Fast CU Depth Decision Algorithm for HEVC Intra Coding

在HEVC 参考代码中,一个CTU块通过xcompressCU()函数进行CU递归得到最优的CU深度。

递归的过程可如下图(from:Fast CU Splitting and Pruning for Suboptimal CU Partitioning in HEVC Intra Coding)所示。图中每一个方框表示一个CU块,方框内的数字表示xcompressCU()函数的执行顺序。显而易见,如果能在做xcompressCU()函数之前,将CU的递归深度确定下,显然可以减小HEVC编码器的复杂度。

Fast CU Depth Decision Algorithm for HEVC Intra Coding_第1张图片

针对帧内编码器,已经有很多文献提出了提前确定CU递归深度的方法。这里介绍了"Fast CU Size Decision and Mode Decision Algorithm for HEVC Intra Coding"中Section II.A部分的具体实现。在这篇文献中,周边块的CTU depth size用来给当前块深度进行预测。具体的细节可以去查看该文献。

Void TEncCu::compressCU( TComDataCU*& rpcCU )
  // initialize CU data
  m_ppcBestCU[0]->initCU( rpcCU->getPic(), rpcCU->getAddr() );
  m_ppcTempCU[0]->initCU( rpcCU->getPic(), rpcCU->getAddr() );

  memset( m_preAnalyzeDepth,       0, rpcCU->getTotalNumPart() );
  memset( m_preAnaDepthDetermined, 0, rpcCU->getTotalNumPart() );
  memset( m_preAnaDepthRange     , 0, rpcCU->getTotalNumPart() );

  // Neighboring CTUs.
  TComDataCU* t_pcCULeft      = rpcCU->getCULeft();
  TComDataCU* t_pcCUAbove     = rpcCU->getCUAbove();
  TComDataCU* t_pcCUAboveLeft = rpcCU->getCUAboveLeft();
  TComDataCU* t_pcCUAboveRight= rpcCU->getCUAboveRight();
  UInt DepthLeft       = 0;       // Max Depth of LeftCTU.
  UInt DepthAbove      = 0;       // Max Depth of AboveCTU.
  UInt DepthAboveLeft  = 0;
  UInt DepthAboveRight = 0;

  UInt picWidth  = rpcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples();
  UInt picHeight = rpcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples();
  UInt uiLPelX   = rpcCU->getCUPelX();
  UInt uiRPelX   = uiLPelX + rpcCU->getWidth(0)  - 1;
  UInt uiTPelY   = rpcCU->getCUPelY();
  UInt uiBPelY   = uiTPelY + rpcCU->getHeight(0) - 1;
  UChar    tDepth;

  m_insidePicture= (uiRPelX<picWidth) && (uiBPelY<picHeight);
  // Considering Border CTUs.
  if ( t_pcCULeft!=NULL ) //获取左边CTU块最大的depth信息
	  for ( Int i=0; i<256; i++ )
		  tDepth    = t_pcCULeft->getDepth(i);
		  if ( tDepth>DepthLeft )
			  DepthLeft = (UInt)tDepth;
	  DepthLeft = 2; //如果是NULL,直接赋值2(16X16)

  if ( t_pcCUAbove!=NULL )
	  for ( Int i=0; i<256; i++ )
		  tDepth    = t_pcCUAbove->getDepth(i);
		  if ( tDepth>DepthAbove )
			  DepthAbove = (UInt)tDepth;
	  DepthAbove = 2;

  if ( t_pcCUAboveLeft!=NULL )
	  DepthAboveLeft = t_pcCUAboveLeft->getDepth(g_auiRasterToZscan[16*15+15]);
	  DepthAboveLeft = 2;

  if ( t_pcCUAboveRight!=NULL )
	  DepthAboveRight = t_pcCUAboveRight->getDepth(g_auiRasterToZscan[16*15]);
	  DepthAboveRight = 2;
  Double DepthPre = 0.3*DepthLeft+0.3*DepthAbove+0.2*DepthAboveLeft+0.2*DepthAboveRight; // 论文中Prediction Depth Type
  if ( DepthPre<=0.5 ) // 依据论文中的公式给出最小的depth level和最大的depth level
	  memset( m_preAnaDepthDetermined, 1, 256 );
	  memset( m_preAnaDepthRange,      2, 256 );
	  memset( m_preAnalyzeDepth,       0, 256 );
  else if ( DepthPre<=1.5 )
	  memset( m_preAnaDepthDetermined, 1, 256 );
	  memset( m_preAnaDepthRange,      3, 256 );
	  memset( m_preAnalyzeDepth,       0, 256 );
	  memset( m_preAnaDepthDetermined, 1, 256 );
	  memset( m_preAnaDepthRange,      3, 256 );
	  memset( m_preAnalyzeDepth,       1, 256 );


