Rob Conery带来的才是真正的 ”思想解放“!(用词太夸张了吧?- 看过Rob的blog 就知道了)
必读 - http://blog.wekeroad.com/2007/12/06/aspnet-mvc-using-restful-architecture/
思想解放1 - REST是什么
People like to equate REST and SOAP in the same sentence, as if it’s an option for web service architecture. The truth is, REST is an architectural principle in and of itself that is as old as the web and, In fact, the Web itself is the REST poster child. More accurately:
REST is a state of mind.
思想解放2.1 - 没有"Pages"只有"Remote Procedure Calls"
you should throw the notion of “pages” away, since these “resources” should be consumable by whatever client is calling on them (so the information might be an XML or JSON stream). To summarize: stop thinking “pages”, start thinking “Remote Procedure Call”.
思想解放2.2 - 没有"Form"
The important thing to remember at all times is that
you are building an instruction set for the web - a collection of consumable “Methods” that are displayed via “Views”.
思想解放3 - 没有"Site"
it’s not a collection of pages. It’s an application and as such, the logic can be plugged into other MVC applications.
If you move this to a new MVC Application, or combine it with another, you just reset some routes in your Global.asax and drop in your Views (these are static content pages) - and you’re all set!