event消息
sp<AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track> AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::createTrack_l(
        const sp<AudioFlinger::Client>& client,
        audio_stream_type_t streamType,
        uint32_t sampleRate,
        audio_format_t format,
        audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
        size_t frameCount,
        const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
        int sessionId,
        IAudioFlinger::track_flags_t *flags,
        pid_t tid,
        int uid,
        status_t *status)
    sp<Track> track;
    status_t lStatus;

    bool isTimed = (*flags & IAudioFlinger::TRACK_TIMED) != 0;

    // client expresses a preference for FAST, but we get the final say
    if (*flags & IAudioFlinger::TRACK_FAST) {

    // 需要满足以下条件才会创建fast track,否则创建norm track,并将TRACK_FASTD对应的为位设置为0
    //5、已经构造FastMixer对象,可以对track进行fast mix
    //6、有足够的Fast track使用(总计8个),初始为1111 1110,最大为0000 0000,
    //   当mFastTrackAvailMask=0时,表示没有空闲的Fast track
      if (
            // not timed
            (!isTimed) &&
            // either of these use cases:
              // use case 1: shared buffer with any frame count
                (sharedBuffer != 0)
              ) ||
              // use case 2: callback handler and frame count is default or at least as large as HAL
                (tid != -1) &&
                ((frameCount == 0) ||
                (frameCount >= mFrameCount))
            ) &&
            // PCM data
            audio_is_linear_pcm(format) &&
            // mono or stereo
            ( (channelMask == AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO) ||
              (channelMask == AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO) ) &&
            // hardware sample rate
            (sampleRate == mSampleRate) &&
            // normal mixer has an associated fast mixer
            hasFastMixer() &&
            // there are sufficient fast track slots available
            (mFastTrackAvailMask != 0)
            // FIXME test that MixerThread for this fast track has a capable output HAL
            // FIXME add a permission test also?
        ) {
        // if frameCount not specified, then it defaults to fast mixer (HAL) frame count

       // 如果对缓冲区的大小没有特殊要求,则将track的缓冲区大小设置为物理缓冲区的两倍
        if (frameCount == 0) {
            frameCount = mFrameCount * kFastTrackMultiplier;
        ALOGV("AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST accepted: frameCount=%d mFrameCount=%d",
                frameCount, mFrameCount);
      } else {
        ALOGV("AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied: isTimed=%d sharedBuffer=%p frameCount=%d "
                "mFrameCount=%d format=%d isLinear=%d channelMask=%#x sampleRate=%u mSampleRate=%u "
                "hasFastMixer=%d tid=%d fastTrackAvailMask=%#x",
                isTimed, sharedBuffer.get(), frameCount, mFrameCount, format,
                channelMask, sampleRate, mSampleRate, hasFastMixer(), tid, mFastTrackAvailMask);
        *flags &= ~IAudioFlinger::TRACK_FAST;
        // For compatibility with AudioTrack calculation, buffer depth is forced
        // to be at least 2 x the normal mixer frame count and cover audio hardware latency.
        // This is probably too conservative, but legacy application code may depend on it.
        // If you change this calculation, also review the start threshold which is related.