  xCompressCU( m_ppcBestCU[0], m_ppcTempCU[0], 0 DEBUG_STRING_PASS_INTO(sDebug) );
  DEBUG_STRING_OUTPUT(std::cout, sDebug)
  // Double Check.
  UInt MaxDepthSize=0;
  // UInt CTUPelX, CTUPelY;
  if ( m_insidePicture )
	  for ( Int i=0; i<256; i++ )
		  // Decisioned.
		  tDepth    = m_ppcBestCU[0]->getDepth(i);

		  UChar cuDepth         = m_preAnalyzeDepth[i];
		  UChar cuPreDetermined = m_preAnaDepthDetermined[i];
		  UChar cuRange         = m_preAnaDepthRange[i];

		  if ( tDepth<cuDepth && tDepth>=cuDepth+cuRange )

  if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseAdaptQpSelect() )
    if(rpcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType()!=I_SLICE) //IIII
      xLcuCollectARLStats( rpcCU);


 // If slice start or slice end is within this cu...
  TComSlice * pcSlice = rpcTempCU->getPic()->getSlice(rpcTempCU->getPic()->getCurrSliceIdx());
  Bool bSliceStart = pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr()>rpcTempCU->getSCUAddr()&&pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr()<rpcTempCU->getSCUAddr()+rpcTempCU->getTotalNumPart();
  Bool bSliceEnd = (pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurEndCUAddr()>rpcTempCU->getSCUAddr()&&pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurEndCUAddr()<rpcTempCU->getSCUAddr()+rpcTempCU->getTotalNumPart());
  Bool bInsidePicture = ( uiRPelX < rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() ) && ( uiBPelY < rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() );
  // Fast CU decision Process.
  // When Current depth is not in the PreAnalyzedDepth Range, it just skips the PU/TU Decision process.
  // Added by xfHuang.
  Bool t_enCUSkip=false;
  if ( m_insidePicture )
	  // Split Analysis For CU32X32 And CU16X16.

	  if ( checkCurDepthInPreAnaRange( rpcBestCU, uiDepth ) == false ) //如果当前的depth level不在预测的depth level之内,后面直接将cost赋值成最大,不进行后面的预测操作。
		  t_enCUSkip = true;
		  rpcBestCU->getTotalCost() = MAX_DOUBLE/16;
		  rpcBestCU->getTotalDistortion() = MAX_UINT>>3;
		  rpcBestCU->getTotalBits() = MAX_UINT>>3;
		  // avoid assert disable.
		  if ( uiDepth==3 )
			  rpcBestCU->setPartitionSize ( 0, SIZE_2Nx2N );      
			  rpcBestCU->setPredictionMode( 0, MODE_INTRA );	
  // We need to split, so don't try these modes.
  if(!bSliceEnd && !bSliceStart && bInsidePicture )
	if( t_enCUSkip==false )
    for (Int iQP=iMinQP; iQP<=iMaxQP; iQP++)
      const Bool bIsLosslessMode = isAddLowestQP && (iQP == iMinQP);

      if (bIsLosslessMode)
        iQP = lowestQP;

      rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP, bIsLosslessMode );


Bool TEncCu::checkCurDepthInPreAnaRange( TComDataCU*& pCU, UInt uidepth )
	UChar cuDepth         = m_preAnalyzeDepth[pCU->getZorderIdxInCU()];
	UChar cuPreDetermined = m_preAnaDepthDetermined[pCU->getZorderIdxInCU()];
	UChar cuRange         = m_preAnaDepthRange[pCU->getZorderIdxInCU()];
	if ( /*cuPreDetermined &&*/ uidepth>=cuDepth && uidepth<cuDepth+cuRange )
		return true;
		return false;


