c# - upgrade a project to target 4.0

When you upgrade a project to 4.0, you may need to do the following to make it compile. The reasos is because the reference has gone through some structure changes. 



System.Core.dll 3.0 - to remove (System.Core has merged into System in .4.0)


WindowsFormsIntegration - upgrade to 4.0 (old does not work with 4.0)

WindowsBase -  upgrade to 4.0 (old does not work with 4.0)

System.Windows.Forms - Add to 4.0

If your project has xaml files, you will need to have the 


System.Xaml.dll - added to build with new files. 



PresentationCore.dll - upgrade

PresentationFramework.dll - upgrade

UIAutomationProvider - upgrade

