This article tries to minimize hard-coding in ETL, thereby increasing flexibility, reusability, readabilty and avoides rework through the judicious use of Informatica Parameters and Variables.
Step by step we will see what all attributes can be parameterized in Informatica from Mapping level to the Session, Worklet, Workflow, Folder and Integration Service level.
Parameter files provide us with the flexibility to change parameter and variable values every time we run a session or workflow.
So, let us begin the journey!
[Folder_Name.WF:Workflow_Name.ST:Session_Name] $DBConnection_SRC=Info_Src_Conn $DBConnection_TGT=Info_Tgt_Conn $$LOAD_CTRY=IND $Param_Src_Ownername=ODS $Param_Src_Tablename=EMPLOYEE_IND
--------------------------------------- Created on 01/01/2011 by Admin. Folder: Work_Folder CTRY:SG ; Above are all valid comments ; because this line contains no equals sign.
[Session_Name] mapplet_name.LOAD_CTRY=SG mapplet_name.REC_TYPE=D
[Folder_Name.WF:Workflow_Name] $DBConnection_TGT=Orcl_Global [Folder_Name.WF:Workflow_Name.ST:Session_Name] $DBConnection_TGT=Orcl_SG
In the specified session name, the value for session parameter $DBConnection_TGT is Orcl_SG and for rest all other sessions in the workflow, the connection object used will be Orcl_Global.
Next we take a quick look on how we can restrict the scope of Parameters by changing the Parameter File Heading section.
There are many types of Parameters and Variables we can define. Please find below the comprehensive list:
$PMFolderName, $PMIntegrationServiceName, $PMMappingName, $PMRepositoryServiceName, $PMRepositoryUserName, $PMSessionName, PMSessionRunMode [Normal/Recovery], $PM_SQ_EMP@numAffectedRows, $PM_SQ_EMP@numAppliedRows, $PM_SQ_EMP@numRejectedRows, $PM_SQ_EMP@TableName, $PM_TGT_EMP@numAffectedRows, $PM_TGT_EMP@numAppliedRows, $PM_TGT_EMP@numRejectedRows, $PM_TGT_EMP@TableName, $PMWorkflowName, $PMWorkflowRunId, $PMWorkflowRunInstanceName.
Note: Here SQ_EMP is the Source Qualifier Name and TGT_EMP is the Target Definition.
A mapping parameter represents a constant value that we can define before running a session. A mapping parameter retains the same value throughout the entire session. If we want to change the value of a mapping parameter between session runs we need to Update the parameter file.
A mapping variable represents a value that can change through the session. The Integration Service saves the value of a mapping variable to the repository at the end of each successful session run and uses that value the next time when we run the session. Variable functions like SetMaxVariable, SetMinVariable, SetVariable, SetCountVariable are used in the mapping to change the value of the variable. At the beginning of a session, the Integration Service evaluates references to a variable to determine the start value. At the end of a successful session, the Integration Service saves the final value of the variable to the repository. The next time we run the session, the Integration Service evaluates references to the variable to the saved value. To override the saved value, define the start value of the variable in the parameter file.
First of all the most common thing we usually Parameterise is the Relational Connection Objects. Since starting from Development to Production environment the connection information obviously gets changed. Hence we prefer to go with parameterisation rather than to set the connection objects for each and every source, target and lookup every time we migrate our code to new environment.E.g.
If we have one source and one target connection objects in your mapping, better we relate all the Sources, Targets, Lookups and Stored Procedures with $Source and $Target connection. Next we only parameterize $Source and $Target connection information as:
Lets have a look how the Parameter file looks like. Parameterization can be done at folder level, workflow level, worklet level and till session level.
[WorkFolder.WF:wf_Parameterize_Src.ST:s_m_Parameterize_Src] $DBConnection_SRC=Info_Src_Conn $DBConnection_TGT=Info_Tgt_Conn
Here Info_Src_Conn, Info_Tgt_Conn are Informatica Relational Connection Objects.
Note: $DBConnection lets Informatica know that we are Parameterizing Relational Connection Objects.
