DECLARE @tokenID int;
-- 在发布项目中,插入一个跟踪令牌(过期时间和其它事务一样,过期后会自动删除)
EXEC UserCenter.sys.sp_posttracertoken -- 执行的数据库,为发布项目对应的数据库
@publication = 'UserCenter', -- 发布项目名
@tracer_token_id = @tokenID OUTPUT; -- 返回一个令牌id
print @tokenID
-- 过一小段时间后,根据这个令牌id, 查询一下跟踪结果.
EXEC UserCenter.sys.sp_helptracertokenhistory
@publication = 'UserCenter',
@tracer_id = @tokenID ;
列名 |
数据类型 |
说明 |
distributor_latency |
bigint |
发布服务器提交至“分发服务器”延迟秒数 |
subscriber |
sysname |
接收跟踪令牌的订阅服务器的名称。 |
subscriber_db |
sysname |
在其中插入跟踪令牌记录的订阅数据库的名称。 |
subscriber_latency |
bigint |
分发服务器 至 订阅服务器 延迟的秒数 |
overall_latency |
bigint |
总延迟的秒数. |
create table t_config_publication(
dbname varchar(50) primary key, -- 发布项目名称,同时也必须是发布数据库的名称
is_enable int -- 1:打开, 0关闭
create table t_log_publication(
writetime datetime not null, --写日志时间(设置发布跟踪的时间)
dbname varchar(50) not null, --发布项目名称,同时也必须是发布数据库的名称
token_id int unique, --跟踪令牌号
distributor_latency bigint, --发布至分发滞后时间(秒数)
subscriber_latency bigint, --分发至订阅滞后时间(秒数)
overall_latency bigint --总滞后秒数
create clustered index icx_log_publication on t_log_publication(writetime);
create procedure p_job_monitor_publication
set nocount on
declare @dbname varchar(50),
@procname varchar(100),
@token_id int;
create table #tmp_job_monitor_publication(
distributor_latency bigint, -- 发布至分发滞后时间(秒数)
subscriber varchar(200), -- 订阅服务器名称
subscriber_db varchar(200), -- 订阅数据库
subscriber_latency bigint, -- 分发至订阅滞后时间(秒数)
overall_latency bigint -- 总滞后秒数
-- 获取最近小时内插入的跟踪的结果
declare t_cur1 cursor for
select [dbname],token_id from t_log_publication with(nolock)
where writetime > dateadd(hour, -2, getdate()) and distributor_latency is null;
open t_cur1;
fetch next from t_cur1 into @dbname, @token_id;
while (@@fetch_status = 0)
-- 获取滞后时间
truncate table #tmp_job_monitor_publication;
set @procname = @dbname+'.sys.sp_helptracertokenhistory';
insert into #tmp_job_monitor_publication
execute @procname @publication=@dbname, @tracer_id=@token_id;
-- 更新到日志中
update t_log_publication set distributor_latency = b.distributor_latency, subscriber_latency = b.subscriber_latency,
overall_latency = b.overall_latency
from t_log_publication a, #tmp_job_monitor_publication b
where a.token_id = @token_id and b.distributor_latency is not null;
fetch next from t_cur1 into @dbname, @token_id;
close t_cur1;
deallocate t_cur1;
-- 插入一个新的跟踪
declare t_cur2 cursor for
select [dbname] from t_config_publication with(nolock) where is_enable > 0;
open t_cur2;
fetch next from t_cur2 into @dbname;
while (@@fetch_status = 0)
set @procname = @dbname+'.sys.sp_posttracertoken';
execute @procname @publication=@dbname, @tracer_token_id = @token_id OUTPUT;
insert into t_log_publication(dbname, token_id, writetime)
values(@dbname, @token_id, getdate())
fetch next from t_cur2 into @dbname;
close t_cur2;
deallocate t_cur2;
delete from t_log_publication where writetime < dateadd(day, -15, getdate());
set nocount off