上一篇文章windows编程 使用C++实现多线程类仅仅是介绍了怎样用类来实现多线程,这篇文章则重点介绍多线程中数据同步的问题。好了,废话不多说,进入主题。
/************************************************************************/ /* FileName: WorkPipeline.h * Date: 2015-5-13 * Author: huangtianba * Description: 模拟工作流水线类 */ /************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include <Windows.h> #include <functional> struct SquareInfo { int x; int y; int squareSum; }; typedef std::tr1::function<void (const SquareInfo &squareInfo)> FoundItemFn; class CWorkPipeline { public: CWorkPipeline(); ~CWorkPipeline(); bool Init(const FoundItemFn &foundItemFn); bool UnInit(); static DWORD CALLBACK WorkThread(LPVOID lpParam); DWORD WorkProc(); private: HANDLE m_hThread; FoundItemFn m_foundItemFn; };
/************************************************************************/ /* FileName: WorkPipeline.cpp * Date: 2015-5-14 * Author: chenzba * Description: */ /************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "WorkPipeline.h" #include <time.h> CWorkPipeline::CWorkPipeline(): m_hThread(NULL) { } CWorkPipeline::~CWorkPipeline() { } bool CWorkPipeline::Init(const FoundItemFn &foundItemFn) { srand(unsigned int(time(NULL))); // 创建线程 m_hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &CWorkPipeline::WorkThread, this, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL); if (NULL == m_hThread) { return false; } m_foundItemFn = foundItemFn; ResumeThread(m_hThread); return true; } bool CWorkPipeline::UnInit() { if (m_hThread != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_hThread); m_hThread = NULL; } m_foundItemFn = FoundItemFn(); return true; } DWORD CALLBACK CWorkPipeline::WorkThread(LPVOID lpParam) { if (NULL == lpParam) { return 0; } CWorkPipeline *lpThis = reinterpret_cast<CWorkPipeline *> (lpParam); return lpThis->WorkProc(); } // 线程处理函数 DWORD CWorkPipeline::WorkProc() { while (true) { // 声明一个SquareInfo对象,给x和y随机赋值 SquareInfo squareInfo = {}; squareInfo.x = rand() % 10000; squareInfo.y = rand() % 10000; // 将squreInfo通知给回调 m_foundItemFn(squareInfo); // Sleep一段时间 Sleep(max(20, rand() % 2000)); } return 0; }
/************************************************************************/ /* FileName: ProcessCenter.h * Date: 2015-5-14 * Author: chenzba * Description: 数据处理汇集中心,处理多个线程汇集过来的数据 */ /************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include <atlbase.h> #include <atlsync.h> #include <vector> #include <list> struct SquareInfo; class CWorkPipeline; class CProcessCenter { public: typedef ATL::CComAutoCriticalSection DataLock; public: CProcessCenter(); ~CProcessCenter(); bool Init(); bool UnInit(); void DoWork(); static DWORD CALLBACK ProcessThread(LPVOID lpParam); DWORD ProcessProc(); // // 被CWorkPileline回调的函数 // void NotifyFoundItem(const SquareInfo &squareInfo); // // 通知线程退出 // void NotifyExit(); void ProcessData(); private: std::vector<CWorkPipeline *> m_workLineList; // 工作流水线线程列表 std::list<SquareInfo> m_dataList; // 流水线产生的数据列表 DataLock m_dataLock; // m_dataList数据锁 HANDLE m_hThread; ATL::CEvent m_pipeEvent; // 通知处理数据事件 bool m_isExit; };
