ARM Linux启动流程分析——内核自解压阶段

本文整理了ARM Linxu启动流程的第一阶段——内核自解压,内核版本为3.12.35。我以手上的树莓派b(ARM11)为平台示例来分析uboot跳转到Linux内核运行后做了哪些初始化动作,以及如何转入真正的内核开始运行。




1.      CPU寄存器:R0 = 0、R1 = 机器码(linux/arch/tools/mach-types)、R2 = tags在RAM中的物理地址
2.      CPU和MMU:SVC模式,禁止中断,MMU关闭,数据Cache关闭。


        ARM Linux启动流程分析——内核自解压阶段_第1张图片



  . = 0;
  _text = .;

  .text : {
    _start = .;


		.type	start,#function
		.rept	7
		mov	r0, r0
   ARM(		mov	r0, r0		)
   ARM(		b	1f		)
 THUMB(		adr	r12, BSYM(1f)	)
 THUMB(		bx	r12		)

使用.type标号来指明start的符号类型是函数类型,然后重复执行.rept到.endr之间的指令7次,这里一共执行了7次mov r0, r0指令,共占用了4*7 = 28个字节,这是用来存放ARM的异常向量表的。向前跳转到标号为1处执行:

		mrs	r9, cpsr
		bl	__hyp_stub_install	@ get into SVC mode, reversibly
		mov	r7, r1			@ save architecture ID
		mov	r8, r2			@ save atags pointer


		 * Booting from Angel - need to enter SVC mode and disable
		 * FIQs/IRQs (numeric definitions from angel arm.h source).
		 * We only do this if we were in user mode on entry.
		mrs	r2, cpsr		@ get current mode
		tst	r2, #3			@ not user?
		bne	not_angel
		mov	r0, #0x17		@ angel_SWIreason_EnterSVC
 ARM(		swi	0x123456	)	@ angel_SWI_ARM
 THUMB(		svc	0xab		)	@ angel_SWI_THUMB


		safe_svcmode_maskall r0
		msr	spsr_cxsf, r9		@ Save the CPU boot mode in
						@ SPSR


 * Helper macro to enter SVC mode cleanly and mask interrupts. reg is
 * a scratch register for the macro to overwrite.
 * This macro is intended for forcing the CPU into SVC mode at boot time.
 * you cannot return to the original mode.
.macro safe_svcmode_maskall reg:req
#if __LINUX_ARM_ARCH__ >= 6
	mrs	\reg , cpsr
	eor	\reg, \reg, #HYP_MODE
	tst	\reg, #MODE_MASK
	bic	\reg , \reg , #MODE_MASK
	orr	\reg , \reg , #PSR_I_BIT | PSR_F_BIT | SVC_MODE
THUMB(	orr	\reg , \reg , #PSR_T_BIT	)
	bne	1f
	orr	\reg, \reg, #PSR_A_BIT
	adr	lr, BSYM(2f)
	msr	spsr_cxsf, \reg
1:	msr	cpsr_c, \reg
 * workaround for possibly broken pre-v6 hardware
 * (akita, Sharp Zaurus C-1000, PXA270-based)
	setmode	PSR_F_BIT | PSR_I_BIT | SVC_MODE, \reg


		@ determine final kernel image address
		mov	r4, pc
		and	r4, r4, #0xf8000000
		add	r4, r4, #TEXT_OFFSET
		ldr	r4, =zreladdr
内核配置项AUTO_ZRELDDR表示自动计算内核解压地址(Auto calculation of the decompressed kernelimage address),这里没有选择这个配置项,所以保存到r4中的内核解压地址就是zreladdr,这个参数在linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/Makefile中:
LDFLAGS_vmlinux += --defsym zreladdr=$(ZRELADDR)


ifneq ($(MACHINE),)
include $(srctree)/$(MACHINE)/Makefile.boot

# Note: the following conditions must always be true:
#   PARAMS_PHYS must be within 4MB of ZRELADDR
#   INITRD_PHYS must be in RAM
ZRELADDR    := $(zreladdr-y)
PARAMS_PHYS := $(params_phys-y)
INITRD_PHYS := $(initrd_phys-y)


zreladdr-y            := 0x00008000

params_phys-y         := 0x00000100

initrd_phys-y        :=0x00800000

		 * Set up a page table only if it won't overwrite ourself.
		 * That means r4 < pc && r4 - 16k page directory > &_end.
		 * Given that r4 > &_end is most unfrequent, we add a rough
		 * additional 1MB of room for a possible appended DTB.
		mov	r0, pc
		cmp	r0, r4
		ldrcc	r0, LC0+32
		addcc	r0, r0, pc
		cmpcc	r4, r0
		orrcc	r4, r4, #1		@ remember we skipped cache_on
		blcs	cache_on

