Function Module related on Date calculations (ZT)


Function Modules Description
/SAPNEA/J_SC_CONVERT_DATE Covert Date in Japanese Format
/SDF/CMO_DATETIME_DIFFERENCE Calculates difference between two dates/timestamps.
ADD_TIME_TO_DATE Add time to date
BKK_ADD_MONTH_TO_DATE Add months to date
BWSO_DATE_GET_FIRST_WEEKDAY Gives the First date of the week for the given date
CACS_DATE_GET_TIMESTAMP Concatenates the date and time format 11-12-2008 10:11:11
CACS_DATE_GET_YEAR_MONTH Gives the Year and month for the given date
CACS_TIMESTAMP_GET_DATE Get date and time from Timestamp
DATE_CHECK_WORKINGDAY Check the day is working day or not for given date & calendar id
DATE_CHECK_WORKINGDAY_MULTIPLE Check the day is working day or not for given date in muliple calendar id
DATE_COMPUTE_DAY Gives the day number in the week (EX 1-Mon,2-TUE etc)
DATE_TO_DAY Gives the day of the date(Ex Monday, Tuesday etc)
DATE_TO_DAY Get the day of the date (Ex Mon.Tue etc)
F4_DATE FM for F4 help for Date
FIMA_DECIMAL_MONTHS_AND_YEARS Gives the difference between the dates in decimal foemat of number of month & years
GET_WEEK_INFO_BASED_ON_DATE Get the week Number, Sunday date & Monday date for the given date
HR_99S_DATE_ADD_SUB_DURATION Add/Subtract months(M)/days(D)/years(Y) to given date to get the future date
HR_99S_DATE_MINUS_TIME_UNIT Subtract months(M)/days(D)/years(Y) to given date to get the future date
HR_99S_DATE_PLUS_TIME_UNIT Add months(M)/days(D)/years(Y) to given date to get the future date
HR_99S_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_DATES Gives the difference between the dates in days, weeks, years
HR_99S_MONTHS_BETWEEN_DATES *  Returns months between two dates. Both dates are included in the

*  computation. An individual prorata is made for each month

*  Meaning of parameter p_compl:

*  'B' accumulate all complete months and in/complete first month

*  'E' accumulate all complete months and in/complete last month

*  ' ' accumulate all months (incomplete and complete)

*  'X' accumulate only complete months
HR_CALC_YEAR_MONTH_DAY Gives the difference between the dates in days, weeks, years
HR_E_NUM_OF_DAYS_OF_MONTH Number of days in the given month
HR_HCP_ADD_MONTH_TO_DATE Add months to date
HR_IN_GET_DATE_COMPONENTS Splits rge given date in DAY, MONTH, YEAR, Month Small TEXT & Month Long TEXT
HR_MONTHS_BETWEEN_TWO_DATES Gives months bteween the two dates
HR_SGPBS_YRS_MTHS_DAYS Gives the difference between dates in Day,Months, years 7 calendar Days
HRAR_SUBTRACT_MONTH_TO_DATE Subtract's one month from the date
IDWT_READ_MONTH_TEXT Read the month Text
LAST_WEEK Get the Last week Number, Sunday date & Monday date for the given Year and Week number
MONTH_NAMES_GET Gives the list of 12 months text in the given language
MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE Add months to date
MONTHS_BETWEEN_TWO_DATES Gives months bteween the two dates
NEXT_WEEK Get the Next week Number, Sunday date & Monday date for the given Year and Week number
NUMBER_OF_DAYS_PER_MONTH_GET Gives you the number of days per month considering the Year
OIL_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH Gives the last day of the month
OIL_LAST_DAY_OF_PREVIOUS_MONTH Gives the last day of the prevous month
OIL_MONTH_GET_FIRST_LAST Gives the month first day date & last day date
RE_ADD_MONTH_TO_DATE Add months to date
RH_GET_DATE_DAYNAME Gives the day number in the week and day text
RH_PM_CONVERT_DATE_TO_MONTH Gives the difference between the dates in month
RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL To calculate the new date by adding/Sub days, months & Year
SG_PS_GET_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH Last day of the month
  DATE_IN_FUTURE Calculate Future Dates
Calendar: Determine duration between tw
Difference Between  Date & Time
CALCULATE_DATE Year entry: 2-charact. to
HR_SEN_CRULE_0100_DATE Calculation of a Date (1 Year = 12 Months, 1 Month = 30 Days)
