SimipleFactory 简单工厂模式

package com.tcs.SimipleFactory;
* The interface of Fruit difine the interface which all fruit must implement its method;
public interface Fruit {
void grow();
void harvest();
void plant();
package com.tcs.SimipleFactory;
* Apple implements Fruit and also it has its own attribute and method, such as treeAge and method log();

public class Apple implements Fruit {
//Apple 出了继承Fruit之外,还有自己的一个属性 treeAge。

private int treeAge;

public void grow() {
log("Apple is growing");


public void harvest() {
log("Apple has been harvested");


public void plant() {
log("Apple has been planted");


public static void log(String s){

* @return the treeAge
public final int getTreeAge() {
return treeAge;

* @param treeAge the treeAge to set
public final void setTreeAge(int treeAge) {
this.treeAge = treeAge;
package com.tcs.SimipleFactory;
* Grape implements Fruit and also it has its own attribute and method, such as seedLess and method log();

public class Grape implements Fruit {
private boolean seedLess;
public void grow() {
log("Grape is growing");


public void harvest() {
log("Grape has been harvested");


public void plant() {
log("Grape has been planted");


public static void log(String s){

* @return the seedLess
public final boolean isSeedLess() {
return seedLess;

* @param seedLess the seedLess to set
public final void setSeedLess(boolean seedLess) {
this.seedLess = seedLess;

package com.tcs.SimipleFactory;
*StrawBerry  implements Fruit
public class StrawBerry implements Fruit {

public void grow() {
log("StrawBerry is growing");


public void harvest() {
log("StrawBerry has been harvested");


public void plant() {
log("StrawBerry has been planted");


public static void log(String s){
package com.tcs.SimipleFactory;
*Gardener will create some fruit by his client's request,Also if the request is a bad one.He will throws it  a BadFruitException which he create it own
public class FruitGardener {
public static Fruit factory(String which) throws BadFruitException {
if (which.equalsIgnoreCase("apple")) {
return new Apple();
} else if (which.equalsIgnoreCase("strawberry")) {
return new StrawBerry();
} else if (which.equalsIgnoreCase("grape")) {
return new Grape();
} else {
throw new BadFruitException("Bad Fruit Request");
package com.tcs.SimipleFactory;
*This exception was create by Gardener and handing Exception
public class BadFruitException extends Exception {
public BadFruitException(String msg) {
package com.tcs.SimipleFactory;
*when test this at client,Customer just call FruitGardener's  method factory.Then there will be much fruit to plant grow and harvest.Also hand some error request
public class TestMain {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
FruitGardener.factory("apple").grow();//call method which you want to call
FruitGardener.factory("strawberry").harvest();//call method which you want to call
FruitGardener.factory("grape").plant();//call method which you want to call
FruitGardener.factory("bad request"); //test when bad fruit
} catch (BadFruitException e) {


