android loader用法






public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args);

public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor data);

public void onLoaderReset(Loader<Cursor> loader);


OnCreateLoader 是在调用了getLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, this)之后才有framework调用,并返回一个Loader<Cursor>,一般我们返回默认CursorLoader,当然我们也可以自已去实现一个AsyncTask的子类。

当CusorLoader执行完以后就调onLoadFinished()。但我们调getLoaderManager().restartLoader(0, null, this)的时候,它就会调onLoaderReset。


public static class AppListLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<List<AppEntry>> {

    final InterestingConfigChanges mLastConfig = new InterestingConfigChanges();

    final PackageManager mPm;


    List<AppEntry> mApps;

    PackageIntentReceiver mPackageObserver;


    public AppListLoader(Context context) {



        // Retrieve the package manager for later use; note we don't

        // use 'context' directly but instead the save global application

        // context returned by getContext().

        mPm = getContext().getPackageManager();




    @Override public List<AppEntry> loadInBackground() {

        // Retrieve all known applications.

        List<ApplicationInfo> apps = mPm.getInstalledApplications(

                PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES |


        if (apps == null) {

            apps = new ArrayList<ApplicationInfo>();



        final Context context = getContext();


        // Create corresponding array of entries and load their labels.

        List<AppEntry> entries = new ArrayList<AppEntry>(apps.size());

        for (int i=0; i<apps.size(); i++) {

            AppEntry entry = new AppEntry(this, apps.get(i));





        // Sort the list.

        Collections.sort(entries, ALPHA_COMPARATOR);


        // Done!

        return entries;




    @Override public void deliverResult(List<AppEntry> apps) {

        if (isReset()) {

            // An async query came in while the loader is stopped.  We

            // don't need the result.

            if (apps != null) {




        List<AppEntry> oldApps = apps;

        mApps = apps;


        if (isStarted()) {

            // If the Loader is currently started, we can immediately

            // deliver its results.




        // At this point we can release the resources associated with

        // 'oldApps' if needed; now that the new result is delivered we

        // know that it is no longer in use.

        if (oldApps != null) {






    @Override protected void onStartLoading() {

        if (mApps != null) {

            // If we currently have a result available, deliver it

            // immediately.




        // Start watching for changes in the app data.

        if (mPackageObserver == null) {

            mPackageObserver = new PackageIntentReceiver(this);



        // Has something interesting in the configuration changed since we

        // last built the app list?

        boolean configChange = mLastConfig.applyNewConfig(getContext().getResources());


        if (takeContentChanged() || mApps == null || configChange) {

            // If the data has changed since the last time it was loaded

            // or is not currently available, start a load.






    @Override protected void onStopLoading() {

        // Attempt to cancel the current load task if possible.





    @Override public void onCanceled(List<AppEntry> apps) {



        // At this point we can release the resources associated with 'apps'

        // if needed.





    @Override protected void onReset() {



        // Ensure the loader is stopped



        // At this point we can release the resources associated with 'apps'

        // if needed.

        if (mApps != null) {


            mApps = null;



        // Stop monitoring for changes.

        if (mPackageObserver != null) {


            mPackageObserver = null;





    protected void onReleaseResources(List<AppEntry> apps) {

        // For a simple List<> there is nothing to do.  For something

        // like a Cursor, we would close it here.



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