Viterbi 算法又叫维特比算法,其是HMM模型中在给出观测序列O,以及状态转移举证M 和 状态-观测矩阵Q之后,求解能够最佳解释序列O的状态序列S的一种动态规划算法。
1. 从前到后遍历序列,计算每个观测的最大生成概率。
2. 从后向前回溯,得到序列S
/* ======================================================== * Copyright (C) 2014 All rights reserved. * * filename : viterbi.c * author : *** * date : 2014-12-19 * info : * ======================================================== */ #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include "viterbi.h" /* **************************************** * @param l : input 0|1 vector * @param o : output[smoothed] 0|1 vector * @param n : vector length * @param r_t : rate for stat <--> stat * @param r_o : rate for stat <--> observ * ****************************************/ int viterbi(int * l, int * o, int n, int r_t, int r_o){ // check params if (!l || !o || r_t < 1 || r_o < 1){ // return fail return -1; } int i = 0; double r_t_ = log(r_t); double r_o_ = log(r_o); double ls0 = 0.0, ls1 = 0.0, cs0 = 0.0, cs1 = 0.0; double ps0 = 0.0, ps1 = 0.0; // prev_state for trace back int (*pre_s)[2] = (int(*)[2])malloc(sizeof(int[2]) * n); // init pre_state and output vector memset(pre_s, 0, sizeof(int[2]) * n); memset(o, 0, sizeof(int) * n); // init the begin stat distribute ls0 = (l[0] == 0 ? r_o_ : 0.0); ls1 = (l[0] == 1 ? r_o_ : 0.0); // pass through to calculate max prob for (i = 1; i < n ; i++){ ps0 = ls0 + r_t_ + (l[i] == 0 ? r_o_ : 0.0); ps1 = ls1 + (l[i] == 0 ? r_o_ : 0.0); if (ps0 >= ps1){ cs0 = ps0; pre_s[i][0] = 0; } else{ cs0 = ps1; pre_s[i][0] = 1; } ps0 = ls0 + (l[i] == 1 ? r_o_ : 0.0); ps1 = ls1 + r_t_ + (l[i] == 1 ? r_o_ : 0.0); if (ps0 >= ps1){ cs1 = ps0; pre_s[i][1] = 0; } else{ cs1 = ps1; pre_s[i][1] = 1; } ls0 = cs0; ls1 = cs1; } // end state with the max prob o[n - 1] = cs0 >= cs1 ? 0 : 1; // trace back for prev state for (i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--){ o[i] = pre_s[i + 1][o[i + 1]]; } // free the trace pre states free(pre_s); pre_s = NULL; // return success return 0; }
int main(){ int a[15] = {0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}; int b[15] = {0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0}; int c = viterbi(a,b,15,10,5); int i = 0; printf("before smooth:\n"); for (; i < 15; i++){ printf("%d ", a[i]); } printf("\n"); printf("after smooth:\n"); for (i = 0; i < 15; i++){ printf("%d ", b[i]); } printf("\n"); }
before smooth: 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 after smooth: 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0