存储过程(Stored Procedure)是在大型数据库系统中,一组为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集,存储在数据库中,经过一次编译后,第二次调用不用再次编译。用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给出参数(如果该存储过程需要参数)来执行他,创建方法可参看这篇文章:存储过程创建方法,假如存储过程需要参数,那么每一个调用该存储过程的方法都需要对这个存储过程传入相应的参数,否则不可以使用同一个存储过程。
前言中也说道,在结账中需要很多张表, 如果一张张去查就加大了代码量,果断使用了存储过程,在U层定义一个变量用来存放需要循环的值,将此值赋值给实体,传到存储过程中,根据变量的值去判断执行哪一个SQL语句,这样也大大减少了实体的量,节省了很多的空间。
Private Sub comUserId_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles comUserId.SelectedIndexChanged Dim a As Integer '用来获取comUserId控件的listindex Dim i As Integer '用来存放dt的记录数 '当userid的内容发生改变,username的内容自动对应改变 a = comUserId.SelectedIndex comUserName.SelectedIndex = a Dim Tab As Integer '用来记录Tab控件的index Tab = TabAccount.SelectedIndex Static SellCount As Integer '记录购卡张数 Static CancelCount As Integer '记录退卡张数 Static RechargeMoney As Integer '计算充值金额 Static CancelMoney As Integer '计算退卡金额 Static TempMoney As Integer '计算临时用户消费 Static recandcan As Integer '计算充值记录和退卡记录总和 Static count As Integer '计算各个记录的总值 count = 0 recandcan = 0 RechargeMoney = 0 CancelMoney = 0 TempMoney = 0 Account.UserId = comUserId.Text Account.dateNow = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") '查询注册 Account.Count = 1 dt = UserFacade.SelectDt(Account) count = count + dt.Rows.Count If dt.Rows.Count <> 0 Then DGV1.Rows.Add(dt.Rows.Count) For i = 0 To (dt.Rows.Count - 1) DGV1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value() = dt.Rows(i).Item(0) DGV1.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value() = dt.Rows(i).Item(1) DGV1.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value() = dt.Rows(i).Item(2) DGV1.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value() = dt.Rows(i).Item(3) If dt.Rows(i).Item(4) = "False" Then recandcan = recandcan + 1 End If Next End If SellCount = dt.Rows.Count '记录购卡张数 '查询充值 Account.Count = 2 dt = UserFacade.SelectDt(Account) count = dt.Rows.Count If dt.Rows.Count <> 0 Then DGV2.Rows.Add(dt.Rows.Count) For i = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1 DGV2.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value() = dt.Rows(i).Item(0) DGV2.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value() = dt.Rows(i).Item(1) DGV2.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value() = Format(dt.Rows(i).Item(2), "yyyy-MM-dd") DGV2.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value() = dt.Rows(i).Item(3) If dt.Rows(i).Item(4) = "False" Then recandcan = recandcan + 1 '计算充值金额 RechargeMoney = RechargeMoney + dt.Rows(i).Item(1) End If Next End If '查询退卡 Account.Count = 3 dt = UserFacade.SelectDt(Account) count = count + dt.Rows.Count If dt.Rows.Count <> 0 Then DGV3.Rows.Add(dt.Rows.Count) For i = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1 DGV3.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value() = dt.Rows(i).Item(0) DGV3.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value() = dt.Rows(i).Item(1) DGV3.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value() = dt.Rows(i).Item(2) DGV3.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value() = dt.Rows(i).Item(3) If dt.Rows(i).Item(4) = "False" Then recandcan = recandcan + 1 '计算退卡金额 CancelMoney = CancelMoney + dt.Rows(i).Item(3) End If Next End If CancelCount = dt.Rows.Count '记录退卡张数 Account.sumcount = count Account.countlot = recandcan '查询临时用户 Account.Count = 4 dt = UserFacade.SelectTemp(Account) DGV4.DataSource = dt DGV4.Columns(0).HeaderText = "学号" DGV4.Columns(1).HeaderText = "卡号" DGV4.Columns(2).HeaderText = "日期" DGV4.Columns(3).HeaderText = "时间" '计算临时用户消费金额 Account.Count = 5 dt = UserFacade.SelectDt(Account) If dt.Rows.Count <> 0 Then For i = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1 If dt.Rows(i).Item(1) = "临时用户" Then TempMoney = TempMoney + dt.Rows(i).Item(0) Else TempMoney = TempMoney End If Next Else TempMoney = 0 End If txtSell.Text = SellCount txtCancel.Text = CancelCount txtRecharge.Text = RechargeMoney txtCancelCash.Text = CancelMoney txtTemp.Text = TempMoney txtMakeCash.Text = RechargeMoney - CancelMoney Account.rechargeMoney = RechargeMoney Account.consumeMoney = txtMakeCash.Text.Trim() Account.returnMoney = CancelMoney End Sub
Public Function SelectDt(ByVal Account As Entity.AccountEntity) As DataTable Dim AccountBLL As New BLL.AccountBLL '实例化B层实体 Dim dt As New DataTable dt = AccountBLL.SelectDt(Account) '调用B层 Return dt End Function
Public Function SelectDt(ByVal Account As Entity.AccountEntity) As DataTable IUser = UserFactory.CreateIUser '创建接口 dt = IUser.SelectDt(Account) '实现接口 Return dt End Function
Public Function SelectDt(Account As Entity.AccountEntity) As DataTable Implements IDAL.IAccount.SelectDt '参数赋值 Parameter = {New SqlParameter("@UserId", Account.UserId), New SqlParameter("@Count", Account.Count), New SqlParameter("@rechargeMoney", Account.rechargeMoney), New SqlParameter("@consumeMoney", Account.consumeMoney), New SqlParameter("@returnMoney", Account.returnMoney), New SqlParameter("@date", Account.dateNow)} Dim strText As String = "proc_Account" '查询语句 dt = SqlHelper.ExecSelect(strText, CommandType.StoredProcedure, Parameter) '执行查询 Return dt End Function
USE [ChargeSystem] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_Account] Script Date: 2016/03/6 14:25:52 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: 张欢 -- Create date: <Create Date,,> -- Description: <Description,,> -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_Account] @UserId nvarchar(11), @Count int, @rechargeMoney int, @consumeMoney int, @date nvarchar(10), @returnMoney int AS declare @False bit BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; set @False='False' --set @Temp='%' + '临时用户'+ '%' --注册情况 if @Count=1 begin exec('select studentNo,studentCardNo,date,time,isCheck from T_StudentCard where userId='+@UserId+'') end --充值情况 if @Count=2 begin exec('select studentCardNo,addMoney,date,time,isCheck from T_RechargeInfo where userId='+@UserId+'') end --退卡情况 if @Count=3 begin exec('select studentCardNo,date,time,returnMoney,isCheck from T_CancelCard where userId='+@UserId+'') end --临时用户消费情况 if @Count=5 begin exec('select consumeMoney,type from V_AccTempMoney where isCheck='+@False+'') end --插入表情况 if @Count=6 begin --set @date=GETDATE() update T_CancelCard set isCheck ='True' where userId=@UserId and isCheck=@False update T_RechargeInfo set isCheck='True' where userId=@UserId and isCheck=@False update T_StudentCard set isCheck='True' where userid=@UserId and isCheck=@False insert into T_Bill(rechargeMoney,consumeMoney,returnMoney,date,userId)values(@rechargeMoney,@consumeMoney,@returnMoney,@date,@UserId)
--返回表 exec('select * from T_Bill') end END