if(!skipTrash) { try { Trash trashTmp = new Trash(srcFs, getConf()); if (trashTmp.moveToTrash(src)) {//new 一个trash,然后把要删的文件名字符串扔给它 System.out.println("Moved to trash: " + src); return; } } catch (IOException e) { Exception cause = (Exception) e.getCause(); String msg = ""; if(cause != null) { msg = cause.getLocalizedMessage(); } System.err.println("Problem with Trash." + msg +". Consider using -skipTrash option"); throw e; } }删除文件一般都会经过Trash,从FsShell的代码看就是new一个Trash对象,然后把要删的文件路径传给它就这么简单。
private final FileSystem fs; private final Path trash;//private static final Path TRASH = new Path(".Trash/"); private final Path current; private final long interval; public Trash(FileSystem fs, Configuration conf) throws IOException { super(conf); this.fs = fs; this.trash = new Path(fs.getHomeDirectory(), TRASH); this.current = new Path(trash, CURRENT);//private static final Path CURRENT = new Path("Current"); this.interval = conf.getLong("fs.trash.interval", 60) * MSECS_PER_MINUTE;//集群默认配置清理trash的时间是1小时,实际这个时间可以灵活调整,也可以手工清理Trash,目前线上集群是2天。 }可以看到Trash对象初始化的时候,要传递hdfs的文件系统句柄,它里边有个Path对象叫trash,这个Path指向用户家目录的.Trash目录
public Path getHomeDirectory() { return new Path("/user/"+System.getProperty("user.name")) .makeQualified(this); }
Path trashPath = makeTrashRelativePath(current, path); Path baseTrashPath = makeTrashRelativePath(current, path.getParent());啥意思?
private Path makeTrashRelativePath(Path basePath, Path rmFilePath) { return new Path(basePath + rmFilePath.toUri().getPath()); }啥意思?是这样的,比如我创建一个文件:/hadoop dfs -touchz /hello/world/wo/ca/123
private synchronized boolean renameToInternal(String src, String dst ) throws IOException { NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* NameSystem.renameTo: " + src + " to " + dst); if (isInSafeMode()) throw new SafeModeException("Cannot rename " + src, safeMode); if (!DFSUtil.isValidName(dst)) { throw new IOException("Invalid name: " + dst); }//安全模式的时候也不能动哦! if (isPermissionEnabled) { //We should not be doing this. This is move() not renameTo(). //but for now, String actualdst = dir.isDir(dst)?//检查你希望改成的名字是不是目录,如果是目录的话,我擦,这样:/a/b/c 改成/1/2/,那么改成/1/2/a/b/c dst + Path.SEPARATOR + new Path(src).getName(): dst; checkParentAccess(src, FsAction.WRITE); checkAncestorAccess(actualdst, FsAction.WRITE);//源文件父目录和目标文件上溯inode写权限检查,回头renameTo需要权限 } HdfsFileStatus dinfo = dir.getFileInfo(dst); if (dir.renameTo(src, dst)) { changeLease(src, dst, dinfo); // update lease with new filename return true; } return false; } 还记得dir吗FSDirectory对象,它执行renameTo操作,审计日志log之类的就不说了,看关键的代码 boolean unprotectedRenameTo(String src, String dst, long timestamp) throws QuotaExceededException { synchronized (rootDir) { INode[] srcInodes = rootDir.getExistingPathINodes(src);//拿到要改名的那个文件的各级上层inode数组 //http://blog.csdn.net/tracymkgld/article/details/17553173 // check the validation of the source if (srcInodes[srcInodes.length-1] == null) {//显然这是目标inode,就是你想改名的那个文件inode NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " + "failed to rename " + src + " to " + dst + " because source does not exist"); return false; } if (srcInodes.length == 1) { NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " +"failed to rename "+src+" to "+dst+ " because source is the root"); return false;//root不允许你改名 } if (isDir(dst)) { dst += Path.SEPARATOR + new Path(src).getName(); } //有检查一遍你是不是想非法的将文件改为目录名 // check the validity of the destination if (dst.equals(src)) { return true; }//是不是同一个文件名,操蛋呢? // dst cannot be directory or a file under src if (dst.startsWith(src) && //不能将其改到它的孩子身上去 dst.charAt(src.length()) == Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR) { NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " + "failed to rename " + src + " to " + dst + " because destination starts with src"); return false; } byte[][] dstComponents = INode.getPathComponents(dst); INode[] dstInodes = new INode[dstComponents.length]; rootDir.getExistingPathINodes(dstComponents, dstInodes); if (dstInodes[dstInodes.length-1] != null) {//不说了,很简单,搞完src的inode开始搞dst的inode了 NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " +"failed to rename "+src+" to "+dst+ " because destination exists"); return false; } if (dstInodes[dstInodes.length-2] == null) { NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " +"failed to rename "+src+" to "+dst+ " because destination's parent does not exist"); return false; } // Ensure dst has quota to accommodate rename verifyQuotaForRename(srcInodes,dstInodes);//quota管理,这里先不讲。 INode dstChild = null; INode srcChild = null; String srcChildName = null; try { // remove src srcChild = removeChild(srcInodes, srcInodes.length-1);//先把想要被改名的那个文件从他爹手里清理掉,他爹不管他了 if (srcChild == null) { NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " + "failed to rename " + src + " to " + dst + " because the source can not be removed"); return false; } srcChildName = srcChild.getLocalName(); srcChild.setLocalName(dstComponents[dstInodes.length-1]); // add src to the destination dstChild = addChildNoQuotaCheck(dstInodes, dstInodes.length - 1, srcChild, -1, false);//挂到dst inode上,add 到dst的 Inode的children (List)中,当然还有quota之类的换算,mtime的更新等。 if (dstChild != null) { srcChild = null; if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) { NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " + src + " is renamed to " + dst); } // update modification time of dst and the parent of src srcInodes[srcInodes.length-2].setModificationTime(timestamp);//源和端的父目录都更新mtime dstInodes[dstInodes.length-2].setModificationTime(timestamp); return true; } } finally { if (dstChild == null && srcChild != null) { // put it back srcChild.setLocalName(srcChildName); addChildNoQuotaCheck(srcInodes, srcInodes.length - 1, srcChild, -1, false); } } NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " +"failed to rename "+src+" to "+dst); return false; }小结: