Android Audio 框架简读 <6>

下面大致介绍Android Audio部分的AudioTrack和AudioFlinger的数据交换.


<1> : MODE_STATIC:static方式适用于数据较小,实时性比较高的情形,比如ring,系统铃声等。这种模式下,是在AT端创建共享内存,一次性将数据copy到buffer中,然后传递到AF端。
<2> : MODE_STREAM:stream方式适用于数据较大,media播放等更多其他的情况,也比较复杂。在这种模式下,共享内存是由AF创建的,然后通过生产者-消费者的模式,进行数据的传输。即AT是数据的生产者,AF是数据的消费者。这个数据读写的控制,是由struct audio_track_cblk_t来实现的,这篇文章主要来分析这个控制块的实现





size_t size = sizeof(audio_track_cblk_t); //计算audio_track_cblk_t的大小
    uint8_t channelCount = popcount(channelMask);
    size_t bufferSize = frameCount*channelCount*sizeof(int16_t); //计算实际数据buffer大小
    if (sharedBuffer == 0) {
        size += bufferSize; //共享内存实际分配大小为:cblk + data buffer

    if (client != NULL) {
        mCblkMemory = client->heap()->allocate(size); //分配共享内存,实际的实现会在其他文章中分析,这里之分析对共享内存的使用
        if (mCblkMemory != 0) {
            mCblk = static_cast<audio_track_cblk_t *>(mCblkMemory->pointer()); // audio_track_cblk_t* mCblk,指向共享内存的地址
            if (mCblk != NULL) { // construct the shared structure in-place.
                new(mCblk) audio_track_cblk_t(); //这里是C++的语法:
                             //    内存的结构就变成了: |<- audio_track_cblk_t ->| buffer... |
                // clear all buffers
                mCblk->frameCount = frameCount; //初始化cblk中的一些属性
                mCblk->sampleRate = sampleRate;
                mChannelCount = channelCount;
                mChannelMask = channelMask;
                if (sharedBuffer == 0) { //sharedBuffer==0表示MODE_STREAM
                    mBuffer = (char*)mCblk + sizeof(audio_track_cblk_t); //data buffer的地址,需要将audio_track_cblk_t的大小跳过
                    memset(mBuffer, 0, frameCount*channelCount*sizeof(int16_t)); //clear buffer
                    // Force underrun condition to avoid false underrun callback until first data is
                    // written to buffer (other flags are cleared)
                    mCblk->flags = CBLK_UNDERRUN_ON;
                } else { //否则就是MODE_STATIC,数据buffer直接使用由AT传递过来的已经申请好的共享内存
                    mBuffer = sharedBuffer->pointer();
                mBufferEnd = (uint8_t *)mBuffer + bufferSize;
        } else {
            ALOGE("not enough memory for AudioTrack size=%u", size);
    } else {


struct audio_track_cblk_t
                // next 4 are offsets within "buffers"
    volatile    uint32_t    user; //user代表AT,生产者已经写了多少个frame
    volatile    uint32_t    server; //server代表AF,消费者已经读取了多少个frame
                uint32_t    userBase; //与user结合使用,使之成为一个环形FIFO
                uint32_t    serverBase; //同userBase

                // if there is a shared buffer, "buffers" is the value of pointer() for the shared
                // buffer, otherwise "buffers" points immediately after the control block
                void*       buffers; //实际数据buffer的起始地址

                uint32_t    frameCount; //数据buffer的大小,以Frame为单位
                uint32_t    loopStart;
                uint32_t    loopEnd;        // read-only for server, read/write for client
                int         loopCount;      // read/write for client

                uint32_t    mVolumeLR; //音量相关
                uint32_t    sampleRate; //采样率

                // NOTE: audio_track_cblk_t::frameSize is not equal to AudioTrack::frameSize() for
                // 8 bit PCM data: in this case,  mCblk->frameSize is based on a sample size of
                // 16 bit because data is converted to 16 bit before being stored in buffer
                uint8_t     frameSize; //一单位frame的大小
    volatile    int32_t     flags;// Since the control block is always located in shared memory, this constructor
                // is only used for placement new().  It is never used for regular new() or stack.
                            audio_track_cblk_t(); //cblk总是new在指定的共享内存上,而不是堆栈上
                uint32_t    stepUser(uint32_t frameCount); //AT更新写位置
                bool        stepServer(uint32_t frameCount); //AF更新读位置
                void*       buffer(uint32_t offset) const; //返回可写的地址
                uint32_t    framesAvailable(); //还有多少空间可写
                uint32_t    framesAvailable_l();
                uint32_t    framesReady(); //是否有可读数据
                bool        tryLock();



