{ ID: ymwbegi1 PROG: shopping LANG: PASCAL } var n,m,i,j,x,y,z,r:longint; flag:boolean; s1,w:array[1..100] of longint; s:array[1..100,1..100,1..2] of longint; f:array[0..5,0..5,0..5,0..5,0..5] of longint; num:array[1..1000] of longint; u,o:array[1..5] of longint; a:array[1..100,1..2] of longint; begin assign(input,'shopping.in'); assign(output,'shopping.out'); reset(input); rewrite(output); readln(m); for i:=1 to m do begin read(s1[i]); for j:=1 to s1[i] do read(s[i,j,1],s[i,j,2]); readln(w[i]); end; readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(x,y,z); num[x]:=i; a[i,1]:=y; a[i,2]:=z; end; while u[1]<=a[1,1] do begin u[2]:=0; while u[2]<=a[2,1] do begin u[3]:=0; while u[3]<=a[3,1] do begin u[4]:=0; while u[4]<=a[4,1] do begin u[5]:=0; while u[5]<=a[5,1] do begin for i:=1 to n do f[u[1],u[2],u[3],u[4],u[5]]:=f[u[1],u[2],u[3],u[4],u[5]]+u[i]*a[i,2]; for i:=1 to m do begin flag:=false; for j:=1 to s1[i] do if u[num[s[i,j,1]]]<s[i,j,2] then begin flag:=true; break; end; if flag then continue; for j:=1 to 5 do o[j]:=u[j]; for j:=1 to s1[i] do begin r:=num[s[i,j,1]]; o[r]:=u[r]-s[i,j,2]; end; if f[o[1],o[2],o[3],o[4],o[5]]+w[i]<f[u[1],u[2],u[3],u[4],u[5]] then f[u[1],u[2],u[3],u[4],u[5]]:=f[o[1],o[2],o[3],o[4],o[5]]+w[i]; end; inc(u[5]); end; inc(u[4]); end; inc(u[3]); end; inc(u[2]); end; inc(u[1]); end; writeln(f[a[1,1],a[2,1],a[3,1],a[4,1],a[5,1]]); close(input); close(output); end.