一个非常不错的哈希表的模板类 .

template <class T, class N>
struct HashTableNode
    T varValue;
    N varName;
    HashTableNode<T, N> *next;
    N Scope;
    N alias;   //will hold the full name of whatever it is pointing to.

template <class T,class N>
class hashtable
    N currentScope()
            return Scope.Value();

    int hash(N varName,int moder = 10)
            int i = 0;
            for(int q = 0;( q < varName.len() + 1);q++)
                i = i + (q * varName[q]);
            i = i % moder;
            return i;

        HashTableNode<T, N> *HTNode[10];
            for(int i = 0;i < 10;i++)
                HTNode[i] = NULL;
            ScopeID = "GlobalScope";
            for (int i = 0;i< 10;i++)
                HTNode[i] = NULL;
        bool newScope(N ScopeName = "")
            if (ScopeID == "")
                ScopeID = "SystemScope";
                //return true;
            if (ScopeName != "")
                node<N> *temp;
                temp = Scope.First;
                while (temp != NULL)
                    if (temp->value == ScopeName) 
                        newScope (ScopeName + "X");
                        return true;
                    temp = temp->next;
                delete [] temp;
                if (Debug) cout << "Starting" << ScopeName << endl;
                return true;
                ScopeID += "X";
                if (Debug) cout << "Starting" << ScopeID << endl;
                return true;
        bool endScope()
            N temp;
            temp = currentScope();
            HashTableNode<T, N> *t;

            for (int i = 0;i < 10;i ++)
                t = HTNode[i];
                if (t != NULL)
                    while ((t != NULL) && ( t->Scope == temp))
                        HTNode[i] = t->next;
                        delete t;
                        t = HTNode[i];
            temp = Scope.Pop();
            if (Debug) cout << "ending " <<  temp << endl;
            if (Scope.Value() != "") return true;
            return false;
        bool addNode(N varName,T varValue,N iScope = "")
            int i = 0;
            N S;
            S = currentScope();
            if (iScope != "") S = iScope;
            i = hash(varName);
            HashTableNode<T, N> *t;
            t = HTNode[i];
            while (t != NULL)
                if ((t->varName == varName) && ( t->Scope == S )) return false;
                t = t->next;

            t = new HashTableNode<T, N>;
            t->varValue = varValue;
            t->varName = varName;
            t->Scope = S;
            t->next = HTNode[i];
            t->alias = "";
            HTNode[i] = t;
            return true;

        bool addAlias(N varName,N AliasName,N iScope = "")
        ...{            //varName is the pointer AliasName is where it points
            int i = 0;
            N S;
            S = currentScope();
            if (iScope != "") S = iScope;
            i = hash(varName);
            HashTableNode<T, N> *t;
            t = HTNode[i];
            while (t != NULL)
                if ((t->varName == varName) && ( t->Scope == S )) return false;
                t = t->next;

            t = new HashTableNode<T, N>;
            t->varName = varName;
            t->Scope = S;
            t->next = HTNode[i];
            t->alias = AliasName;
            HTNode[i] = t;
            return true;

        bool ChangeNode(N varName,T varValue)
            N S("");
            if (varName.InStr(':') > 0)
                S = Tokenize(varName,":");
            int i = 0;
            i = hash(varName);
            HashTableNode<T, N> *t;
            t = HTNode[i];
            if (S != "")
                while (t != NULL)
                    if ((t->varName == varName) && (t->Scope == S))
                    if (t->alias == "")
                        t->varValue = varValue;          
                    return true;
                    t = t->next;
                while (t != NULL)
                    if (t->varName == varName)
                    if (t->alias == "")
                        t->varValue = varValue;          
                    return true;
                    t = t->next;
            return false;
        T Value(N varName)
            N S("");
            if (varName.InStr(':') > 0)
                S = Tokenize(varName,":");
            int i = 0;
            i = hash(varName);
            HashTableNode<T, N> *t;
            t = HTNode[i];
            if (S != "")
                while (t != NULL)
                    if ((t->varName == varName) && (t->Scope == S))
                        if (t->alias == "") return t->varValue;
                        else return Value(t->alias);
                    t = t->next;
                while (t != NULL)
                    if (t->varName == varName)  
                        if (t->alias == "") return t->varValue;
                        else return Value(t->alias);
                    t = t->next;
            return NULL;

        bool exists(N varName)
            N S("");
            if (varName.InStr(':') > 0)
                S = Tokenize(varName,":");
            int i = 0;
            i = hash(varName);
            HashTableNode<T, N> *t;
            t = HTNode[i];
            while (t != NULL)
                if (t->varName == varName)  return true;
                t = t->next;
            return false;

        bool existsInScope(N varName)
            int i = 0;
            i = hash(varName);
            HashTableNode<T, N> *t;
            t = HTNode[i];
            while (t != NULL)
                if ((t->varName == varName) && (t->Scope == currentScope())) return true;
                t = t->next;
            return false;


        T Val(N c)
            if (exists(c))
                return (Value(c));
            else if (isNumber(c)) return c;
            else if (isStringVar(c)) return (c.Trim('''));
            return cEmpty;
        N getScope()
            return Scope.front();

        N FullVarName(N varName)
            if (varName.InStr(':') > 0) return varName;
            int i = 0;
            i = hash(varName);
            HashTableNode<T, N> *t;
            t = HTNode[i];
            while (t != NULL)
                if (t->varName == varName)  return t->Scope + ":" + t->varName ;
                t = t->next;
            return cEmpty;

        stack<N> Scope;
        N ScopeID ;



template <class T>
struct node
    T value;
    node<T> *next;

template <class T>
class stack
    char Err[35];
    node<T> *First;
    int Count;

    stack()...{Count = 0;strcpy(Err,"");First = NULL;}

     T Pop()
        node<T> *tempNode;
        T tempVal;

        if (First!=NULL)
            tempVal = First->value;
            tempNode = First;
            First = First->next;
        else return NULL;
        return tempVal;

    T front()
        return First->value;

    T Value()
        if (First!=NULL)
            return First->value;
        return "";

    void Push(T v)
        node<T> *tempNode;
        tempNode = new node<T>;

        tempNode->value = v;
        tempNode->next = First;
        First = tempNode;

    bool Last()
        if (First!=NULL)
            if (First->next==NULL)
                return true;
    return false;

    void Empty()
        T t;
        while (First != NULL)
            t = Pop();

    bool isEmpty()
        if (First != NULL)
            return false;
        return true;


template <class T>
void CopyStack(stack<T>& aStack, stack<T>& bStack)    //Copy b into a
        stack<T> temp;
        T a;

        while (bStack.isEmpty() == false)

        while (temp.isEmpty() == false)
            a = temp.Pop();

