Send HTML Mail usingSmartforms
Hi everyone, in this blog I will share my twocents worth in sending notification email in SAP.
In my project, I have to write a customizedWeb Dynpro Application to facilitate a business process for user. Most of theactivities in this business process is about Approval,with different layers of Approver. After each Approver makes an action(Approve/Reject), notification emails have to be sent to relevant parties.
在项目中,我们需要写一个自定义的Web Dynpro应用程序,以方便用户的业务流程。此业务流程的活动大多是有关批准,与不同层次的审批者。每个审批人(批准/拒绝)后,通过电子邮件发送到相关人士。
The total different emails willhave to be sent is morethan 10. I have to find an effective way to sendout the emails.
Even though there are more than 10 emailcontents, more or less they have the same structures.
E.g. <<Footer>> isalways like "Thisis a generated computer message. Please do not reply."
This means if I find an effective way togroup the email and write the code, maintenance will be much more easier for meif user requires any changes in the future. I start Google and search for ideason SCN. Some of the solutions I found:
E.g. - Write email content in the code,make use of Text Elements
- Use SO10 to write email content
例如 – 用代码写邮件内容必须使用文本元素
- 电子邮件的内容
All of the solutions I found did not meet mycriteria of structuring Email Contents for easy maintenance.
This is when I came to think of usingSmartforms. Smartforms with its Control Flow and Condition will help me in achievingmy objective. I just need to create a Smartform to use as Email Templates forall of my notification.
这时我想到使用Smartforms。 Smartforms的控制流和条件,将帮助我实现想法。我只需要创建一个Smartform,使用电子邮件模板传递我的信息.
Generally, the solution will look like, I callSmartforms through my code --> pass the parameters (such as Which template Iwant to used? Content of that template?) -->Received back the content, do something with it --> Send Mail.
一般情况下,该方案像这样,通过代码调用Smartforms- >传递参数(如我想用哪个模板) - >收到的内容,用它做什么- >发送邮件。
After that, I just need to activate theSmartform. From my Web Dynpro side, let say a method in Assistance Class, Iwill call my Smartforms, passing the parameters indicated the template I willused, any necessary contents for the email.
After calling the Smartforms,it will return a structure of type SSFCRESCL thatkeeps the content in a OTF field.
We need to send a HTML email, using method cl_document_bcs=>create_document. The i_text parameter is a table of type SOLI_TAB, and the underlying data structure is just Character.
我们需要发送HTML格式的电子邮件,使用方法cl_document_bcs=> create_document。 i_text参数是一个表型SOLI_TAB的,底层的数据结构是一个字符。
Our job now is to convert from OTF to SOLI while still keeping the correct content of theemail.
First we will convert the OTF table to TLINE
1. call function 'CONVERT_OTF' 2. exporting 3. format = 'ASCII' 4. max_linewidth = 132 5. tables 6. otf = ls_job_output-otfdata 7. lines = lt_lines 8. exceptions 9. err_max_linewidth = 1 10. err_format = 2 11. err_conv_not_possible = 3 12. err_bad_otf = 4 13. others = 5. 14. if sy-subrc <> 0. 15. * Implement suitable error handling here 16. endif.
Look much more readable, isn't it? Now all we have to dois to convert it to SOLI bydeleting few redundant lines.
1. DELETE lt_lines WHERE tdline EQ space. 2. LOOP AT lt_lines INTO ls_line. 3. ls_soli = ls_line-tdline. 4. APPEND ls_soli TO lt_soli. 5. CLEAR ls_soli. 6. ENDLOOP.
Perfect! We can now use this content to send out theemail.
1. lo_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document( 2. i_type = 'HTM' 3. i_subject = 'Mail Subject' 4. i_text = lt_soli ).
