(这里-t 为老的apk -f为修复过的apk,-o 为输出目录 -k 为打包的key -p -e 为密码 -a 为别名)
public void onCreate() {
// 初始化patch管理类
mPatchManager = new PatchManager(this);
// 初始化patch版本
// 加载已经添加到PatchManager中的patch
public PatchManager(Context context) {
mContext = context;
mAndFixManager = new AndFixManager(mContext); //初始化AndFixManager,等会再介绍
//getFileDir 获取的是/data/data/<application package>/files
//在这里是 /data/data/<application package>/files/apatch
mPatchDir = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), DIR);
// 支持并发访问的有序的补丁集合
mPatchs = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<Patch>();
// ClassLoader的集合,同样也是基于线程安全的
mLoaders = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ClassLoader>();
public void init(String appVersion) {
if (!mPatchDir.exists() && !mPatchDir.mkdirs()) {// make directory fail
Log.e(TAG, "patch dir create error.");
} else if (!mPatchDir.isDirectory()) {// not directory
//用SharedPreferences 获取path的版本
SharedPreferences sp = mContext.getSharedPreferences(SP_NAME,
String ver = sp.getString(SP_VERSION, null);
if (ver == null || !ver.equalsIgnoreCase(appVersion)) {
//如果是第一次使用或者版本不一致,则删除所有Patch ,这里equalsIgnoreCase是忽略大小写的equals
// 存放版本
sp.edit().putString(SP_VERSION, appVersion).commit();
} else {
// 加载有所的Patch
private void initPatchs() {
File[] files = mPatchDir.listFiles();
for (File file : files) {
/** * load patch,call when application start * 这里写的也很清楚了,在程序启动的时候调用 */
public void loadPatch() {
mLoaders.put("*", mContext.getClassLoader());// wildcard
Set<String> patchNames;
List<String> classes;
//遍历每个补丁包 Patch 的结构HashMap<String, List<String>>()
for (Patch patch : mPatchs) {
patchNames = patch.getPatchNames();
for (String patchName : patchNames) {
classes = patch.getClasses(patchName);
mAndFixManager.fix(patch.getFile(), mContext.getClassLoader(),
public class Compat {
public static boolean isChecked = false;
public static boolean isSupport = false;
/** * whether support on the device * 需要对兼容性进行检测,检测的判断是不能是YunOs的手机,sdk的版本必须是在2.3-6.0之间 * @return true if the device support AndFix */
public static synchronized boolean isSupport() {
if (isChecked)
return isSupport;
isChecked = true;
// AndFix.setup()判断是Dalvik还是Art虚拟机,来注册Native方法
if (!isYunOS() && AndFix.setup() && isSupportSDKVersion()) {
isSupport = true;
if (inBlackList()) {
isSupport = false;
return isSupport;
/** * initialize * * @return true if initialize success * * 判断是Dalvik还是Art虚拟机,并初始化native的方法, * * 官方文档中说到https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/verifying-apps-art.html * You can verify which runtime is in use by calling System.getProperty("java.vm.version"). If ART is in use, the property's value is "2.0.0" or higher. * */
public static boolean setup() {
try {
final String vmVersion = System.getProperty("java.vm.version");
boolean isArt = vmVersion != null && vmVersion.startsWith("2");
int apilevel = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
return setup(isArt, apilevel);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "setup", e);
return false;
private void fixClass(Class<?> clazz, ClassLoader classLoader) {
Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();
MethodReplace methodReplace;
String clz;
String meth;
for (Method method : methods) {
// 找到MethodReplace的注解
methodReplace = method.getAnnotation(MethodReplace.class);
if (methodReplace == null)
clz = methodReplace.clazz();
//对照上面的demo,meth 就是showToast
meth = methodReplace.method();
if (!isEmpty(clz) && !isEmpty(meth)) {
replaceMethod(classLoader, clz, meth, method);
/** * replace method * * @param classLoader classloader * @param clz class * @param meth name of target method * @param method source method */
private void replaceMethod(ClassLoader classLoader, String clz,
String meth, Method method) {
try {
String key = clz + "@" + classLoader.toString();
Class<?> clazz = mFixedClass.get(key);
if (clazz == null) {// class not load
Class<?> clzz = classLoader.loadClass(clz);
// initialize target class
clazz = AndFix.initTargetClass(clzz);
if (clazz != null) {// initialize class OK
mFixedClass.put(key, clazz);
Method src = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(meth,
AndFix.addReplaceMethod(src, method);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "replaceMethod", e);