Digogo ugdx文件的制作

The openplatform source code is in old IT FTP server at "vte/KCD/20150814/openplatform_wallace.tar.gz".

There is currently no easy to write eMMC_LD into unit.  In order to test modified eMMC_LD, you need to use the openplatform source, build the Linux kernel, and pack the system image and then write the image into unit using the production tool.

Please first get the above source code, and then try compiling it and pack it.

To setup the Linux source code:

- Unzip the openplatform_wallace.tar.gz in Linux environment.
- change directory to "openplatform/codepack"
- type "mkdir Bundle"
- download the "BBT_Bundle_GBeng_1688.bin" and then copy it to the above "Bundle" directory.

To compile the source and pack the image file, please do the following:

- change to the openplatform base directory.
- type "./mk dev"
- type "./mk others"
- type "./mk dev" again

To pack image file, please do the following:

- change to the openplatform base directory.
- type "./mk codepack GBeng 99 1688"
- There will be a .ugdx file created in the "codepack/eMMC/output" directory.

To write the image file into 1688 unit:

- put the .ugdx file into the "UGDX" directory of 1688 bootable SD card.
- run the tool "eMMCWriter_UGDX" tool.

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