Written with HTML in Smartforms, out Email content canlook like this.
constants: lc_sf_htm_mail type string value 'ZSF_SMART_FORM_NAME'. data ev_msg. *---Data declaration data: lo_send_request type ref to cl_bcs, lo_document type ref to cl_document_bcs, recipient type ref to if_recipient_bcs, bcs_exception type ref to cx_bcs. data: lt_lines type table of tline, ls_line type tline, lt_soli type soli_tab, ls_soli type soli. data: lv_fname type rs38l_fnam, ls_job_output type ssfcrescl. "Structure to return value at the end of form printing data: ls_ctrl_form type ssfctrlop, "Smart Form Control Structure ls_output_opt type ssfcompop. "Smart Form Transfer Options *---Pass data to Smartforms to receive itab of HTML Email "Spool parameters ls_output_opt-tdimmed = 'X'. "Print Immediately (Print Parameters) ls_output_opt-tddelete = 'X'. "Delete After Printing (Print Parameters) ls_output_opt-tdlifetime = 'X'. "Spool Retention Period (Print Parameters) ls_output_opt-tddest = 'LOCL'. "Spool: Output device ls_output_opt-tdprinter = 'SWIN'. "Spool: Device type name ls_ctrl_form-no_dialog = 'X'. "SAP Smart Forms: General Indicator ls_ctrl_form-preview = 'X'. "Print preview ls_ctrl_form-getotf = 'X'. "Return of OTF table. No printing, display, or faxing ls_ctrl_form-langu = 'EN'. "Language key ls_ctrl_form-device = 'PRINTER'. "Output device "Get Smart Form Function Module Name call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' exporting formname = lc_sf_htm_mail importing fm_name = lv_fname exceptions no_form = 1 no_function_module = 2 others = 3. if sy-subrc <> 0. ev_msg = 'Error Sending Email'. return. endif. "Call Smart Form Function Module call function lv_fname exporting control_parameters = ls_ctrl_form output_options = ls_output_opt iv_staff_name = 'wu' "iv_staff_name iv_role = 'wu' "iv_role iv_action = 'wu' "iv_action importing job_output_info = ls_job_output exceptions formatting_error = 1 internal_error = 2 send_error = 3 user_canceled = 4 others = 5. if ls_job_output-otfdata is initial. ev_msg = 'Error Sending Email'. return. endif. "Convert OTF to TLINE call function 'CONVERT_OTF' exporting format = 'ASCII' max_linewidth = 132 tables otf = ls_job_output-otfdata lines = lt_lines exceptions err_max_linewidth = 1 err_format = 2 err_conv_not_possible = 3 err_bad_otf = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc <> 0. ev_msg = 'Error Sending Email'. return. endif. "Remove empty lines delete lt_lines where tdline eq space. "Convert itab of HTML Email to itab of sending format in class CL_BCS loop at lt_lines into ls_line. ls_soli = ls_line-tdline. append ls_soli to lt_soli. clear ls_soli. endloop. "Instantinate CL_BCS and specify options try . "Create persistent lo_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ). lo_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document( i_type = 'HTM' i_subject = 'Email Subject' i_text = lt_soli ). if iv_attached_pdf is not initial. "Attach PDF lv_pdf_size = xstrlen( iv_attached_pdf ). lv_pdf_content = cl_document_bcs=>xstring_to_solix( ip_xstring = iv_attached_pdf ). lo_document->add_attachment( i_attachment_type = 'PDF' i_attachment_subject = 'PDF Attachment' i_attachment_size = lv_pdf_size i_att_content_hex = lv_pdf_content ). endif. lo_send_request->set_document( lo_document ). "Send to recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( i_address_string = ' [email protected] ' ). lo_send_request->add_recipient( i_recipient = recipient ). "Carbon Copy recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( i_address_string = '[email protected]' ). lo_send_request->add_recipient( i_recipient = recipient i_copy = 'X' ). lo_send_request->set_send_immediately( i_send_immediately = abap_true ). lv_sent_flag = lo_send_request->send( i_with_error_screen = 'X' ). if lv_sent_flag eq abap_false. ev_msg = 'Error Sending Email'. return. endif. catch cx_bcs into bcs_exception. ev_msg = bcs_exception->get_longtext( ). endtry.