2.Locally-weighted logistic regression
function y = lwlr(X_train,y_train,x,tau) m = size(X_train,1); n = size(X_train,2); theta = zeros(n,1); % compute weights w = exp(-sum((X_train - repmat(x',m,1)).^2,2)/(2*tau)); % perform Newton's method g = ones(n,1); while(norm(g) > 1e-6) h = 1./(1+exp(-X_train*theta)); g = X_train'*(w.*(y_train - h))-1e-4*theta; H = -X_train'*diag(w.*h.*(1-h))*X_train - 1e-4*eye(n); theta = theta - H\g; end %return predicted y y = double(x'*theta > 0);
clc;clear;close all; load('q1x.dat'); load('q1y.dat'); X = q1x; Y = q1y; m = size(X,1); n = size(X,2); % minX= min(X); maxX = max(X); minX= [0 -6]; maxX = [8 4]; resolution = 200; tau = [0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 0.5 5]; for i = 1:6 i subplot(2,3,i); Title = sprintf('tau=%f',tau(i)); title(Title); hold on; for x1 = linspace(minX(1),maxX(1),resolution) for x2 = linspace(minX(2),maxX(2),resolution) y = lwlr(X,Y,[x1;x2],tau(i)); if y == 0 plot(x1,x2,'r.'); else plot(x1,x2,'g.'); end end end for j=1:m if Y(j) == 0 plot(X(j,1),X(j,2),'kx'); else plot(X(j,1),X(j,2),'ko'); end end hold off; end
Conclusion: For smaller τ, the classifier appears to overfit the data set, obtaining zero training error, but outputing a sporadic looking decision boundary. As τ grows, the resulting decision boundary becomes smoother, enentually converging (in the limit as τ→ ∞ to the unweighted linear regression solution).