这里将比较当前PC地址和内核解压地址,只有在不会自覆盖的情况下才会创建一个页表,如果当前运行地址PC < 解压地址r4,则读取LC0+32地址处的内容加载到r0中,否则跳转到cache_on处执行缓存初始化和MMU初始化。LC0是地址表,定义在525行:

		.align	2
		.type	LC0, #object
LC0:		.word	LC0			@ r1
		.word	__bss_start		@ r2
		.word	_end			@ r3
		.word	_edata			@ r6
		.word	input_data_end - 4	@ r10 (inflated size location)
		.word	_got_start		@ r11
		.word	_got_end		@ ip
		.word	.L_user_stack_end	@ sp
		.word	_end - restart + 16384 + 1024*1024
		.size	LC0, . - LC0

LC0+32地址处的内容为:_end -restart + 16384 + 1024*1024,所指的就是程序长度+16k的页表长+1M的DTB空间。继续比较解压地址r4(0x00008000)和当前运行程序的(结束地址+16384 + 1024*1024),如果小于则不进行缓存初始化并置位r4最低位进行标识。


(1)      PC >= r4:直接进行缓存初始化

(2)      PC < r4 && _end + 16384+ 1024*1024 > r4:不进行缓存初始化

(3)      PC < r4 && _end + 16384+ 1024*1024 <= r4:执行缓存初始化


restart:	adr	r0, LC0
		ldmia	r0, {r1, r2, r3, r6, r10, r11, r12}
		ldr	sp, [r0, #28]


(1)      r0:LC0标签处的运行地址

(2)      r1:LC0标签处的链接地址

(3)      r2:__bss_start处的链接地址

(4)      r3:_ednd处的链接地址(即程序结束位置)

(5)      r6:_edata处的链接地址(即数据段结束位置)

(6)      r10:压缩后内核数据大小位置

(7)      r11:GOT表的启示链接地址

(8)      r12:GOT表的结束链接地址

(9)      sp:栈空间结束地址

195~196行这段代码通过反汇编来看着部分代码会更加清晰(反汇编arch/arm/boot /compressed/vmlinux):
000000c0 <restart>:
      c0:	e28f0e13 	add	r0, pc, #304	; 0x130
      c4:	e8901c4e 	ldm	r0, {r1, r2, r3, r6, sl, fp, ip}
      c8:	e590d01c 	ldr	sp, [r0, #28]

由于我的环境中实际的运行在物理地址为0x00008000处,所以r0 = pc + 0x130 = 0x00008000 + 0xc0 + 0x8 + 0x130 = 0x00008000 +0x1F8,而0x000081F8物理地址处的内容就是LC0:

000001f8 <LC0>:
     1f8:	000001f8 	strdeq	r0, [r0], -r8
     1fc:	006f2a80 	rsbeq	r2, pc, r0, lsl #21
     200:	006f2a98 	mlseq	pc, r8, sl, r2	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
     204:	006f2a80 	rsbeq	r2, pc, r0, lsl #21
     208:	006f2a45 	rsbeq	r2, pc, r5, asr #20
     20c:	006f2a58 	rsbeq	r2, pc, r8, asr sl	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
     210:	006f2a7c 	rsbeq	r2, pc, ip, ror sl	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
     214:	006f3a98 	mlseq	pc, r8, sl, r3	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
     218:	007f69d8 	ldrsbteq	r6, [pc], #-152
     21c:	e320f000 	nop	{0}


		 * We might be running at a different address.  We need
		 * to fix up various pointers.
		sub	r0, r0, r1		@ calculate the delta offset
		add	r6, r6, r0		@ _edata
		add	r10, r10, r0		@ inflated kernel size location


		 * The kernel build system appends the size of the
		 * decompressed kernel at the end of the compressed data
		 * in little-endian form.
		ldrb	r9, [r10, #0]
		ldrb	lr, [r10, #1]
		orr	r9, r9, lr, lsl #8
		ldrb	lr, [r10, #2]
		ldrb	r10, [r10, #3]
		orr	r9, r9, lr, lsl #16
		orr	r9, r9, r10, lsl #24


