函数原型:time_t time(time_t * timer)
功 能: 获取当前的系统时间,返回的结果是一个time_t类型(即int64类型),其实就是一个大整数,其值表示从CUT(Coordinated Universal Time)时间1970年1月1日00:00:00(称为UNIX系统的Epoch时间)到当前时刻的秒数。
可以通过调用localtime将time_t所表示的CUT时间转换为本地时间(我们是+8区,比CUT多8个小时)并转成struct tm类型,该类型的各数据成员分别表示年月日时分秒。
struct tm的结构为:
struct tm { int tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute - [0,61] */ int tm_min; /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */ int tm_hour; /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */ int tm_mday; /* day of the month - [1,31] */ int tm_mon; /* months since January - [0,11] */ int tm_year; /* years since 1900 */ int tm_wday; /* days since Sunday - [0,6] */ int tm_yday; /* days since January 1 - [0,365] */ int tm_isdst; /* daylight savings time flag */ };
SYSTEMTIME STRUCT{ WORD wYear ; // 年 WORD wMonth ; // 月 WORD wDayOfWeek ; // 星期,0=星期日,1=星期一... WORD wDay ; // 日 WORD wHour ; // 时 WORD wMinute ; // 分 WORD wSecond ; // 秒 WORD wMilliseconds ; // 毫秒 };
/* ** SYSTEMTIME转time_t */ time_t systime_to_timet(const SYSTEMTIME& st) { struct tm gm = {st.wSecond, st.wMinute, st.wHour, st.wDay, st.wMonth-1, st.wYear-1900, st.wDayOfWeek, 0, 0}; return mktime(&gm); }
由上可以看出struct tm结构和struct SYSTEMTIME结构的年和月的取值范围是不一样的:
tm.tm_mon = systemtime.wMonth - 1
tm.tm_year = systemtime.wYear - 1900
/* **time_t转SYSTEMTIME */ SYSTEMTIME Time_tToSystemTime(time_t t) { tm temptm = *localtime(&t); SYSTEMTIME st = {1900 + temptm.tm_year, 1 + temptm.tm_mon, temptm.tm_wday, temptm.tm_mday, temptm.tm_hour, temptm.tm_min, temptm.tm_sec, 0}; return st; }
还有一种是通过struct FILETIME作为中间量来转换time_t和systemtime
/* **time_t转SYSTEMTIME */ SYSTEMTIME TimetToSystemTime(time_t t) { FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME pst; LONGLONG nLL = Int32x32To64(t, 10000000) + 116444736000000000; ft.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)nLL; ft.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(nLL >> 32); FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &pst); return pst; } /* **SYSTEMTIME转time_t */ time_t SystemTimeToTimet(SYSTEMTIME st) { FILETIME ft; SystemTimeToFileTime( &st, &ft ); LONGLONG nLL; ULARGE_INTEGER ui; ui.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; ui.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; nLL = (ft.dwHighDateTime << 32) + ft.dwLowDateTime; time_t pt = (long)((LONGLONG)(ui.QuadPart - 116444736000000000) / 10000000); return pt; }
GetSystemTime获得的时间是基于通用协调时(UTC, Universal Time Coordinated)