
-- =============================================               
-- Author:      余波(杭州)               
-- Create date: 2011/09/29               
-- Description: 索引基础              
-- ============================================= 
create table test
	id int,
	name int
insert into test
select 1,1
select 2,2
select 3,3
select 4,4
--create [unique][nonclustered|clustered] index index_name on tablename(column_name)
--1、创建唯一/非唯一 聚集索引
create unique clustered index u_clu_index on test(a)
create clustered index u_clu_index on test(a)
--2、创建唯一/非唯一 非聚集索引
create unique nonclustered index u_nclu_index on test(a)
create nonclustered index u_nclu_index on test(a)
create view v_test
with schemabinding
select id from dbo.test
--1、要用with schemabinding绑定schema

create unique clustered index v_clu_index on v_test(id)
create nonclustered index v_nclu_index on v_test(name)

drop index test.u_clu_index --eg 
alter table test
drop constraint pk_test

alter index u_uclu_index on test disable
alter index u_clu_index on test disable
select * from test
--当执行select 时得到以下提示
The query processor is unable to produce a plan because the index 'u_clu_index' on table or view 'test' is disabled.

alter index u_uclu_index on test disable
select * from test
id	name
1	1
2	2
3	3
4	4	

alter index u_clu_index on test disable
create index c_test on test(id)
Cannot create nonclustered index 'c_test' on table 'test' because its clustered index is disabled.


--3、非聚集索引选择列:出现在关键字where、order by、join中的列;高选择性且选择返回值少的列
--7、查看索引元数据 exec sp_helpindex 'tablename'

