Etag 笔记


request headers

...... If-None-Match: "3c64e7a072b3b57e100c96134e5ed2929e8dc56c" ......

response headers

HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified

Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 06:29:05 GMT Etag: "3c64e7a072b3b57e100c96134e5ed2929e8dc56c" Server: TornadoServer/4.3

Tornado Etag 实现


def compute_etag(self):
    """Computes the etag header to be used for this request. By default uses a hash of the content written so far. May be overridden to provide custom etag implementations, or may return None to disable tornado's default etag support. """
     hasher = hashlib.sha1()
     for part in self._write_buffer:
     return '"%s"' % hasher.hexdigest()

通过request.headersIf-None-Match" 获取上一次的etag和这次的etag比较

 def check_etag_header(self):
        """Checks the ``Etag`` header against requests's ``If-None-Match``. Returns ``True`` if the request's Etag matches and a 304 should be returned. For example:: self.set_etag_header() if self.check_etag_header(): self.set_status(304) return This method is called automatically when the request is finished, but may be called earlier for applications that override `compute_etag` and want to do an early check for ``If-None-Match`` before completing the request. The ``Etag`` header should be set (perhaps with `set_etag_header`) before calling this method. """
        computed_etag = utf8(self._headers.get("Etag", ""))
        # Find all weak and strong etag values from If-None-Match header
        # because RFC 7232 allows multiple etag values in a single header.
        etags = re.findall(
            utf8(self.request.headers.get("If-None-Match", ""))
        if not computed_etag or not etags:
            return False
        match = False
        if etags[0] == b'*':
            match = True
            # Use a weak comparison when comparing entity-tags.
            val = lambda x: x[2:] if x.startswith(b'W/') else x
            for etag in etags:
                if val(etag) == val(computed_etag):
                    match = True
        return match


...... if self.check_etag_header(): self._write_buffer = [] self.set_status(304) ......
