这些天做一个项目,使用了 artDialog 作为弹出窗口,将部分页面嵌入到窗口中,感觉操作起来还比较方便,但 artDialog 没有提供窗口最大化和最小化,这就比较烦人了,没办法,自己扩展吧
首先,我研究了一下,artDialog 的窗口关闭按钮,源码如下:
/* * artDialog 4.1.6 * file:artDialog.source.js */ artDialog.fn = artDialog.prototype = { /* * 其他代码 */ close: function () { if (this.closed) return this; var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, wrap = DOM.wrap, list = artDialog.list, fn = that.config.close, follow = that.config.follow; that.time(); if (typeof fn === 'function' && fn.call(that, window) === false) { return that; }; that.unlock(); // 置空内容 that._elemBack && that._elemBack(); wrap[0].className = wrap[0].style.cssText = ''; DOM.title.html(''); DOM.content.html(''); DOM.buttons.html(''); if (artDialog.focus === that) artDialog.focus = null; if (follow) follow.removeAttribute(_expando + 'follow'); delete list[that.config.id]; that._removeEvent(); that.hide(true)._setAbsolute(); // 清空除this.DOM之外临时对象,恢复到初始状态,以便使用单例模式 for (var i in that) { if (that.hasOwnProperty(i) && i !== 'DOM') delete that[i]; }; // 移除HTMLElement或重用 _box ? wrap.remove() : _box = that; return that; } /* * 其他代码 */ }
artDialog._templates = '<div class="aui_outer">' + '<table class="aui_border">' + '<tbody>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="aui_nw"></td>' + '<td class="aui_n"></td>' + '<td class="aui_ne"></td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="aui_w"></td>' + '<td class="aui_c">' + '<div class="aui_inner">' + '<table class="aui_dialog">' + '<tbody>' + '<tr>' + '<td colspan="2" class="aui_header">' + '<div class="aui_titleBar">' + '<div class="aui_title"></div>' + '<a class="aui_close" onclick="javascript:/*artDialog*/;">'//href paul mod + '\xd7' + '</a>' + '</div>' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="aui_icon">' + '<div class="aui_iconBg"></div>' + '</td>' + '<td class="aui_main">' + '<div class="aui_content"></div>' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td colspan="2" class="aui_footer">' + '<div class="aui_buttons"></div>' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '</tbody>' + '</table>' + '</div>' + '</td>' + '<td class="aui_e"></td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="aui_sw"></td>' + '<td class="aui_s"></td>' + '<td class="aui_se"></td>' + '</tr>' + '</tbody>' + '</table>' +'</div>';
于是,修改这里的代码,追加两个 div 变成下边的代码:
artDialog._templates = '<div class="aui_outer">' + '<table class="aui_border">' + '<tbody>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="aui_nw"></td>' + '<td class="aui_n"></td>' + '<td class="aui_ne"></td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="aui_w"></td>' + '<td class="aui_c">' + '<div class="aui_inner">' + '<table class="aui_dialog">' + '<tbody>' + '<tr>' + '<td colspan="2" class="aui_header">' + '<div class="aui_titleBar">' + '<div class="aui_title"></div>' + '<div class="aui_min" state="false"></div>' + '<div class="aui_max" state="false"></div>' + '<a class="aui_close" onclick="javascript:/*artDialog*/;">'//href paul mod + '\xd7' + '</a>' + '</div>' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="aui_icon">' + '<div class="aui_iconBg"></div>' + '</td>' + '<td class="aui_main">' + '<div class="aui_content"></div>' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td colspan="2" class="aui_footer">' + '<div class="aui_buttons"></div>' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '</tbody>' + '</table>' + '</div>' + '</td>' + '<td class="aui_e"></td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="aui_sw"></td>' + '<td class="aui_s"></td>' + '<td class="aui_se"></td>' + '</tr>' + '</tbody>' + '</table>' +'</div>';
首先,我们在 close 方法附近追加一下代码,来作为最大化的方法实现
max: function () { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM; var border = jQuery(DOM.content[0]); // 获取 artDialog 窗口的 iframe 对象 var max = jQuery(DOM.max[0]); // 获取最大化按钮对象 if (max.attr('state') == 'false') { // 判断是否已最大化 max.attr('_width', border.width()); // 记录当前窗口定义的宽度 max.attr('_height', border.height()); // 记录当前窗口定义的高度 max.attr('state', 'true'); // 修改最大化按钮状态为真 this.position(0, 0); // 将窗口移动到左上角 this.size('100%', '100%'); // 修改窗口大小 } else { jQuery(DOM.border[0]).parent().parent().css('width', (max.attr('_width') * 1 + 30) + 'px'); // 修改窗口最外层 div 定义的宽度,这个 div 是窗口外层的样式窗口,比我们定义的窗口宽上 30 像素,根据使用的皮肤不同有所区别 this.size(max.attr('_width') + 'px', max.attr('_height') + 'px'); // 将窗口大小按照已记录的宽和高进行设置 this.position('50%', '50%'); // 将窗口居中 max.attr('state', 'false'); // 设置最大化状态为假 max.removeAttr('_width'); // 删除已记录的宽 max.removeAttr('_height'); // 删除已记录的高 } return that; }
这里我实现的思路是这样的,首先在最大化、最小化按钮中设置一个属性 state,表示窗口是否已经最大化或最小化
// 同样在 artDialog.fn 定义中 // 事件代理 _addEvent: function () { var resizeTimer, that = this, config = that.config, isIE = 'CollectGarbage' in window, DOM = that.DOM; // 窗口调节事件 that._winResize = function () { resizeTimer && clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(function () { that._reset(isIE); }, 40); }; _$window.bind('resize', that._winResize); // 监听点击 DOM.wrap .bind('click', function (event) { var target = event.target, callbackID; if (target.disabled) return false; // IE BUG if (target === DOM.close[0]) { that._click(config.cancelVal); return false; } else { callbackID = target[_expando + 'callback']; callbackID && that._click(callbackID); }; that._ie6SelectFix(); }) .bind('mousedown', function () { that.zIndex(); }); },
// 事件代理 _addEvent: function () { var resizeTimer, that = this, config = that.config, isIE = 'CollectGarbage' in window, DOM = that.DOM; // 窗口调节事件 that._winResize = function () { resizeTimer && clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(function () { that._reset(isIE); }, 40); }; _$window.bind('resize', that._winResize); // 监听点击 DOM.wrap .bind('click', function (event) { var target = event.target, callbackID; if (target.disabled) return false; // IE BUG if (target === DOM.close[0]) { that._click(config.cancelVal); return false; } else if (target === DOM.max[0]) { that.max(); } else if (target === DOM.min[0]) { that.min(); } else { callbackID = target[_expando + 'callback']; callbackID && that._click(callbackID); }; that._ie6SelectFix(); }) .bind('mousedown', function () { that.zIndex(); }); },
config.min ? DOM.min.show() : DOM.min.hide(); config.max ? DOM.max.show() : DOM.max.hide();
min: null, max: null,
art.dialog.open(url,{ max : true, min : true },false);