For Application Connections use $AppConnection_Siebel, $LoaderConnection_Orcl when parameterizing Loader Connection Objects and $QueueConnection_portal for Queue Connection Objects.
In a precise manner we can use Mapping level Parameter and Variables as and when required. For example $$LOAD_SRC, $$LOAD_CTRY, $$COMISSION, $$DEFAULT_DATE, $$CDC_DT.
Situation may arrive when we need to use a single mapping from various different DB Schema and Table and load the data to different DB Schema and Table. Condition provided the table structure is the same.
A practical scenario may be we need to load employee information of IND, SGP and AUS and load into global datawarehouse. The source tables may be orcl_ind.emp, orcl_sgp.employee, orcl_aus.emp_aus.
So we can fully parameterize the Source and Target table name and owner name.
The Parameterfile:-
[WorkFolder.WF:wf_Parameterize_Src.ST:s_m_Parameterize_Src] $DBConnection_SRC=Info_Src_Conn $DBConnection_TGT=Info_Tgt_Conn $Param_Src_Ownername=ODS $Param_Src_Tablename=EMPLOYEE_IND $Param_Tgt_Ownername=DWH $Param_Tgt_Tablename=EMPLOYEE_GLOBAL
Check the implementation image below:
Next comes what are the other attributes we can parameterize in Source Qualifier.
If we have user-defined SQL statement having join as well as filter condition, its better to add a $$WHERE clause at the end of your SQL query. Here the $$WHERE is just a Mapping level Parameter you define in your parameter file.
In general $$WHERE will be blank. Suppose we want to run the mapping for todays date or some other filter criteria, what you need to do is just to change the value of $$WHERE in Parameter file.
$$WHERE=AND LAST_UPDATED_DATE > SYSDATE -1 [WHERE clause already in override query] OR $$WHERE=WHERE LAST_UPDATED_DATE > SYSDATE -1 [NO WHERE clause in override query]
Next what are the other attributes we can parameterize in Target Definition.
Now lets see what we can do when it comes to Source, Target or Lookup Flatfiles.
Now for FTP connection objects following are the attributes we can parameterize:
Parameterization of Username and password information of connection objects are possible with $Param_OrclUname.
When it comes to password its recommended to Encrypt the password in the parameter file using the pmpasswd command line program with the CRYPT_DATA encryption type.
We can specify the parameter file name and directory in the workflow or session properties or in the pmcmd command line.
We can use parameter files with the pmcmd startworkflow or starttask commands. These commands allows us to specify the parameter file to use when we start a workflow or session.
The pmcmd -paramfile option defines which parameter file to use when a session or workflow runs. The -localparamfile option defines a parameter file on a local machine that we can reference when we do not have access to parameter files on the Integration Service machine
The following command starts workflow using the parameter file, param.txt:
pmcmd startworkflow -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -sv INTEGRATIONSERVICENAME -d DOMAINNAME -f FOLDER -paramfile 'infa_shared/BWParam/param.txt' WORKFLOWNAME
The following command starts taskA using the parameter file, param.txt:
pmcmd starttask -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -sv INTEGRATIONSERVICENAME -d DOMAINNAME -f FOLDER -w WORKFLOWNAME -paramfile 'infa_shared/BWParam/param.txt' SESSION_NAME
When we define a workflow parameter file and a session parameter file for a session within the workflow, the Integration Service uses the workflow parameter file, and ignores the session parameter file. What if we want to read some parameters from Parameter file at Workflow level and some defined at Session Level parameter file.
The solution is simple:
Content of infa_shared/BWParam/param_global.txt
[WorkFolder.WF:wf_runtime_param] $DBConnection_SRC=Info_Src_Conn $DBConnection_TGT=Info_Tgt_Conn $PMMergeSessParamFile=TRUE $$var_param_file=infa_shared/BWParam/param_runtime.txt
Content of infa_shared/BWParam/param_runtime.txt
[] $$start_date=2010-11-02 $$end_date=2010-12-08
The $PMMergeSessParamFile property causes the Integration Service to read both the session and workflow parameter files.