How to Configure RMAN I/O Block Size to Improve Backup and Recovery Performance [ID 107213.1]

How to Configure RMAN I/O Block Size to Improve Backup and Recovery Performance [ID 107213.1]


Modified 19-OCT-2010     Type BULLETIN     Status PUBLISHED




This article describes a solution that was used to resolve this

issue for another Oracle customer. As it relates to a third-party

product, Oracle does not guarantee that this resolution will work

for all customers using this or any other third-party product. The

appropriate third-party vendor should be contacted if there are any

questions or problems relating to this resolution or these errors.




  This document is to show how to configure rman i/o block size to improve

  backup/recover performance.



  This is intended for all RMAN users.



How to configure RMAN I/O block size to improve backup/recover performance:



The I/O block size is the 'unit' RMAN reads and writes to the tape device.

Larger block size can improve backup/recover performance, especially

if the the database is large.


The default I/O block size is operating system and third party backup software

dependent, but can be changed from within RMAN. Use the allocate channel step:


    ALLOCATE CHANNEL t1 TYPE 'sbt_tape' PARMS ="BLKSIZE=4194304"


This will allocate a channel for backup/recover with I/O block size 4M.


I/O block size can also be specified from EBU: use parameter tape_io_size in

backup/recover script.






Oracle8i Backup and Recovery Guide



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