二维向量vector の 邪恶的多维数组 (二) 降维

Killing MD: 1D Mimics


An MD array can be simulated in a 1D array as long as you know the dims. For example, if you want a 2x3 array, it would conceptually look like the following:

如果你知道一个MD(多维 == multi-dimensional)数组的维度,它就可以用一维数组来模拟。例如,你想要一个2×3的数组,概念上它看起来像这样:

0 1
2 3
4 5

This array has 6 elements (2 * 3). And you'll notice that each row starts with a multiple of the width (2). Therefore you can simulate a 2D array in a 1D array like so:


// int evil[5][6];      // desired 2D array
int mimic[5*6];         // mimicing 1D array

// evil[2][3] = 1;      // desired [2][3] index
mimic[ (2*6) + 3] = 1;  // mimiced [2][3] index 
All that math looks kind of dumb and inefficient. Really, though, the compiler does all that math for MD arrays too, so this isn't any less efficient. It is pretty ugly though, granted.
So you might be asking yourself... "what is the benefit of this?"
Well, unlike MD array flavors which are all different and totally incompatible, the respective 1D flavors are all compatible!
Consider the following: 考虑以下几点:
int func2(int p[], int width);  // remember this function?
                                // it'll work with all flavors of mimicing 1D arrays!
int a[ 5 * 6 ];
func2( a, 6 );  // works

int* b = new int[5*6];
func2( b, 6 );  // works

vector<int> c(5*6);
func2( &c[0], 6 );  // works (but is a little ugly, granted) 

See how graceful it all is? Aside from the ugly math in the indexing, everything flows together so much nicer. This is the first step to killing MD arrays. The next step is even more fantastic.

Killing MD: Abstracted array classes


So while 1D arrays are easier to work with, They do suffer from a few problems:

- look up requires you to know the dims of the array (can't do y*width without knowing the width).
- look up syntax is ugly and easy to botch. It only gets worse as you get into larger dimensions. Imagine a mimiced 3D array:z*width*height + y*width + x.

- 查找时,需要你知道数组的维数(如果不知道数组的宽度就不能使用 y*width)。

- 查找语句看起来很很难看,而且很容易弄糟。只有在你面对更多的维数时,变得更加糟糕。想象一下模拟的3D数组:z*width*height + y*width + x

C++ provides an excellent solution to this problem: classes. Just make an Array2D/Matrix/whatever class to wrap all of this behavior.

C ++为这个问题提供了很好的解决方案:类。只要让 2D数组、矩阵、诸如此类 变成一个 类,然后包装所有的行为。
(Or don't -- there are probably many premade ones available online that you can use, I never actually bothered looking. Boost probably has one, I'd imagine -- I'll have to research this more some day. If you are reading further in this article I'm going to assume you don't have / don't want to use such a library and want to write your own)

While you can't overload the [bracket] operator to take two parameters*, you can overload the parenthesis operator. So syntax is a little different:

虽然你不能重载[ ]操作符来包含两个参数,你可以重载 括号操作符。因此,语法有点不一样:

// int bad[4][5];
Array2D<int> good(4,5);

// bad[1][2] = 3;
good(1,2) = 3;
(* Yes you can overload the brakets and return a weird type to make double brakets work, but it causes all sorts of problems and defeats all the elegance of using a fully contained class)

So how do you make this Array2D class? As long as you don't want bells and whistles, it can be very simple.

Here is a very simple class with no bells or whistles:


template <typename T>
class Array2D
  // constructor
  Array2D(unsigned wd,unsigned ht)
    : nWd(wd), nHt(ht), pAr(0)
    if(wd > 0 && ht > 0)
      pAr = new T[wd * ht];

  // destructor
    delete[] pAr;

  // indexing (parenthesis operator)
  //  two of them (for const correctness)

  const T& operator () (unsigned x,unsigned y) const
  {  return pAr[ y*nWd + x ];   }

  T& operator () (unsigned x,unsigned y)
  {  return pAr[ y*nWd + x ];   }

  // get dims
  unsigned GetWd() const { return nWd; }
  unsigned GetHt() const { return nHt; }

  // private data members
  unsigned nWd;
  unsigned nHt;
  T*       pAr;

  // to prevent unwanted copying:
  Array2D(const Array2D<T>&);
  Array2D& operator = (const Array2D<T>&);

That's all there is to it! 这一切就是这么简单

If you want to get fancy you can add in resizing stuff, copy-on-write reference counting, boundary checking, etc, etc.


这部分内容仅做参考,有多种实现必然是好事,但是为何 straight array, nested new, vectors of vectors依然存在?存在即合 理,simple is beautiful...

写时复制(copy-on-write COW)http://www.cnblogs.com/MuyouSome/archive/2012/12/05/2802787.html


相同的资源,直到某个呼叫者(caller)尝试修改资源时,系统才会真正复制一个副本(private copy)给该呼叫者,以避免被修改的资源被直接察觉到,这过程对其他的呼叫只都是
通透的(transparently)。此作法主要的优点是如果呼叫者并没有修改该资源,就不会有副本(private copy)被建立。
    - 为子进程的页表分配页帧
    - 为子进程的页分配页帧
    - 初始化子进程的页表
    - 把父进程的页复制到子进程相应的页中


 现在的Linux内核采用一种更为有效的方法,称之为写时复制(Copy On Write,COW)。这种思想相当简单:父进程和子进程共享页帧而不是复制页帧。然而,只要页帧被共享,
