Code::Blocks 的使用


Creating a new project

This page is a guide to many of thebeginning (and some intermediate) features of the creation and modification ofa Code::Blocks project. If this is your first experience with Code::Blocks,here is a good starting point.


1 The project wizard

2 Changing filecomposition 2.1 Adding a blank file

2.2 Adding a pre-existingfile

2.3 Removing a file

3 Modifying buildoptions 3.1 Adding a new build target

3.2 Virtual Targets




Debugging with Code::Blocks


1 Build debug version of your project

2 Add Watches

2.1 In version 10.05

2.2 In 12.11 or latestnightly builds

3 Double-clicking in the Call stack window

4 Set Breakpoints

5 Notes 5.1 Scriptsupport

5.2 Single filedebugging

5.3 Path with spaces

5.4 Forking

5.5 Update to thenewest version of MinGW

5.6 Use 32bit CDB for32bit programs and 64bit CDB for 64bit programs

5.7 Limits on theearly version of MinGW

5.8 See also



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