		/* malloc space is above the relocated stack (64k max) */
		add	sp, sp, r0
		add	r10, sp, #0x10000
		 * With ZBOOT_ROM the bss/stack is non relocatable,
		 * but someone could still run this code from RAM,
		 * in which case our reference is _edata.
		mov	r10, r6


接下来内核如果配置为支持设备树(DTB)会做一些特别的工作,我这里没有配置(#ifdef CONFIG_ARM_APPENDED_DTB),所以先跳过。
 * Check to see if we will overwrite ourselves.
 *   r4  = final kernel address (possibly with LSB set)
 *   r9  = size of decompressed image
 *   r10 = end of this image, including  bss/stack/malloc space if non XIP
 * We basically want:
 *   r4 - 16k page directory >= r10 -> OK
 *   r4 + image length <= address of wont_overwrite -> OK
 * Note: the possible LSB in r4 is harmless here.
		add	r10, r10, #16384
		cmp	r4, r10
		bhs	wont_overwrite
		add	r10, r4, r9
		adr	r9, wont_overwrite
		cmp	r10, r9
		bls	wont_overwrite

这里r4、r9和r10中的内容见注释。这部分代码用来分析当前代码是否会和最后的解压部分重叠,如果有重叠则需要执行代码搬移。首先比较内核解压地址r4-16Kb(这里是0x00004000,包括16KB的内核页表存放位置)和r10,如果r4 – 16kB >= r10,则无需搬移,否则继续计算解压后的内核末尾地址是否在当前运行地址之前,如果是则同样无需搬移,不然的话就需要进行搬移了。


(1)      内核起始地址– 16kB >= 当前镜像结束地址:无需搬移

(2)      内核结束地址 <= wont_overwrite运行地址:无需搬移

(3)      内核起始地址– 16kB < 当前镜像结束地址 && 内核结束地址 > wont_overwrite运行地址:需要搬移

 * Relocate ourselves past the end of the decompressed kernel.
 *   r6  = _edata
 *   r10 = end of the decompressed kernel
 * Because we always copy ahead, we need to do it from the end and go
 * backward in case the source and destination overlap.
		 * Bump to the next 256-byte boundary with the size of
		 * the relocation code added. This avoids overwriting
		 * ourself when the offset is small.
		add	r10, r10, #((reloc_code_end - restart + 256) & ~255)
		bic	r10, r10, #255

		/* Get start of code we want to copy and align it down. */
		adr	r5, restart
		bic	r5, r5, #31


     11c:	e28aab02 	add	sl, sl, #2048	; 0x800
     120:	e3caa0ff 	bic	sl, sl, #255	; 0xff
     124:	e24f506c 	sub	r5, pc, #108	; 0x6c
     128:	e3c5501f 	bic	r5, r5, #31

		sub	r9, r6, r5		@ size to copy
		add	r9, r9, #31		@ rounded up to a multiple
		bic	r9, r9, #31		@ ... of 32 bytes
		add	r6, r9, r5
		add	r9, r9, r10

1:		ldmdb	r6!, {r0 - r3, r10 - r12, lr}
		cmp	r6, r5
		stmdb	r9!, {r0 - r3, r10 - r12, lr}
		bhi	1b

		/* Preserve offset to relocated code. */
		sub	r6, r9, r6

		/* cache_clean_flush may use the stack, so relocate it */
		add	sp, sp, r6


接下来开始执行代码搬移,这里是从后往前搬移,一直到r6 == r5结束,然后r6中保存了搬移前后的偏移,并重定向栈指针(cache_clean_flush可能会使用到栈)。
		bl	cache_clean_flush

		adr	r0, BSYM(restart)
		add	r0, r0, r6
		mov	pc, r0


 * If delta is zero, we are running at the address we were linked at.
 *   r0  = delta
 *   r2  = BSS start
 *   r3  = BSS end
 *   r4  = kernel execution address (possibly with LSB set)
 *   r5  = appended dtb size (0 if not present)
 *   r7  = architecture ID
 *   r8  = atags pointer
 *   r11 = GOT start
 *   r12 = GOT end
 *   sp  = stack pointer
		orrs	r1, r0, r5
		beq	not_relocated


		add	r11, r11, r0
		add	r12, r12, r0

		 * If we're running fully PIC === CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM = n,
		 * we need to fix up pointers into the BSS region.
		 * Note that the stack pointer has already been fixed up.
		add	r2, r2, r0
		add	r3, r3, r0