        // 如果对缓冲区大小有要求,则根据物理缓冲区的延时来计算物理缓冲区对应的最小track缓冲区,
        // 要求的缓冲区比最小缓冲区小,则将track的缓冲区设置为最小缓冲区,
        // 其中mNormalFrameCount为norm mixer需要的缓冲区,大于物理缓冲区mFrameCount
        uint32_t latencyMs = mOutput->stream->get_latency(mOutput->stream);
        uint32_t minBufCount = latencyMs / ((1000 * mNormalFrameCount) / mSampleRate);
        if (minBufCount < 2) {
            minBufCount = 2;
        size_t minFrameCount = mNormalFrameCount * minBufCount;
        if (frameCount < minFrameCount) {
            frameCount = minFrameCount;
    if (mType == DIRECT) {
        if ((format & AUDIO_FORMAT_MAIN_MASK) == AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM) {
            if (sampleRate != mSampleRate || format != mFormat || channelMask != mChannelMask) {
                ALOGE("createTrack_l() Bad parameter: sampleRate %u format %d, channelMask 0x%08x "
                        "for output %p with format %d",
                        sampleRate, format, channelMask, mOutput, mFormat);
                lStatus = BAD_VALUE;
                goto Exit;
    } else if (mType == OFFLOAD) {
        if (sampleRate != mSampleRate || format != mFormat || channelMask != mChannelMask) {
            ALOGE("createTrack_l() Bad parameter: sampleRate %d format %d, channelMask 0x%08x \""
                    "for output %p with format %d",
                    sampleRate, format, channelMask, mOutput, mFormat);
            lStatus = BAD_VALUE;
            goto Exit;
    } else {
        if ((format & AUDIO_FORMAT_MAIN_MASK) != AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM) {
                ALOGE("createTrack_l() Bad parameter: format %d \""
                        "for output %p with format %d",
                        format, mOutput, mFormat);
                lStatus = BAD_VALUE;
                goto Exit;
        // Resampler implementation limits input sampling rate to 2 x output sampling rate.
        if (sampleRate > mSampleRate*2) {
            ALOGE("Sample rate out of range: %u mSampleRate %u", sampleRate, mSampleRate);
            lStatus = BAD_VALUE;
            goto Exit;

    lStatus = initCheck();
    if (lStatus != NO_ERROR) {
        ALOGE("Audio driver not initialized.");
        goto Exit;

    { // scope for mLock
        Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);

        // all tracks in same audio session must share the same routing strategy otherwise
        // conflicts will happen when tracks are moved from one output to another by audio policy
        // manager

       // 同一会话sessionID中的track必须设置相同的strategy,否则会导致track切换失败
        uint32_t strategy = AudioSystem::getStrategyForStream(streamType);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mTracks.size(); ++i) {
            sp<Track> t = mTracks[i];
            if (t != 0 && !t->isOutputTrack()) {
                uint32_t actual = AudioSystem::getStrategyForStream(t->streamType());
                if (sessionId == t->sessionId() && strategy != actual) {
                    ALOGE("createTrack_l() mismatched strategy; expected %u but found %u",
                            strategy, actual);
                    lStatus = BAD_VALUE;
                    goto Exit;
        // 根据是否限时构造track对象
        if (!isTimed) {
            track = new Track(this, client, streamType, sampleRate, format,
                    channelMask, frameCount, sharedBuffer, sessionId, uid, *flags);
        } else {
            track = TimedTrack::create(this, client, streamType, sampleRate, format,
                    channelMask, frameCount, sharedBuffer, sessionId, uid);

        if (track == 0 || track->getCblk() == NULL || track->name() < 0) {
            lStatus = NO_MEMORY;
            // track must be cleared from the caller as the caller has the AF lock
            goto Exit;

       sp<EffectChain> chain = getEffectChain_l(sessionId);
        if (chain != 0) {
            ALOGV("createTrack_l() setting main buffer %p", chain->inBuffer());

        if ((*flags & IAudioFlinger::TRACK_FAST) && (tid != -1)) {
            pid_t callingPid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
            // we don't have CAP_SYS_NICE, nor do we want to have it as it's too powerful,
            // so ask activity manager to do this on our behalf
            sendPrioConfigEvent_l(callingPid, tid, kPriorityAudioApp);

    lStatus = NO_ERROR;

    if (status) {
        *status = lStatus;
    return track;

// 1、调用Client对象为track分配内存空间,使用客户端已申请sharebuff
//    或根据输入的framecount来申请buff
// 2、构造track的服务代理对象ServerProxy
            ThreadBase *thread,
            const sp<Client>& client,
            uint32_t sampleRate,
            audio_format_t format,
            audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
            size_t frameCount,
            const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
            int sessionId,
            int clientUid,
            bool isOut)
    :   RefBase(),
        // mBuffer
        mFrameSize(audio_is_linear_pcm(format) ?
                mChannelCount * audio_bytes_per_sample(format) : sizeof(int8_t)),
    // if the caller is us, trust the specified uid
    if (IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid() != getpid_cached || clientUid == -1) {
        int newclientUid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid();
        if (clientUid != -1 && clientUid != newclientUid) {
            ALOGW("uid %d tried to pass itself off as %d", newclientUid, clientUid);
        clientUid = newclientUid;
    // clientUid contains the uid of the app that is responsible for this track, so we can blame
    // battery usage on it.
    mUid = clientUid;

