今天初探TrimPath Junction

About TrimPath Junction
       Junction is a Model-View-Controller framework for developing offline capable, road-warrior friendly web applications, using JavaScript, HTML and CSS as the main application development languages.

High developer productivity - Junction follows the popular conventions-over-configuration philosophy and dynamic web-MVC (Model View Controller) design pioneered by the Ruby on Rails application framework.  You can consider Junction to be a clone and riff of the Ruby on Rails framework into JavaScript.
Fealty to web standards - Junction is meant for developers who have invested into using web standards like HTML, CSS and JavaScript.  You can leverage all your skills in those important technologies when using Junction.  And, if you want to use extra technologies and libraries like Prototype/Scriptaculous/jQuery/Dojo/Mochi/Moo/Base/Ajax/Flash/etc, Junction lets you go right ahead and make your web pages shine with your favorite tech.
Multiple runtime options - A web application written using Junction can be run on the server-side in a Rhino-based web application server.  Or, a Junction-based web application can be run on the client-side, hosted within a web page environment, using a browser-local RDBMS to generate pages entirely within the client web browser, without needing to contact a server.  As a developer, you can create a single application codebase using Junction that can run in either or both of these scenarios.
Banish conditional code - As one example, Junction automatically detects if end-users have optional web browser plug-ins like Google Gears installed, and will leverage the Gears client-side RDBMS if available.  Otherwise, Junction automatically downgrades to a simple memory-only SQL database, letting your application code remain free and clear of conditional environment checking logic.
Code and database synchronizaton - Junction supports an application codebase updating facility, a database schema migration facility, and a simple database-level record synchronization facility.  Junction aims to ease the common 80/20 of application synchronization needs.
Responsive UI’s - When hosted in a browser, a Junction-based application feels extra snappy, since it can consult with a local fast cache of data to display response pages or page fragments immediately to users.
And more - Check out the documentation for more of what Junction can do for you.
copyright © 2005, 2006, 2007 Steve Yen, TrimPath.

See trimpath/junction.js

dual licensed GNU General Public License 2.0 and Apache Public License 2.0