/************************************************************************/ /* FileName: ProcessCenter.cpp * Date: 2015-5-14 * Author: chenzba * Description: The implement of CProcessCenter class. */ /************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "ProcessCenter.h" #include "WorkPipeline.h" #include <functional> #include <iostream> #include "../boost/tr1/functional.hpp" CProcessCenter::CProcessCenter(): m_hThread(NULL), m_isExit(false) { } CProcessCenter::~CProcessCenter() { } bool CProcessCenter::Init() { // 创建事件 BOOL created = m_pipeEvent.Create(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (!created) { return false; } m_hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &CProcessCenter::ProcessThread, this, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL); if (NULL == m_hThread) { UnInit(); return false; } // 创建10个工作流水线 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { CWorkPipeline *pipeLine = new(std::nothrow) CWorkPipeline(); if (pipeLine != NULL) { pipeLine->Init(std::tr1::bind(&CProcessCenter::NotifyFoundItem, this, std::tr1::placeholders::_1)); m_workLineList.push_back(pipeLine); } } m_isExit = false; ResumeThread(m_hThread); return true; } bool CProcessCenter::UnInit() { // 释放流水线资源 std::vector<CWorkPipeline *>::iterator it; for (it = m_workLineList.begin(); it != m_workLineList.end(); it++) { if ((*it) != NULL) { (*it)->UnInit(); delete (*it); (*it) = NULL; } } m_workLineList.clear(); if (m_pipeEvent != NULL) { m_pipeEvent.Set(); } if (m_hThread != NULL) { WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread, 100); CloseHandle(m_hThread); m_hThread = NULL; } m_pipeEvent.Close();
m_isExit = true; return true; }
std::tr1::bind(&CProcessCenter::NotifyFoundItem, this, std::tr1::placeholders::_1)使用bind方法产生一个函数对象,有些人编译的时候可能找不到bind函数。如果编译环境支持c++11(vs2012以上),bind函数属于c++标准库,直接在std::中就能找到;但是在vs2008或者一下,不支持c++11的编译环境(也就是我现在写代码的环境),bind函数是属于boost库的函数。Boost库可以跟C++标准库完美共同工作,并且为其提供扩展功能,因此,这里需要引用Boost库,相关库大家可以到网上了解相关信息。
void CProcessCenter::NotifyFoundItem(const SquareInfo &squareInfo) { // 数据同步 加锁 CCritSecLock locker(m_dataLock.m_sec); m_dataList.push_back(squareInfo); m_pipeEvent.Set(); }我们回到CWorkPipeline中的线程函数,m_foundItemFn(squareInfo),这句代码就进入NotifyFoundItem函数,在这里找个函数被10线程调用,m_dataList是共享数据,这里给m_dataList加锁。下面继续,看看加锁的原因。
DWORD CALLBACK CProcessCenter::ProcessThread(LPVOID lpParam) { if (NULL == lpParam) { return 0; } CProcessCenter *lpThis = reinterpret_cast<CProcessCenter *> (lpParam); return lpThis->ProcessProc(); } DWORD CProcessCenter::ProcessProc() { while (true) { DWORD dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(m_pipeEvent, 2000); if (dwResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT && (!m_isExit)) { continue; } // 处理数据 ProcessData(); if (m_isExit) { break; } } return 0; }
void CProcessCenter::ProcessData() { std::list<SquareInfo> tempList; m_dataLock.Lock(); tempList = m_dataList; m_dataList.clear(); m_pipeEvent.Reset(); m_dataLock.Unlock(); int counter = 0; std::list<SquareInfo>::iterator it; for (it = tempList.begin(); it != tempList.end(); it++) { counter++; (*it).squareSum = (*it).x * (*it).x + (*it).y * (*it).y; std::cout <<"x: " <<(*it).x <<" y: " <<(*it).y <<" square sum: " <<(*it).squareSum <<std::endl; } std::cout <<"-------------------------------------------------------" <<counter <<std::endl; }
void CProcessCenter::NotifyExit() { m_isExit = true; } void CProcessCenter::DoWork() { Sleep(20000); }
首先我们先探讨线程同步问题,加入不给m_dataList加锁,当线程执行到tempList = m_dataList之后,另外一个CWorkPipeline线程获得cpu时间片,执行m_dataList.push(),这时候m_dataList新增一个未处理的数据,接下来返回到tempList = m_dataList后,执行m_dataList.clear(),这样新增的未处理的数据就丢失了,因此这里必须给m_dataList上锁,保证任何时刻只有一个线程获得m_dataList的使用权限。