    // client == 0 implies sharedBuffer == 0
    ALOG_ASSERT(!(client == 0 && sharedBuffer != 0));

    ALOGV_IF(sharedBuffer != 0, "sharedBuffer: %p, size: %d", sharedBuffer->pointer(),

    // ALOGD("Creating track with %d buffers @ %d bytes", bufferCount, bufferSize);
    // 计算audio_track_cblk_t和需要传输数据的缓冲区大小,
    // STREAM模式和STATIC都有audio_track_cblk_t结构,但是STATIC模式没有真正使用
     * 特别是stream模式下,需要audio_track_cblk_t来协调生成者和消费者,计算共享内存大小
     *  --------------------------------------------------------
     * | audio_track_cblk_t |               buffer                   |
     *  --------------------------------------------------------
    size_t size = sizeof(audio_track_cblk_t);
    size_t bufferSize = (sharedBuffer == 0 ? roundup(frameCount) : frameCount) * mFrameSize;
    if (sharedBuffer == 0) {
        size += bufferSize;

    if (client != 0) {
        mCblkMemory = client->heap()->allocate(size);
        if (mCblkMemory != 0) {
            mCblk = static_cast<audio_track_cblk_t *>(mCblkMemory->pointer());
            // can't assume mCblk != NULL
        } else {
            ALOGE("not enough memory for AudioTrack size=%u", size);
    } else {
        // this syntax avoids calling the audio_track_cblk_t constructor twice
        mCblk = (audio_track_cblk_t *) new uint8_t[size];
        // assume mCblk != NULL

    // construct the shared structure in-place.
    // 如果申请内存成功,则在内存中构造audio_track_cblk_t对象来协调生产者和消费者
    if (mCblk != NULL) {
        new(mCblk) audio_track_cblk_t();
        // clear all buffers
        mCblk->frameCount_ = frameCount;
        if (sharedBuffer == 0) {
            mBuffer = (char*)mCblk + sizeof(audio_track_cblk_t);
            memset(mBuffer, 0, bufferSize);
        } else {
            mBuffer = sharedBuffer->pointer();
#if 0
            mCblk->mFlags = CBLK_FORCEREADY;    // FIXME hack, need to fix the track ready logic

#ifdef TEE_SINK
        if (mTeeSinkTrackEnabled) {
            NBAIO_Format pipeFormat = Format_from_SR_C(mSampleRate, mChannelCount);
            if (pipeFormat != Format_Invalid) {
                Pipe *pipe = new Pipe(mTeeSinkTrackFrames, pipeFormat);
                size_t numCounterOffers = 0;
                const NBAIO_Format offers[1] = {pipeFormat};
                ssize_t index = pipe->negotiate(offers, 1, NULL, numCounterOffers);
                ALOG_ASSERT(index == 0);
                PipeReader *pipeReader = new PipeReader(*pipe);
                numCounterOffers = 0;
                index = pipeReader->negotiate(offers, 1, NULL, numCounterOffers);
                ALOG_ASSERT(index == 0);
                mTeeSink = pipe;
                mTeeSource = pipeReader;


