我们也用它来show一下(原谅我,好不容易自己写个shader,并且中间有个地方花了我一个小时才改出来,就让我多show一下吧- -!!)
Sphere mapping 和 Cube mapping是常见环境映射技术。Sphere map更早,是较早提出的环境映射的方法。
这里着重讲下 Sphere mapping 的原理。
vec2 SphereMap(in vec3 ecPosition3,in vec3 normal) { float m; vec3 r, u; u = normalize( ecPosition3 ); r = reflect( u, normal); m = 2.0 * sqrt( r.x * r.x + r.y * r.y + ( r.z + 1.0 ) * ( r.z * 1.0 ) ); return vec2( r.x / m + 0.5, r.y / m + 0.5); }
Sphere mapping 是基于这样一个事实:将一个理想高反射的球体置于场景中央,从一个角度无穷远处拍摄此球体,将得到一张全景图。
通常我们在场景建模中朝z轴正方向,利用正交投影模拟无穷远处进行渲染就可以得到这个纹理图 或者其它方法。
很简单 r = 2 * (v · n)*n - v
其中v为顶点A到E的单位方向向量:v =normalize( E - A);
n为顶点A的单位法线向量。 这样得到的r也为单位向量。
这里最最重要的一点是需要知道的是:纹理是从(0,0,1)方向拍摄的(即B点眼睛的坐标)(注意DX里面是(0,0,-1)),所以将知道的反射光线和(0,0,1)相加,就得出了对应的法线值。 即(r.x,r.y,r.z+1)为B点法线的值,将它进行单位化(r.x,r.y,r.z+1)/sqrt(r.x*r.x+r.y*r.y+(r.z+1.0)*(r.z+1.0)).这样就得到B点处的单位法线向量n'。
最后这样得到的2维纹理坐标范围为[-1,1],由于纹理坐标的范围为[0,1],我们需要将坐标范围缩小一半,并右移0.5就得到纹理坐标范围。 OK,整个流程结束!
/*------------------------------------------------------------ SphereEnvMapping.cpp -- achieve sphere environment mapping (c) Seamanj.2013/7/23 ------------------------------------------------------------*/ //phase1 : add teapot //phase2 : add camera //phase3 : add sphere environment mapping shader #include "DXUT.h" #include "resource.h" #define phase1 1 #define phase2 1 #define phase3 1 #if phase1 // Global variables ID3DXMesh* pTeapotMesh = 0; #endif #if phase2 #include "DXUTcamera.h" CModelViewerCamera g_Camera; #endif #if phase3 #include "SDKmisc.h" ID3DXEffect* g_pEffect = NULL; // D3DX effect interface IDirect3DTexture9* g_pSphereEnvTex = 0; D3DXHANDLE g_hTech = 0; D3DXHANDLE g_hWorldViewProj = NULL; // Handle for world+view+proj matrix in effect D3DXHANDLE g_hWorldView = NULL; D3DXHANDLE g_hWorldViewInv = NULL; D3DXHANDLE g_hSphereEnvTex = NULL; #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rejects any D3D9 devices that aren't acceptable to the app by returning false //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CALLBACK IsD3D9DeviceAcceptable( D3DCAPS9* pCaps, D3DFORMAT AdapterFormat, D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat, bool bWindowed, void* pUserContext ) { // Typically want to skip back buffer formats that don't support alpha blending IDirect3D9* pD3D = DXUTGetD3D9Object(); if( FAILED( pD3D->CheckDeviceFormat( pCaps->AdapterOrdinal, pCaps->DeviceType, AdapterFormat, D3DUSAGE_QUERY_POSTPIXELSHADER_BLENDING, D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE, BackBufferFormat ) ) ) return false; return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Before a device is created, modify the device settings as needed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CALLBACK ModifyDeviceSettings( DXUTDeviceSettings* pDeviceSettings, void* pUserContext ) { #if phase2 pDeviceSettings->d3d9.pp.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE; #endif return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create any D3D9 resources that will live through a device reset (D3DPOOL_MANAGED) // and aren't tied to the back buffer size //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CALLBACK OnD3D9CreateDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc, void* pUserContext ) { #if phase1 D3DXCreateTeapot( pd3dDevice, &pTeapotMesh, 0); #endif #if phase2 // Setup the camera's view parameters D3DXVECTOR3 vecEye( 0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f ); D3DXVECTOR3 vecAt ( 0.0f, 0.0f, -0.0f ); g_Camera.SetViewParams( &vecEye, &vecAt ); FLOAT fObjectRadius=1; //摄像机缩放的3个参数 g_Camera.SetRadius( fObjectRadius * 3.0f, fObjectRadius * 0.5f, fObjectRadius * 10.0f ); g_Camera.SetEnablePositionMovement( true ); #endif #if phase3 HRESULT hr; // Create vertex shader WCHAR str[MAX_PATH]; // Read the D3DX effect file V_RETURN( DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( str, MAX_PATH, L"SphereEnvMapping.fx" ) ); // Create the effect LPD3DXBUFFER pErrorBuff; V_RETURN( D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( pd3dDevice, // associated device str, // effect filename NULL, // no preprocessor definitions NULL, // no ID3DXInclude interface D3DXSHADER_DEBUG, // compile flags NULL, // don't share parameters &g_pEffect, // return effect &pErrorBuff // return error messages ) ); //pErrorBuff // Get handle g_hTech = g_pEffect->GetTechniqueByName("myTechnique"); g_hWorldViewProj = g_pEffect->GetParameterByName(0, "g_mWorldViewProj"); g_hWorldView = g_pEffect->GetParameterByName(0, "g_mWorldView"); g_hWorldViewInv = g_pEffect->GetParameterByName(0, "g_mWorldViewInv"); g_hSphereEnvTex = g_pEffect->GetParameterByName(0, "g_txSphereEnvMap"); // Set texture: D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(pd3dDevice, L"spheremap.bmp", &g_pSphereEnvTex); #endif return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create any D3D9 resources that won't live through a device reset (D3DPOOL_DEFAULT) // or that are tied to the back buffer size //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CALLBACK OnD3D9ResetDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc, void* pUserContext ) { #if phase3 HRESULT hr; if( g_pEffect ) V_RETURN( g_pEffect->OnResetDevice() ); #endif #if phase2 pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE ); //关闭光照处理, 默认情况下启用光照处理 pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE ); //Setup the camera's projection parameters float fAspectRatio = pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Width / ( FLOAT )pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Height; g_Camera.SetProjParams( D3DX_PI / 2, fAspectRatio, 0.1f, 5000.0f ); g_Camera.SetWindow( pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Width, pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Height ); g_Camera.SetButtonMasks( MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON, MOUSE_WHEEL, MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON ); #endif return S_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handle updates to the scene. This is called regardless of which D3D API is used //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CALLBACK OnFrameMove( double fTime, float fElapsedTime, void* pUserContext ) { #if phase2 g_Camera.FrameMove( fElapsedTime ); #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Render the scene using the D3D9 device //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CALLBACK OnD3D9FrameRender( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, double fTime, float fElapsedTime, void* pUserContext ) { HRESULT hr; // Clear the render target and the zbuffer V( pd3dDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET | D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_ARGB( 0, 45, 50, 170 ), 1.0f, 0 ) ); // Render the scene if( SUCCEEDED( pd3dDevice->BeginScene() ) ) { #if phase3 UINT iPass, cPasses; D3DXMATRIXA16 mWorldViewProjection,mWorldView,mWorldViewInv; V(g_pEffect->SetTechnique(g_hTech)); V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPasses, 0 ) ); for( iPass = 0; iPass < cPasses; iPass++ ) { V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( iPass ) ); //set WorldViewProject matrix mWorldViewProjection = *g_Camera.GetWorldMatrix() * *g_Camera.GetViewMatrix() * *g_Camera.GetProjMatrix(); V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( g_hWorldViewProj, &mWorldViewProjection) ); //set WorldView matrix mWorldView = *g_Camera.GetWorldMatrix() * *g_Camera.GetViewMatrix(); V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( g_hWorldView, &mWorldView) ); //set WorldViewInv matrix mWorldViewInv = *D3DXMatrixInverse(&mWorldViewInv, 0, &mWorldView); V( g_pEffect->SetMatrix( g_hWorldViewInv, &mWorldViewInv) ); //set texture V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( g_hSphereEnvTex, g_pSphereEnvTex) ); #if phase1 pTeapotMesh->DrawSubset( 0 ); #endif V( g_pEffect->EndPass() ); } V( g_pEffect->End() ); #endif V( pd3dDevice->EndScene() ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handle messages to the application //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CALLBACK MsgProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, bool* pbNoFurtherProcessing, void* pUserContext ) { #if phase2 g_Camera.HandleMessages( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); #endif return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Release D3D9 resources created in the OnD3D9ResetDevice callback //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CALLBACK OnD3D9LostDevice( void* pUserContext ) { #if phase3 if( g_pEffect ) g_pEffect->OnLostDevice(); #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Release