Hexagon DSP SDK -- 实例应用

Hexagon DSP SDK -- 实例应用

     Hexagon SDK包含的例子能被当作更先进的音频、动态和FastRPC模块的基点:

  • appi_fir - APPI-based module that applies a FIR filter to audio data 


  • appi_gain - APPI-based module that applies a gain to audio data. 


  • appi_passthru - APPI-based module that is basically an empty shell and has no effect on the audio data.  


  • capi_pcm_decoder - CAPI-C-based module 


  • capi_passthru - CAPI-based module that is basically an empty shell and has no effect on the audio data. 


  • calculator - FastRPC module invokable on the aDSP from the HLOS  


  • image downscale - Example showing deeply optimized 2D image downscaling function 


  • cornerApp - Example that detects corners in an image, using aDSP FastCV primitives

        -使用aDSP FastCV原语检测图像中角点的例子。