		 * Relocate all entries in the GOT table.
		 * Bump bss entries to _edata + dtb size
1:		ldr	r1, [r11, #0]		@ relocate entries in the GOT
		add	r1, r1, r0		@ This fixes up C references
		cmp	r1, r2			@ if entry >= bss_start &&
		cmphs	r3, r1			@       bss_end > entry
		addhi	r1, r1, r5		@    entry += dtb size
		str	r1, [r11], #4		@ next entry
		cmp	r11, r12
		blo	1b

		/* bump our bss pointers too */
		add	r2, r2, r5
		add	r3, r3, r5

通过r1获取GOT表中的一项,然后对这一项的地址进行修正,如果修正后的地址 < BSS段的起始地址,或者在BSS段之中则再加上DTB的大小(如果不支持DTB则r5的值为0),然后再将值写回GOT表中去。如此循环执行直到遍历完GOT表。来看一下反汇编出来的GOT表,加深理解:

006f2a58 <.got>:
  6f2a58:	006f2a49 	rsbeq	r2, pc, r9, asr #20
  6f2a5c:	006f2a94 	mlseq	pc, r4, sl, r2	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
  6f2a60:	0000466c 	andeq	r4, r0, ip, ror #12
  6f2a64:	006f2a90 	mlseq	pc, r0, sl, r2	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
  6f2a68:	006f2a80 	rsbeq	r2, pc, r0, lsl #21
  6f2a6c:	0000090c 	andeq	r0, r0, ip, lsl #18
  6f2a70:	006f2a88 	rsbeq	r2, pc, r8, lsl #21
  6f2a74:	006f2a8c 	rsbeq	r2, pc, ip, lsl #21
  6f2a78:	006f2a84 	rsbeq	r2, pc, r4, lsl #21

以这里的6f2a60:   0000466c为例,0000466c为input_data符号的链接地址,定义在arch/arm/boot/compressed/piggy.gzip.S中,可以算作是全局变量,这里在执行重定位时会将6f2a60地址处的值加上偏移,可得到input_data符号的运行地址,以此完成重定位工作,以后在内核的C代码中如果用到input_data符号就从这里的地址加载。

not_relocated:	mov	r0, #0
1:		str	r0, [r2], #4		@ clear bss
		str	r0, [r2], #4
		str	r0, [r2], #4
		str	r0, [r2], #4
		cmp	r2, r3
		blo	1b
		 * Did we skip the cache setup earlier?
		 * That is indicated by the LSB in r4.
		 * Do it now if so.
		tst	r4, #1
		bic	r4, r4, #1
		blne	cache_on


 * The C runtime environment should now be setup sufficiently.
 * Set up some pointers, and start decompressing.
 *   r4  = kernel execution address
 *   r7  = architecture ID
 *   r8  = atags pointer
		mov	r0, r4
		mov	r1, sp			@ malloc space above stack
		add	r2, sp, #0x10000	@ 64k max
		mov	r3, r7
		bl	decompress_kernel



decompress_kernel(unsigned long output_start, unsigned long free_mem_ptr_p,
		unsigned long free_mem_ptr_end_p,
		int arch_id)
	int ret;

	output_data		= (unsigned char *)output_start;
	free_mem_ptr		= free_mem_ptr_p;
	free_mem_end_ptr	= free_mem_ptr_end_p;
	__machine_arch_type	= arch_id;


	putstr("Uncompressing Linux...");
	ret = do_decompress(input_data, input_data_end - input_data,
			    output_data, error);
	if (ret)
		error("decompressor returned an error");
		putstr(" done, booting the kernel.\n");

真正执行内核解压的函数是do_decompress()->decompress()(该函数会根据不同的压缩方式调用不同的解压函数),在解压前会在终端上打印“Uncompressing Linux...”,结束后会打印出“done, booting the kernel.\n”。(这里有一点疑问:这里会在终端输出,那串口的驱动是在什么时候初始化的?

