CString GetFileExt( ) const;
Return Value
The extension of the filename.
Call this function to retrieve the extension of the filename entered into the dialog box. For example, if the name of the file entered is DATA.TXT, GetFileExt returns "TXT".
void MakeLower( );
Converts this CString object to a lowercase string.
// example for CString::MakeLower
CString s( "ABC" );
ASSERT( s == "abc" );
3. Compare 用来比较两个字符串是否相同,如果相同的话,就返回0,不同的话再做比较
int Compare( LPCTSTR lpsz ) const;
Return Value
Zero if the strings are identical, < 0 if this CString object is less than lpsz, or > 0 if this CString object is greater than lpsz.
// example for CString::Compare
CString s1( "abc" );
CString s2( "abd" );
ASSERT( s1.Compare( s2 ) == -1 ); // Compare with another CString.
ASSERT( s1.Compare( "abe" ) == -1 ); // Compare with LPTSTR string.