


ovrTouch_A User in touching A button on the right controller.
ovrTouch_B User in touching B button on the right controller.
ovrTouch_RThumb User has a finder on the thumb stick of the right controller.
ovrTouch_RIndexTrigger User in touching the index finger trigger on the right controller.
ovrTouch_X User in touching X button on the left controller.
ovrTouch_Y User in touching Y button on the left controller.
ovrTouch_LThumb User has a finder on the thumb stick of the left controller.
ovrTouch_LIndexTrigger User in touching the index finger trigger on the left controller.
ovrTouch_RIndexPointing Users right index finger is pointing forward past the trigger.
ovrTouch_RThumbUp Users right thumb is up and away from buttons on the controller, a gesture that can be interpreted as right thumbs up.
ovrTouch_LIndexPointing Users left index finger is pointing forward past the trigger.
ovrTouch_LThumbUp Users left thumb is up and away from buttons on the controller, a gesture that can be interpreted as left thumbs up.