		bl	cache_clean_flush
		bl	cache_off
		mov	r1, r7			@ restore architecture number
		mov	r2, r8			@ restore atags pointer



		b	__enter_kernel
		mov	r0, #0			@ must be 0
 ARM(		mov	pc, r4	)		@ call kernel
 THUMB(		bx	r4	)		@ entry point is always ARM


 * Turn on the cache.  We need to setup some page tables so that we
 * can have both the I and D caches on.
 * We place the page tables 16k down from the kernel execution address,
 * and we hope that nothing else is using it.  If we're using it, we
 * will go pop!
 * On entry,
 *  r4 = kernel execution address
 *  r7 = architecture number
 *  r8 = atags pointer
 * On exit,
 *  r0, r1, r2, r3, r9, r10, r12 corrupted
 * This routine must preserve:
 *  r4, r7, r8
		.align	5
cache_on:	mov	r3, #8			@ cache_on function
		b	call_cache_fn

注释中说明了,为了开启I Cache和D Cache,需要建立页表(开启MMU),而页表使用的就是内核运行地址以下的16KB空间(对于我的环境来说地址就等于0x00004000~0x00008000)。同时在运行的过程中r0~r3以及r9、r10和r12寄存器会被使用。


 * Here follow the relocatable cache support functions for the
 * various processors.  This is a generic hook for locating an
 * entry and jumping to an instruction at the specified offset
 * from the start of the block.  Please note this is all position
 * independent code.
 *  r1  = corrupted
 *  r2  = corrupted
 *  r3  = block offset
 *  r9  = corrupted
 *  r12 = corrupted

call_cache_fn:	adr	r12, proc_types
#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_CP15
		mrc	p15, 0, r9, c0, c0	@ get processor ID
1:		ldr	r1, [r12, #0]		@ get value
		ldr	r2, [r12, #4]		@ get mask
		eor	r1, r1, r9		@ (real ^ match)
		tst	r1, r2			@       & mask
 ARM(		addeq	pc, r12, r3		) @ call cache function
 THUMB(		addeq	r12, r3			)
 THUMB(		moveq	pc, r12			) @ call cache function
		add	r12, r12, #PROC_ENTRY_SIZE
		b	1b


 * Table for cache operations.  This is basically:
 *   - CPU ID match
 *   - CPU ID mask
 *   - 'cache on' method instruction
 *   - 'cache off' method instruction
 *   - 'cache flush' method instruction
 * We match an entry using: ((real_id ^ match) & mask) == 0
 * Writethrough caches generally only need 'on' and 'off'
 * methods.  Writeback caches _must_ have the flush method
 * defined.
		.align	2
		.type	proc_types,#object

表中的每一类处理器都包含以下5项(如果不存在缓存操作函数则使用“mov  pc, lr”占位):

(1)      CPU ID

(2)      CPU ID 位掩码(用于匹配CPU类型用)

(3)      打开缓存“cache on”函数入口

(4)      关闭缓存“cache off”函数入口

(5)      刷新缓存“cache flush”函数入口


		.word	0x0007b000		@ ARMv6
		.word	0x000ff000
		W(b)	__armv6_mmu_cache_on
		W(b)	__armv4_mmu_cache_off
		W(b)	__armv6_mmu_cache_flush




0000044c <call_cache_fn>:
     44c:	e28fc01c 	add	ip, pc, #28
     450:	ee109f10 	mrc	15, 0, r9, cr0, cr0, {0}
     454:	e59c1000 	ldr	r1, [ip]
     458:	e59c2004 	ldr	r2, [ip, #4]
     45c:	e0211009 	eor	r1, r1, r9
     460:	e1110002 	tst	r1, r2
     464:	008cf003 	addeq	pc, ip, r3
     468:	e28cc014 	add	ip, ip, #20
     46c:	eafffff8 	b	454 <call_cache_fn+0x8>

这里首先在r12中获取了proc_types的运行地址:pc + 0x8 + 0x1c:

00000470 <proc_types>:
然后逐条匹配,最后会匹配到ARMv6部分,cache table中ARMv6部分的代码如下:
     5b0:	0007b000 	andeq	fp, r7, r0
     5b4:	000ff000 	andeq	pc, pc, r0
     5b8:	eaffff5c 	b	330 <__armv6_mmu_cache_on>
     5bc:	ea00001f 	b	640 <__armv4_mmu_cache_off>
     5c0:	ea00004f 	b	704 <__armv6_mmu_cache_flush>


