Multidimentional arrays are evil
I see a lot of noobs get sucked into the vortex(漩涡) that is multidimentional (hereon MD) arrays. MD arrays are a "feature" of C/C++ which allow you to use multiple indeces(索引,并不是index的复数形式indexes) when looking up things in an array. A typical use is to have a 2D array to represent a grid or a game map with 1 index for X coords and another for Y coords. Another common usage is for a 'Matrix' class or somesuch(诸如此类).
The thing these coders don't know (or don't realize) is that MD arrays suck(something sucks 英英释义spokennot polite ;used when you dislike something very much or think something is very bad: 例句If you ask me, the whole thing sucks.).They're syntax poison. They're confusing, hard to work with, and (depending on the implementation) may actually consume more memory and yield worse performance.
After seeing more and more posts about MD arrays pop up on these forums, I've decided to sketch out this article to shine some light on MD arrays, and provide a reasonable alternative.
MD Array Flavor 1: Straight
The most obvious way to make an MD array is just a straight allocation:
创建一个MD数组最明显的方法是 ---- 直接分配:
int evil[5][7]; evil[3][2] = 5;Seems harmless enough. And it is, for the most part. This is the friendliest flavor of MD arrays.
However even with this form, problems creep up. What if you need to pass this array to another function? The way you'd do it is like so:
int func(int p[][7]) { p[2][3] = 1; } //... func(evil);This will pass 'evil' by pointer to the 'func' function. This isn't all that horrible... but one of its limitations is that it will only accept an array of [x][7]. What if you want to call the function with an MD array of a different size... like
int evil[4][5];
? Bottom line is you can't. You'd have to take the MD array out of the function completely and turn it into a 1D array and pass the width as a seperate parameter:
“EVIL”通过指针传递给了函数func。但是这不是“EVIL”的全貌。。。但是有一个限制就是,func函数之恩能够接受[x][7]类型的数组(二维数组且是7列)。如果你传递给这个函数的MD数组不是 X×7的。。。比如:int evil[4][5]; 编译就无法通过。你不得不把这个二维数组转成一个 一位数组并把它的列数 分别传给函数:
int func2(int p[], int width) { // p[2][3] = 1; // no good anymore, 1D array,已经是一维的了,该方法不再适用 p[ (2*width) + 3] = 1; // the 1D apprach to do the same thing /* It's worth noting here that the above (y*width)+x calculation is basically what MD arrays compile to anyway. The compiler just hides it from you with MD arrays. Or at least it's true with Straight Flavor MD arrays. Other flavors are more sinister. 值得一提的是上面的(y*width)+x 是基于MD数组是如何编译的。编译器让MD数组透明化。 或者,对于MD数组直接存储是对的。其他的就不敢保证了。 */}//...int evil[4][5];func2(evil[0],5); // ugly
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void func(int p[], int width){ p[(2*width)+3] = 1; } int main() { int evil[4][5]={0}; func(evil[0], 5); for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ for (int j=0; j<5; ++j){ cout << evil[i][j]<<"\t"; } cout<<endl; } return 0; }输出结果为(当然你要确保你的数组是按照行排序存储的):
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0MD Array Flavor 2: Nested New (dynamic)
一旦人们对MD阵列的straight有所了解,他们就会开始琢磨着如何让自己的数组的大小动态可变。这就是可怕的“嵌套 new”技术的开始:
// let's say we want to dynamically make int[Y][X]: // 我们想动态的创建int[Y][X] int** superevil = new int*[Y]; for(int i = 0; i < Y; ++i) superevil<i> = new int[X]; // now we can do this:现在我们可以这样做了: superevil[2][3] = 1; // but cleanup is just as ugly as allocation: // 但是清理工作一样的ugly。。。。 for(int i = 0; i < Y; ++i) delete[] superevil<i>; delete[] superevil;Note that this actually makes a pointer to a pointer, and not really a straight 2D array. And while "superevil" and "evil" (from the previous section) are both accessed with [double][brakets], they both function( 有或起作用; 行使职责;) very differently under the hood(在后台,在底层).
And really... look at the messy allocation/destruction code that's required.
而且真的...看看分配/销毁 代码是多么的混乱。
And let's go back to calling functions... let's take our two functions from the previous section:
int func(int p[][7]); int func2(int p[], int width);
How would you call those functions with 'superevil'?
Guess what. You can't. That's right... you're hosed. Nested New arrays are not really 2D arrays in the same sense that straight arrays are. Straight MD arrays only require 1 dereference, but nested new requires 2 dereferences. In order to pass this to a function, you'd need to make another one:int func3(int** p,int width);But now you might notice that func3 doesn't work with straight arrays. They're just totally incompatible.
