Google APAC Test 2016 Not So Random 矩阵快递幂(logN复杂度)


There is a certain "random number generator" (RNG) which takes one nonnegative integer as input and generates another nonnegative integer as output. But you know that the RNG is really not very random at all! It uses a fixed number K, and always performs one of the following three operations:

  • with probability A/100: return the bitwise AND of the input and K
  • with probability B/100: return the bitwise OR of the input and K
  • with probability C/100: return the bitwise XOR of the input and K

(You may assume that the RNG is truly random in the way that it chooses the operation each time, based on the values of AB, and C.)

You have N copies of this RNG, and you have arranged them in series such that output from one machine will be the input for the next machine in the series. If you provide X as an input to the first machine, what will be the expected value of the output of the final machine in the series?


The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, TT test cases follow; each consists of one line with six integers NXKAB, and C. Respectively, these denote the number of machines, the initial input, the fixed number with which all the bitwise operations will be performed (on every machine), and 100 times the probabilities of the bitwise AND, OR, and XOR operations.


For each test case, output one line containing "Case #x: y", where x is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is the expected value of the final output. y will be considered correct if it is within an absolute or relative error of 10-9 of the correct answer. See the FAQ for an explanation of what that means, and what formats of real numbers we accept.


1 ≤ T ≤ 50.
0 ≤ A ≤ 100.
0 ≤ B ≤ 100.
0 ≤ C ≤ 100.
A+B+C = 100.



1 5 5 10 50 40
2 5 5 10 50 40
10 15 21 70 20 10

Case #1: 3.0000000000
Case #2: 3.6000000000
Case #3: 15.6850579098

题目大意:对于一个“随机数生成器”,给定,输出的结果可能有三种,①  ② ③。求重复操作次,最后得到的结果的期望值。



Google APAC Test 2016 Not So Random 矩阵快递幂(logN复杂度)_第1张图片


Google APAC Test 2016 Not So Random 矩阵快递幂(logN复杂度)_第2张图片 


Google APAC Test 2016 Not So Random 矩阵快递幂(logN复杂度)_第3张图片


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;

void multiply(double m1[], double m2[]){
	double ans[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
	ans[0] = m1[0] * m2[0] + m1[1] * m2[2];
	ans[1] = m1[0] * m2[1] + m1[1] * m2[3];
	ans[2] = m1[2] * m2[0] + m1[3] * m2[2];
	ans[3] = m1[2] * m2[1] + m1[3] * m2[3];
	for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		m1[i] = ans[i];

int main(){
	int tc, ca = 0;
	cin >> tc;
		int n, x, k;
		double a, b, c;
		cin >> n >> x >> k >> a >> b >> c;
		a /= 100, b /= 100, c /= 100;
		double ans0[] = {1, 0, 0, 1}, ans1[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
		double cur0[] = {1, a, 0, b + c}, cur1[] = {a, c, b + c, a + b};
			if(n & 1)
				multiply(ans0, cur0), multiply(ans1, cur1);
			multiply(cur0, cur0), multiply(cur1, cur1);
			n >>= 1;
		int base = 1;
		double res = 0;
		while(x || k){
			double p1 = x & 1 ? 1 : 0, p0 = 1 - p1;
			double c0, c1;
			if(k & 1)
				c0 = ans1[2], c1 = ans1[3];
				c0 = ans0[2], c1 = ans0[3];
			res += (c0 * p0 + c1 * p1) * base;  //求解当前bit的期望
			base <<= 1, x >>= 1, k >>= 1;
		printf("Case #%d: %.10lf\n", ++ca, res);

