BCSP( BlueCore Serial Protoco)是CSR的一个协议,不是标准的蓝牙协议,在HCI层之下,通俗点讲:就是HCI又包了一层BCSP协议发给uart,以便做到可靠性传输
Host是软件协议栈,Host Controller是芯片端
An instance of the BCSP stack runs on the Host and the Host Controller
The top of the BCSP stack presents:
! One bidirectional reliable datagram service
! One bidirectional unreliable datagram service
![蓝牙 BCSP 剖析(一)_第3张图片](http://img.e-com-net.com/image/info5/ccfc1428d6344d75acd494340a7a0d84.jpg)
Considering the diagram from the bottom:
! The UART Driver Layer initialises and controls the local UART, translating the flows of bytes on the
physical UART connection to the peer computer into flows of bytes at the base of the SLIP Layer.
! The SLIP Layer uses the Serial Link Internet Protocol (SLIP) to transform the flow of bytes into a flow of
! The Packet Integrity Layer ensures that packets received from the SLIP layer are intact.
! The MUX Layer routes received packets either tothe Sequencing Layer or to the Datagram Queue
Layer. The MUX Layer also keeps a note of the time at which the last packet was last successfully
! The Sequencing Layer uses a windowing mechanism to provide a single reliable flow of packets to and
from the peer. Code above the Layer can route packets using a Protocol Identifier value, which is carried
with each packet.
! The Datagram Queue Layer provides a single unreliable flow of packets to and from the peer. As with
the Sequencing Layer, code above this Layer can route packets using a Protocol Identifier value, which
is carried with each packet.
四.Packet Structure
2):Flags field format:
seq:0-2bit,范围是0-7,只对Sequencing Laye层有效,Unreliable Datagram Stream层这个field都设置为0
Ack:3-5bit,范围是0-7,只对Sequencing Laye层有效,Unreliable Datagram Stream层这个field都设置为0
Protocol Type:只在MUX曾用到,根据这个上传到上面那一层
3):The Protocol Identifier Field:
BCSP Packets struct 的第2个byte的 0-3bit,用来标示是哪一种上层协议的数据,这个字段通常被称为BCSP channel,
4):Payload Length Field
BCSP Packets struct 第3个byte + 第2个byte的4-7bit,代表payload的长度,不包含CRC两个byte
5):Checksum Field
BCSP header的校验位,通常为前三个byte的和值取反
7):CRC Field
在BCSP Packets Struct中占2个byte
五.Detail Layer
1):UART Driver Layer
The UART Driver Layer of the stack initialises and controls the local UART. The Layer transfers bytes between
the local UART and the bottom of the SLIP Layer.
The local UART connects to the peer computer via a physical link with the following default characteristics:
! A three-wire link: data in both directions plus a common ground
! No hardware flow control signals
! 8 data bits, transmitted least significant bit first
! Even parity
! One stop bit
! 38.4kbaud
If a received byte fails its parity test then the byte is silently discarded.
The baud rate, number of stop bits, parity on/off, parity even/odd and use of hardware flow control may be
changed by local configuration.
If the Layer is reset, then it restores the configuration listed above
2):SLIP Layer
SLIP层主要是把串口驱动层传来的字节流数据轮换成SLIP包的形式传给“包完整层”,SLIP packet是以字节0xc0开始和结束的
(0xdb,0xdc),如果这个字节是0xdb,则转化成(0xdb,0xdd),然后再把这个包送到uart driver layer,同样对于uart Driver传来
3):Packet Integrity Layer
4):MUX Layer