在cadence中添加pspice(How to add p-spice lib in cadence)

How to add p-spice lib in cadence.

1.      First, you need to download aspice lib online and name it as “xx.lib”.

2.      Then open a txt file, name itanything you want with “.txt” at the end. And type in the information below:

simulator lang=spectre


Make sure these two name are same. Theninclude both of files in your simulation project.

3.      From analogLib, add an instancename “scasubckt”, connect the pin “ref” to ground. In the “Subckt file”, typein the path of your “.txt” file. And “Name of the model” should be the samename in your lib file! Then, add inout pin and creat a symbol. The pin shouldbe determined by the standard netlist. You can just google it. Here is the exampleI used for Jfet.

4.  Whenyou simulate, you need to add “+mts” in the ADE L environment by “setup ->Environment -> userCmdLineOption” 

在cadence中添加pspice(How to add p-spice lib in cadence)_第1张图片
