ü 使用sdkTools打包
ü 使用手动建立Android项目使用PhoneGap打包
ü 使用Eclipse的PhoneGap插件直接建立PhoneGap程序打包
NOTE:关于sdkTools(或者sencha Command)的使用,可以参考官方文档(文章最后资源链接)。
{ /** * The application's namespace, used by Sencha Command to generate classes * 应用名称 */ "name": "com.shs.MS", /** * The file path to this application's front HTML document, relative to this app.json file * 应用程序的首页 */ "indexHtmlPath": "index.html", /** * The absolute URL to this application in development environment, i.e: the URL to run this application * on your web browser during development, e.g: "http://localhost/myapp/index.html". * * This value is needed when build to resolve your application's dependencies if it requires server-side resources * that are not accessible via file system protocol. * 访问应用程序的绝对路径,当依赖服务端资源的时候需要配置这个项 */ "url": null, /** * List of all JavaScript assets in the right execution order. * Each item is an object with the following format: * { * "path": "path/to/script.js" // Relative path to this app.json file * "update": "delta" // (Optional) * // - If not specified, this file will only be loaded once, and * // cached inside localStorage until this value is changed. * // - "delta" to enable over-the-air delta update for this file * // - "full" means full update will be made when this file changes * * } * js文件列表 */ "js": [ { "path": "sdk/sencha-touch.js" }, { "path": "app.js", "bundle": true, /* Indicates that all class dependencies are concatenated into this file when build * 这个配置为true的话,你的app中所有的js代码都会压倒这个js文件中 */ "update": "delta" } ], /** * List of all CSS assets in the right inclusion order. * Each item is an object with the following format: * { * "path": "path/to/item.css" // Relative path to this app.json file * "update": "delta" // (Optional) * // - If not specified, this file will only be loaded once, and * // cached inside localStorage until this value is changed to either one below * // - "delta" to enable over-the-air delta update for this file * // - "full" means full update will be made when this file changes * * } * css文件列表 */ "css": [ { "path": "resources/css/app.css", "update": "delta" } ], /** * Used to automatically generate cache.manifest (HTML 5 application cache manifest) file when you build * 应用缓存,用来编译时生成cahe.manifest配置文件(HTML5 的缓存配置文件) */ "appCache": { /** * List of items in the CACHE MANIFEST section */ "cache": [ "index.html" ], /** * List of items in the NETWORK section */ "network": [ "*" ], /** * List of items in the FALLBACK section */ "fallback": [] }, /** * Extra resources to be copied along when build * 资源目录 */ "resources": [ "resources/images", "resources/icons", "resources/startup" ], /** * File / directory name matchers to ignore when copying to the builds, must be valid regular expressions * 编译时需要忽略的文件或者目录,内容要符合正则表达式规则 */ "ignore": [ "\.svn$" ], /** * Directory path to store all previous production builds. Note that the content generated inside this directory * must be kept intact for proper generation of deltas between updates * 存储以往版本的目录 */ "archivePath": "archive", /** * Default paths to build this application to for each environment * 编译之后的产品的保存路径,ST有4中编译目标(target),test,production,pakcage,native */ "buildPaths": { "testing": "build/testing", "production": "build/production", "package": "build/package", "native": "build/native" }, /** * Build options * 编译选项 */ "buildOptions": { "product": "touch", "minVersion": 3, "debug": false, "logger": "no" }, /** * Uniquely generated id for this application, used as prefix for localStorage keys. * Normally you should never change this value. * 应用的唯一id,存在localstorage中,不要修改,与程序的更新有关。 */ "id": "d2e2efe0-3777-11e2-89d7-89af0cfb7ac5" }
sencha app build package
第一种是按照SenchaTouch的官方文档上Sencha Touch 2 Native Packaging for Android这篇文章做的。使用这种方式曾经成功过一次,但是之后再打包就从来没能成功过。但这不意味着使用sdkTools不能实现打包,失败原因只是笔者能力有限。个人对SdkTools印象不好。感觉这个工具非常难用,并且有bug。