uint32_t audio_track_cblk_t::framesAvailable_l()
    uint32_t u = user;
    uint32_t s = server;

    if (flags & CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK) { //以前的out标志,放在了flag中?表示AT?
        uint32_t limit = (s < loopStart) ? s : loopStart;
        //可读 = user - limit
        //可写 = frameCount - 可读
        //可写 = frameCount - (u - limit)
        //可写 = frameCount + limit - u
        return limit + frameCount - u;
    } else {


void* audio_track_cblk_t::buffer(uint32_t offset) const
    //来保证user-userBase始终小于frameCount,这样cblk->buffers + (user - userBase)*frameSize就可以得到当前的写位置,
    //这个写位置永远不会超过实际cblk->buffer + frameCount*frameSize。
    return (int8_t *)buffers + (offset - userBase) * frameSize;


uint32_t audio_track_cblk_t::framesReady()
    uint32_t u = user;
    uint32_t s = server;

    if (flags & CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK) {
        if (u < loopEnd) { //如果还未写到循环结束
            return u - s;
        } else {
            // do not block on mutex shared with client on AudioFlinger side
            if (!tryLock()) {
                ALOGW("framesReady() could not lock cblk");
                return 0;
            uint32_t frames = UINT_MAX;
            if (loopCount >= 0) {
                frames = (loopEnd - loopStart)*loopCount + u - s;
            return frames;
    } else {
        return s - u;


bool audio_track_cblk_t::stepServer(uint32_t frameCount)
    uint32_t s = server;
    bool flushed = (s == user);

    s += frameCount;
    if (flags & CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK) {
        // Mark that we have read the first buffer so that next time stepUser() is called
        // we switch to normal obtainBuffer() timeout period
        if (bufferTimeoutMs == MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS) {
            bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS - 1;
        // It is possible that we receive a flush()
        // while the mixer is processing a block: in this case,
        // stepServer() is called After the flush() has reset u & s and
        // we have s > u
        if (flushed) {
            ALOGW("stepServer occurred after track reset");
            s = user;

    if (s >= loopEnd) {
        ALOGW_IF(s > loopEnd, "stepServer: s %u > loopEnd %u", s, loopEnd);
        s = loopStart;
        if (--loopCount == 0) {
            loopEnd = UINT_MAX;
            loopStart = UINT_MAX;
    uint32_t fc = this->frameCount;
    if (s >= fc) {
        // common case, server didn't just wrap
        if (s - fc >= serverBase ) {
            serverBase += fc;
    } else if (s >= serverBase + fc) {
        // server just wrapped
        serverBase += fc;

    server = s;

    if (!(flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK)) {
    return true;


jint writeToTrack(const sp<AudioTrack>& track, jint audioFormat, jbyte* data,
                  jint offsetInBytes, jint sizeInBytes) {
    // give the data to the native AudioTrack object (the data starts at the offset)
    ssize_t written = 0;
    // regular write() or copy the data to the AudioTrack's shared memory?
    if (track->sharedBuffer() == 0) {
        written = track->write(data + offsetInBytes, sizeInBytes);
    } else {
        if (audioFormat == javaAudioTrackFields.PCM16) {
            // writing to shared memory, check for capacity
            if ((size_t)sizeInBytes > track->sharedBuffer()->size()) {
                sizeInBytes = track->sharedBuffer()->size();
            memcpy(track->sharedBuffer()->pointer(), data + offsetInBytes, sizeInBytes);
            written = sizeInBytes;
        } else if (audioFormat == javaAudioTrackFields.PCM8) {
            // data contains 8bit data we need to expand to 16bit before copying
            // to the shared memory
            // writing to shared memory, check for capacity,
            // note that input data will occupy 2X the input space due to 8 to 16bit conversion
            if (((size_t)sizeInBytes)*2 > track->sharedBuffer()->size()) {
                sizeInBytes = track->sharedBuffer()->size() / 2;
            int count = sizeInBytes;
            int16_t *dst = (int16_t *)track->sharedBuffer()->pointer();
            const int8_t *src = (const int8_t *)(data + offsetInBytes);
            while (count--) {
                *dst++ = (int16_t)(*src++^0x80) << 8;
            // even though we wrote 2*sizeInBytes, we only report sizeInBytes as written to hide
            // the 8bit mixer restriction from the user of this function
            written = sizeInBytes;
    return written;




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