Version Numbering Scheme

Version Numbering Scheme

<major>.<minor>.<micro>[-milestone number> or -RC<release candidate number>]
This scheme has three number components:

The major number increases when there are incompatible changes in the API.
The minor number increases when a new feature is introduced.
The micro number increases when a bug or a trivial change is made.
and an optional label that indicates the maturity of a release:

M (Milestone) means the feature set can change at any time in the next milestone releases. The last milestone release becomes the first release candidate after a vote.
RC (Release Candidate) means the feature set is frozen and the next RC releases will focus on fixing problems unless there is a serious flaw in design. The last release candidate becomes the first GA release after a vote.
No label implies GA (General Availability), which means the release is stable enough and therefore ready for production environment.