00000330 <__armv6_mmu_cache_on>:



__armv6_mmu_cache_on中会通过写寄存器来开启MMU、I Cache和D Cache,这里具体就不仔细分析了,其中为MMU建立页表有必要分析一下:


前文已经分析过在内核最终运行地址r4下面有16KB的空间(我环境中是0x00004000~0x00008000),这就是用来存放页表的,但是现在要建立的页表在内核真正启动后会被销毁,只是用于零时存放。同时这里将要建立的页表映射关系是1:1映射(即虚拟地址 == 物理地址)。

__setup_mmu:	sub	r3, r4, #16384		@ Page directory size
		bic	r3, r3, #0xff		@ Align the pointer
		bic	r3, r3, #0x3f00
 * Initialise the page tables, turning on the cacheable and bufferable
 * bits for the RAM area only.
		mov	r0, r3
		mov	r9, r0, lsr #18
		mov	r9, r9, lsl #18		@ start of RAM
		add	r10, r9, #0x10000000	@ a reasonable RAM size


		mov	r1, #0x12		@ XN|U + section mapping
		orr	r1, r1, #3 << 10	@ AP=11
		add	r2, r3, #16384
1:		cmp	r1, r9			@ if virt > start of RAM
		cmphs	r10, r1			@   && end of RAM > virt
		bic	r1, r1, #0x1c		@ clear XN|U + C + B
		orrlo	r1, r1, #0x10		@ Set XN|U for non-RAM
		orrhs	r1, r1, r6		@ set RAM section settings
		str	r1, [r0], #4		@ 1:1 mapping
		add	r1, r1, #1048576
		teq	r0, r2
		bne	1b

ARM11的 MMU支持两级分页机制,用户通过配置TTBCR可选映射方式,这里只采用一级映射方式,每页的大小为1MB,4GB线性空间占4096个表项。ARM手册中列出了映射的关系如下:

ARM Linux启动流程分析——内核自解压阶段_第2张图片

其中Translation table base的值就是页表存放的起始地址值0x00004000。这里虚拟地址转换到物理地址的方式如下:首先将虚拟地址的高12位(页表中的索引)左移2位(正好为14位长度,补齐Translation table base中低14位的空白)得到在页表中的偏移地址,该偏移值加上页表基地址就得到了对应表项的物理地址,然后取出表项中的高12位值作为物理地址的基地址,最后以虚拟地址的低20位作为偏移地址值就得到了最终映射后的物理地址。

这里First-level descriptor中的内容就是这里程序中要填充的值,其中最低2位为0b10表示表项中保存的是Section base address,而不是2级页表的基地址。

来继续分析代码,这里首先r1 =0b 1100 0001 0010 = 0xC12(用于设置MMU区域表项的低12位状态位),r2为页表空间的结束地址,然后开始循环建立页表项。


(1)      r1 > r9 && r1 <r10 (r1的值在物理RAM地址范围内):

设置RAM表项的C+B 位来开启cache和buffer,同时清除XN表示可执行code

(2)      r1 < r9 || r1 > r10(r1的值在物理RAM地址范围外):


ARM Linux启动流程分析——内核自解压阶段_第3张图片

 * If ever we are running from Flash, then we surely want the cache
 * to be enabled also for our execution instance...  We map 2MB of it
 * so there is no map overlap problem for up to 1 MB compressed kernel.
 * If the execution is in RAM then we would only be duplicating the above.
		orr	r1, r6, #0x04		@ ensure B is set for this
		orr	r1, r1, #3 << 10
		mov	r2, pc
		mov	r2, r2, lsr #20
		orr	r1, r1, r2, lsl #20
		add	r0, r3, r2, lsl #2
		str	r1, [r0], #4
		add	r1, r1, #1048576
		str	r1, [r0]
		mov	pc, lr


同前面一样,设置r1区域表项的低12位,这里首先初始化r1 = 0xC1E,然后计算出当前PC运行地址的基地址到r2和r1中(我的环境中r2 = r1 = 0)。然后计算r2 << 2得到映射基地址在表中的偏移(因为是1:1映射,所以可以这样计算出来),再加上页表的起始地址就得到了该页表项的地址了,然后将这2MB空间的地址写入这两个表项中即完成了整个MMU页表的建立,最后mov pc lr返回。

参考文献:《ARM Linux内核源码剖析》