// 1、调用基类TrackBase的构造函数,为track分配内存空间
// 2、判断是否已经为该normal track分配了内存
// 3、为该track分配AudioMixer中对应的normal track,将索引保存在mName
// 4、如果该track也属于fast track类型,查询是否有空闲的fast track,
//    为该track分配一个fast track,将索引保存在mFastIndex和mName,最多分配8个
// 5、所以由上可见,normal track和fast track可能同时存在于Track中
            PlaybackThread *thread,
            const sp<Client>& client,
            audio_stream_type_t streamType,
            uint32_t sampleRate,
            audio_format_t format,
            audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
            size_t frameCount,
            const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
            int sessionId,
            int uid,
            IAudioFlinger::track_flags_t flags)
    :   TrackBase(thread, client, sampleRate, format, channelMask, frameCount, sharedBuffer,
            sessionId, uid, true /*isOut*/),
    // mRetryCount initialized later when needed
    mName(-1),  // see note below
    mAuxEffectId(0), mHasVolumeController(false),
    if (mCblk != NULL) {
        if (sharedBuffer == 0) {
            mAudioTrackServerProxy = new AudioTrackServerProxy(mCblk, mBuffer, frameCount,
        } else {
            mAudioTrackServerProxy = new StaticAudioTrackServerProxy(mCblk, mBuffer, frameCount,
        mServerProxy = mAudioTrackServerProxy;
        // to avoid leaking a track name, do not allocate one unless there is an mCblk
        // 从AudioMixer中分配一个normal track,返回该normal track的index
        mName = thread->getTrackName_l(channelMask, sessionId);
        if (mName < 0) {
            ALOGE("no more track names available");
        // only allocate a fast track index if we were able to allocate a normal track name
        if (flags & IAudioFlinger::TRACK_FAST) {
            ALOG_ASSERT(thread->mFastTrackAvailMask != 0);
            int i = __builtin_ctz(thread->mFastTrackAvailMask);
            ALOG_ASSERT(0 < i && i < (int)FastMixerState::kMaxFastTracks);
            // FIXME This is too eager.  We allocate a fast track index before the
            //       fast track becomes active.  Since fast tracks are a scarce resource,
            //       this means we are potentially denying other more important fast tracks from
            //       being created.  It would be better to allocate the index dynamically.
            //保存该normal track对应的fast track
            mFastIndex = i;
            // Read the initial underruns because this field is never cleared by the fast mixer
            mObservedUnderruns = thread->getFastTrackUnderruns(i);

            //初始值mFastTrackAvailMask = 1111 1110,终止值为0000 0000,
            //初始值i = 1,i的取值范围(0,7)
            thread->mFastTrackAvailMask &= ~(1 << i);
    ALOGV("Track constructor name %d, calling pid %d", mName,

//1、将track添加到active tracks中,表示该track处于活动状态
status_t AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::addTrack_l(const sp<Track>& track)
    status_t status = ALREADY_EXISTS;

    // set retry count for buffer fill
    track->mRetryCount = kMaxTrackStartupRetries;
    if (mActiveTracks.indexOf(track) < 0) {
        // the track is newly added, make sure it fills up all its
        // buffers before playing. This is to ensure the client will
        // effectively get the latency it requested.
        if (!track->isOutputTrack()) {
            TrackBase::track_state state = track->mState;
            status = AudioSystem::startOutput(mId, track->streamType(), track->sessionId());
            // abort track was stopped/paused while we released the lock
            if (state != track->mState) {
                if (status == NO_ERROR) {
                    AudioSystem::stopOutput(mId, track->streamType(), track->sessionId());
                return INVALID_OPERATION;
            // abort if start is rejected by audio policy manager
            if (status != NO_ERROR) {
                return PERMISSION_DENIED;
            // to track the speaker usage

        track->mFillingUpStatus = track->sharedBuffer() != 0 ? Track::FS_FILLED : Track::FS_FILLING;
        track->mResetDone = false;
        track->mPresentationCompleteFrames = 0;
        mLatestActiveTrack = track;
        sp<EffectChain> chain = getEffectChain_l(track->sessionId());
        if (chain != 0) {
            ALOGV("addTrack_l() starting track on chain %p for session %d", chain.get(),

        status = NO_ERROR;

    ALOGV("signal playback thread");

    return status;

//1、将track从mTracks中移除,重置mName = -1
//2、修改AudioMixer中的mTrackNames对应位为0,设置mState.tracks[name].enabled = false
//3、如果该track为FastTrack,将变量mFastTrackAvailMask相对的位置为1,重置mFastIndex = -1
void AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::removeTrack_l(const sp<Track>& track)
    // redundant as track is about to be destroyed, for dumpsys only
    track->mName = -1;
    if (track->isFastTrack()) {
        int index = track->mFastIndex;
        ALOG_ASSERT(0 < index && index < (int)FastMixerState::kMaxFastTracks);
        ALOG_ASSERT(!(mFastTrackAvailMask & (1 << index)));
        mFastTrackAvailMask |= 1 << index;
        // redundant as track is about to be destroyed, for dumpsys only
        track->mFastIndex = -1;
    sp<EffectChain> chain = getEffectChain_l(track->sessionId());
    if (chain != 0) {

int AudioFlinger::MixerThread::getTrackName_l(audio_channel_mask_t channelMask, int sessionId)
    return mAudioMixer->getTrackName(channelMask, sessionId);

