GIRO bank transfer

Bank Giro Transfer:
A method of transferring money by instructing a bank to directly transfer funds from one bank account to another without the use of checks.Also known as a "Giro credit".
Investopedia explains Bank Giro Transfer
The bank giro transfer was developed to help companies increase their ability to receive payments on the goods and services that they provide. Customers can pay using a giro transfer either through the mail or online. Giro transfers have become a more accepted payment method than checks because they provide security when lost or stolen, and they can be processed more quickly than a standard check.

GIRO/转帐的转让是一种付款 ,可以作为一个“学分转移描述的方法”。 这是一个支票对面(“借记转让”),这是给收款人存款在银行的命令,该银行发送收集到付款人的银行支票。 GIRO命令赋予他或她的银行,它传送到收款人的银行帐户的资金支付,受理银行然后通知收款人。
转帐和支票的区别是“推”与“拉”。就是说,支票是一种“拉”发起的交易:经支票的收款人介绍,导致收款人的银行寻求付款人的银行,然后就能从付款人的账户中支付支票中的资金,如果资金存在的话。如果资金不足,那么支票“反弹”(也就是说,它是归来,资金不足的信息,收款人)。而相反,转帐是一个“推”发起的交易:付款人指示一家银行移交给收款人的帐户,存入收款的银行,那里的收款人,然后收回的资金。 作为结果,转帐不能“反弹”,因为银行只处理订单,如果付款人有足够的资金来支付款项。 然而,这也意味着付款人没有对利益“ 浮动 ”。

Giros通常用于大型或定期(如每月),如水电费单或税的资金转移。 与此相反,变小和支付日常采购一般是通过其他方式支付。