D3D9 resources created in the OnD3D9CreateDevice callback //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CALLBACK OnD3D9DestroyDevice( void* pUserContext ) { #if phase1 SAFE_RELEASE(pTeapotMesh); #endif #if phase3 SAFE_RELEASE(g_pEffect); SAFE_RELEASE(g_pSphereEnvTex); #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize everything and go into a render loop //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT WINAPI wWinMain( HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPWSTR, int ) { // Enable run-time memory check for debug builds. #if defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG) _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); #endif // Set the callback functions DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceAcceptable( IsD3D9DeviceAcceptable ); DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceCreated( OnD3D9CreateDevice ); DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceReset( OnD3D9ResetDevice ); DXUTSetCallbackD3D9FrameRender( OnD3D9FrameRender ); DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceLost( OnD3D9LostDevice ); DXUTSetCallbackD3D9DeviceDestroyed( OnD3D9DestroyDevice ); DXUTSetCallbackDeviceChanging( ModifyDeviceSettings ); DXUTSetCallbackMsgProc( MsgProc ); DXUTSetCallbackFrameMove( OnFrameMove ); // TODO: Perform any application-level initialization here // Initialize DXUT and create the desired Win32 window and Direct3D device for the application DXUTInit( true, true ); // Parse the command line and show msgboxes DXUTSetHotkeyHandling( true, true, true ); // handle the default hotkeys DXUTSetCursorSettings( true, true ); // Show the cursor and clip it when in full screen DXUTCreateWindow( L"SphereEnvMapping" ); DXUTCreateDevice( true, 640, 480 ); // Start the render loop DXUTMainLoop(); // TODO: Perform any application-level cleanup here return DXUTGetExitCode(); }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SphereEnvMapping.fx -- Sphere environment mapping shader (c) Seamanj.2013/7/23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global variables //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float4x4 g_mWorldViewProj; float4x4 g_mWorldView; float4x4 g_mWorldViewInv; texture g_txSphereEnvMap; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sampler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sampler2D g_samShereEnvMap = sampler_state { Texture = <g_txSphereEnvMap>; MinFilter = Linear; MagFilter = Linear; MipFilter = Linear; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vertex shader output structure //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct VS_Output { float4 position : POSITION; float2 EnvTex : TEXCOORD0; }; float2 SphereMap(float3 position, float3 normal) { float m; float3 r,u; u = normalize(position); r = reflect(u, normal); m = 2.0 * sqrt( r.x * r.x + r.y * r.y + (r.z - 1.0) * (r.z - 1.0) );//DX中这里是减 return float2(r.x / m + 0.5, r.y / m + 0.5); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vertex shader //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VS_Output myVertexEntry(float4 position : POSITION,float3 normal : NORMAL) { VS_Output OUT; OUT.position = mul ( position, g_mWorldViewProj); position = mul( position, g_mWorldViewProj); //normal = mul( normal, (float3x3)g_mWorldView);//这句太重要了,花了我一个小时,如果没这句,环境上的贴图会跟着茶壶转 //另外本来应该是乘以变换矩阵的转置的逆,但是这里只考虑了旋转对法向量的影响,毕竟平移对法向量没有影响 //所以只需要左上角3x3子矩阵的转置的逆,由于本例只包括了旋转所以左上角的3x3子矩阵是个正交矩阵,我们可以 //用法向量直接这个子矩阵,但是为了严谨我们还是乘以它的转置的逆(因为除了旋转和反射是正交矩阵,缩放和挤压可不是), //然后再单位化下,真TM扯蛋,hlsl不支持矩阵的逆 normal = mul ( normal, transpose((float3x3)g_mWorldViewInv)); normal = normalize(normal); OUT.EnvTex = SphereMap(position.xyz , normal); return OUT; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pixel shader //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float4 myPixelEntry(float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR { return tex2D(g_samShereEnvMap, Tex); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Renders scene to render target //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- technique myTechnique { pass P0 { VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 myVertexEntry(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 myPixelEntry(); } }
不好意思,要收你10分,呵呵 ,因为我的分实在不够用了,好了,睡觉了,6点20了....