//获得AudioMixer端的normal track,并将mTrackNames对应bit置为1,获得该位的indexint
int AudioMixer::getTrackName(audio_channel_mask_t channelMask, int sessionId)
    uint32_t names = (~mTrackNames) & mConfiguredNames;
    if (names != 0) {
        int n = __builtin_ctz(names);
        ALOGV("add track (%d)", n);
        mTrackNames |= 1 << n;
        // assume default parameters for the track, except where noted below
        track_t* t = &mState.tracks[n];
        t->needs = 0;
        t->volume[0] = UNITY_GAIN;
        t->volume[1] = UNITY_GAIN;
        // no initialization needed
        // t->prevVolume[0]
        // t->prevVolume[1]
        t->volumeInc[0] = 0;
        t->volumeInc[1] = 0;
        t->auxLevel = 0;
        t->auxInc = 0;
        // no initialization needed
        // t->prevAuxLevel
        // t->frameCount
        t->channelCount = 2;
        t->enabled = false;
        t->format = 16;
        t->channelMask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO;
        t->sessionId = sessionId;
        // setBufferProvider(name, AudioBufferProvider *) is required before enable(name)
        t->bufferProvider = NULL;
        t->buffer.raw = NULL;
        // no initialization needed
        // t->buffer.frameCount
        t->hook = NULL;
        t->in = NULL;
        t->resampler = NULL;
        t->sampleRate = mSampleRate;
        // setParameter(name, TRACK, MAIN_BUFFER, mixBuffer) is required before enable(name)
        t->mainBuffer = NULL;
        t->auxBuffer = NULL;
        t->downmixerBufferProvider = NULL;

        status_t status = initTrackDownmix(&mState.tracks[n], n, channelMask);
        if (status == OK) {
            return TRACK0 + n;
        ALOGE("AudioMixer::getTrackName(0x%x) failed, error preparing track for downmix",
    return -1;

void AudioFlinger::MixerThread::deleteTrackName_l(int name)
    ALOGV("remove track (%d) and delete from mixer", name);

status_t AudioFlinger::moveEffectChain_l(int sessionId,
                                   AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread *srcThread,
                                   AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread *dstThread,
                                   bool reRegister)
    ALOGV("moveEffectChain_l() session %d from thread %p to thread %p",
            sessionId, srcThread, dstThread);

    sp<EffectChain> chain = srcThread->getEffectChain_l(sessionId);
    if (chain == 0) {
        ALOGW("moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session %d not on source thread %p",
                sessionId, srcThread);
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    // remove chain first. This is useful only if reconfiguring effect chain on same output thread,
    // so that a new chain is created with correct parameters when first effect is added. This is
    // otherwise unnecessary as removeEffect_l() will remove the chain when last effect is
    // removed.

    // transfer all effects one by one so that new effect chain is created on new thread with
    // correct buffer sizes and audio parameters and effect engines reconfigured accordingly
    audio_io_handle_t dstOutput = dstThread->id();
    sp<EffectChain> dstChain;
    uint32_t strategy = 0; // prevent compiler warning
    sp<EffectModule> effect = chain->getEffectFromId_l(0);
    while (effect != 0) {
        // removeEffect_l() has stopped the effect if it was active so it must be restarted
        if (effect->state() == EffectModule::ACTIVE ||
                effect->state() == EffectModule::STOPPING) {
        // if the move request is not received from audio policy manager, the effect must be
        // re-registered with the new strategy and output
        if (dstChain == 0) {
            dstChain = effect->chain().promote();
            if (dstChain == 0) {
                ALOGW("moveEffectChain_l() cannot get chain from effect %p", effect.get());
                return NO_INIT;
            strategy = dstChain->strategy();
        if (reRegister) {
        effect = chain->getEffectFromId_l(0);

    return NO_ERROR;
