import sys,getopt plainfile='' cipherfile='' plainstring='' cipherstring='' encryDict={'\n':'\n',' ':' ','a':'X','b':'N','c':'Y','d':'A','e':'H','f':'P','g':'O','h':'G','i':'Z','j':'Q','k':'W','l':'B','m':'T','n':'S','o':'F','p':'L','q':'R','r':'C','s':'V','t':'M','u':'U','v':'E','w':'K','x':'J','y':'D','z':'I'} def help(): 'HELP FUNCTION' print ''' -h:help -i:plaintext filename -o:ciphertext filename --plain:plain-string --cipher:cipher-string ''' def encrypt(plainstring): 'ENCRYPT FUNCTION' # print "plainstring:",plainstring cipher_array=[0 for i in range (len(plainstring))] #init the array # print cipher_array flag = 0 for i in range(len(plainstring)): flag = 0 for key in encryDict: if plainstring[i] == key: cipher_array[i] = encryDict[key] flag = 1 if flag == 0: cipher_array[i] = plainstring[i] cipherstring_local = ''.join(cipher_array) return cipherstring_local def decrypt(cipherstring): 'DECRYPT FUNCTION' # print "cipherstring:",cipherstring plain_array=[0 for i in range (len(cipherstring))] #init the array # print plain_array flag = 0 for i in range(len(cipherstring)): flag = 0 for key in encryDict: if cipherstring[i] == encryDict[key]: plain_array[i] = key flag = 1 if flag == 0: plain_array[i] = cipherstring[i] plainstring_local = ''.join(plain_array) return plainstring_local def fileEncrypt(thefile): 'ENCRYPT info in TXT' try: fobj_r = open(thefile,'r') all_the_text = fobj_r.read() fobj_r.close() fobj_w = open(thefile,'w') print >> fobj_w,encrypt(all_the_text) fobj_w.close() except IOError,e: print "ERROR INFO:",e def fileDecrypt(thefile): 'DECRYPT info in TXT' try: fobj_r = open(thefile,'r') all_the_text = fobj_r.read() fobj_r.close() fobj_w = open(thefile,'w') print >> fobj_w,decrypt(all_the_text) fobj_w.close() except IOError,e: print "ERROR INFO:",e def main(): 'MAIN FUNCTION' opts,args=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hc:d:",["plain=","cipher="]) for op,value in opts: if op=="-h": help() for op,value in opts: if op=="-c": plainfile=value fileEncrypt(plainfile) for op,value in opts: if op=="-d": cipherfile=value fileDecrypt(cipherfile) for op,value in opts: if op=="--plain": plainstring=value cipherstring=encrypt(plainstring) print "cipher:",cipherstring for op,value in opts: if op=="--cipher": cipherstring=value plainstring=decrypt(cipherstring) print "plain:",plainstring if __name__=="__main__": main()