
前段时间,在csdn上的这篇文章  厌倦了编程书?来试试这3种提高编程技能的有趣方法吧  中看到了一个很有意思的网站: http://www.codewars.com/dashboard

你可以在上面做一些编程练习,往往是完成一个小方法或者函数,现在它支持的语言包括:Ruby  、JavaScript 、 CoffeeScript ,据说以后还会会支持其它的一些语言。我做了几道JavaScript 练习,觉得挺有意思的。因为在这里,你完成、提交一些练习之后,可以看到别人提交的答案。你会发现,同一个问题竟有那么多的解决方案,人和人之间的思维方式实在是相差得十万八千里。



You probably know the "like" system from Facebook and other pages. People can "like" blog posts, pictures or other items. We want to create the text that should be displayed next to such an item.

Implement a function likes(), which must take in input array, containing the names of people who like an item. It must return the display text as shown in the examples:

likes([]); // must return "no one likes this"
likes(['Peter']); // must return "Peter likes this"
likes(['Jacob', 'Alex']); // must return "Jacob and Alex like this"
likes(['Max', 'John', 'Mark']); // must return "Max, John and Mark like this"
likes(['Alex', 'Jacob', 'Mark', 'Max']); // must return "Alex, Jacob and 2 others like this"

看起来挺简单的不是吗?几个if ,else 拼接一下字符串不就行了?基于前几次的经验,我想我总得在其中用上点儿什么聪明的方法吧,不然,把这种粗暴的写法提交上去还不得被鄙视?下面是我的答案:

function likes(names) {
  var who;
      who = "no one";
  }else if(names.length<=2){
      who = names.length==1? names[0]:names[0]+" and "+names[1];
      who = names.concat().splice(0,2).join(", ")+
            " and "+( names.length>3? names.length-2+" others":names[2] );
 return who+( names.length>1? " like":" likes" )+" this";



1、这种方法,大概很多人都能想到(我却没想到),简单粗暴,但比 if  else  清爽干净不是吗?

function likes(names) {
  names = names || [];
    case 0: return 'no one likes this'; break;
    case 1: return names[0] + ' likes this'; break;
    case 2: return names[0] + ' and ' + names[1] + ' like this'; break;
    case 3: return names[0] + ', ' + names[1] + ' and ' + names[2] + ' like this'; break;
    default: return names[0] + ', ' + names[1] + ' and ' + (names.length - 2) + ' others like this';


function likes(names) {
  if(names.length >= 4) 
    return templates[4].format(names.slice(0, 2).concat(names.length - 2));
  return templates[names.length].format(names);

var templates = {
  0: 'no one likes this',
  1: '{0} likes this',
  2: '{0} and {1} like this',
  3: '{0}, {1} and {2} like this',
  4: '{0}, {1} and {2} others like this'

String.prototype.format = function(args) {
  return args.reduce(function(acc, value, idx) {
    return acc.replace('{' + idx + '}', value); 
  }, this).toString();


function likes(names) {
  var str = [
    'no one likes this',
    '%0 likes this', 
    '%0 and %1 like this', 
    '%0, %1 and %2 like this',
    '%0, %1 and %C others like this'
  return (names.length > 0) ? 
    str[(names.length < 5 ? names.length : 4)]
      .replace('%C',names.length-2) : 


function likes(names) {
  var c = names.length;
  var s = [0, c && c < 3 ? undefined : 2];
  return !c ? "no one likes this" : names.slice(s[0], s[1]).join(c < 3 ? ' and ' : ', ') + ((c < 3) ? (' like' + ((c == 1) ? 's' : '') + ' this') : (' and ' + (c == 3 ? (names.slice(2, 3)) : (c - 2) + ' others') + ' like this'));

