room(kitchen). room(office). room(hall). room('dining room'). room(cellar). door(office, hall). door(kitchen, office). door(hall, 'dining room'). door(kitchen, cellar). door('dining room', kitchen). location(desk, office). location(apple, kitchen). location(flashlight, desk). location('washing machine', cellar). location(nani, 'washing machine'). location(broccoli, kitchen). location(crackers, kitchen). location(computer, office). edible(apple). edible(crackers). tastes_yucky(broccoli). here(kitchen).
| ?- room(X). X = kitchen ? ; X = office ? ; X = hall ? ; X = 'dining room' ? ; X = cellar (31 ms) yes | ?-接下来:在房间里面并且可以吃的有什么?
| ?- location(X,kitchen),edible(X). X = apple ? ; X = crackers ? ; no
| ?- trace. The debugger will first creep -- showing everything (trace) (15 ms) yes {trace} | ?- notrace. The debugger is switched off yes
{trace} | ?- location(X,kitchen),edible(X). 1 1 Call: location(_42,kitchen) ? 1 1 Exit: location(apple,kitchen) ? 2 1 Call: edible(apple) ? 2 1 Exit: edible(apple) ? X = apple ? ; 1 1 Redo: location(apple,kitchen) ? 1 1 Exit: location(broccoli,kitchen) ? 2 1 Call: edible(broccoli) ? 2 1 Fail: edible(broccoli) ? 1 1 Redo: location(broccoli,kitchen) ? 1 1 Exit: location(crackers,kitchen) ? 2 1 Call: edible(crackers) ? 2 1 Exit: edible(crackers) ? X = crackers ? ; 1 1 Redo: location(crackers,kitchen) ? 1 1 Fail: location(_42,kitchen) ? (31 ms) no