但是,现在也许你会注意到 当直数组传递给func3时,并不能工作。他们完全不兼容。
The one saving grace to the nested new approach is that it doesn't require the entire MD array to be contiguous, which means you have a better chance of getting the memory you need if memory is badly fragmented. But this mild benefit is seldom applicable, and is overshadowed by its faults.
完整代码(以下代码,一部分来自数据结构与算法分析 C++语言描述 Larry Nyhoff, 经本人修改得):
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void func(int ** p, int width){ p[3][3] = -1; } int main() { const int X= 4, Y = 5; int *arr = new int [5]; for(int i=0; i< 5; ++i){ arr[i] = 0; } arr[3] = 1; for(int i=0; i< 5; ++i){ cout << arr[i] <<"\t" ; } cout <<"\n****************\n"; delete[] arr; // 4 × 5 int ** supervEvial = new int *[X]; for(int i=0; i<X; ++i){ supervEvial[i] = new int [Y]; } for(int i=0; i< X; ++i){ for(int j=0 ; j< Y; ++j){ supervEvial[i][j] = 0; } } supervEvial[2][3] = 1; func(supervEvial,Y); for(int i=0; i< X; ++i){ for(int j=0 ; j< Y; ++j){ cout<<supervEvial[i][j] <<"\t"; } cout<<endl; } for(int i = 0; i<X; ++i){ delete[] supervEvial[i]; } delete[] supervEvial; }
0 0 0 1 0 **************** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0
MD Array Flavor 3: Vectors of Vectors
MD数组第三道菜: 向量的向量
The more STL savvy coder will opt for a vector-of-a-vector approach to MD arrays, rather than Nested New:
对STL有更深入了解的程序员会选择使用 向量的向量来 实现MD数组,而不是前面介绍的嵌套New:
// to make a [5][6] array: vector< vector<int> > stillevil( 5, vector<int>(6) ); stillevil[2][3] = 1Not a lot to say about this one. Like Nested New it's incompatible with other MD array flavors. If you need to pass this array to a function, none of the above functions will work.
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void print(const vector< vector<double> > &table){ for(unsigned int i=0; i< table.size();++i){ cout<< "ROW size : " << table[i].size()<<"|"; for(unsigned int j=0; j< table[i].size(); ++j) cout<<setw(5)<< table[i][j]; cout<<endl; } } int main() { // 二维向量 3行5列 const int ROW =3, COLUMN = 5; vector< vector<double> > table(ROW,vector<double>(COLUMN,0.0)); // 分开看: // vector<double> (COLUMN, 0.0) // 这是一个匿名的向量,不是匿名的应该是 vector<double> col(COLUMN, 0,0); // 这样就定义了一个只有5个元素的向量 // 紧接,再次定义一个向量,这个向量的每一个元素都是一个向量。 // 这样就构成了一个二维向量 // vector < 元素类型为向量 > 新的向量名( 该向量具有ROW个元素, 每个元素的值为vector<double>(COLUMN,0.0)); // 输出向量table的行数 cout << "table 有"<< table.size() <<"行\n"; // 输出每一行向量的列数 for( unsigned int i=0; i< table.size();++i) cout <<i<<"行,有 "<<table[i].size()<<"个元素"<<endl; // 输出所有元素 print(table); cout<<"Add new ROW:\n"; // 新增一行5个元素,初始值为0(第四行) table.push_back(vector<double>(COLUMN)); // 新增一行5个元素.该行初始值全1.1(第五行) table.push_back(vector<double>(COLUMN,1.1)); // 第六航只有一个元素, 没有任何值(第六行) table.push_back(vector<double>()); // 添加一行,只有一个元素,初始值默认为0(第七行) table.push_back(vector<double>(1)); // 添加一行,只有一个元素,初始值默认为3.3(第八行) table.push_back(vector<double>(1,3.3)); print(table); return 0; }程序输出:
table 有3行 0行,有 5个元素 1行,有 5个元素 2行,有 5个元素 ROW size : 5| 0 0 0 0 0 ROW size : 5| 0 0 0 0 0 ROW size : 5| 0 0 0 0 0 Add new ROW: ROW size : 5| 0 0 0 0 0 ROW size : 5| 0 0 0 0 0 ROW size : 5| 0 0 0 0 0 ROW size : 5| 0 0 0 0 0 ROW size : 5| 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 ROW size : 0| ROW size : 1| 0 ROW size : 1| 3.3