Divide two integers without using multiplication, division and mod operator.
Note that is the dividend < divisor as they all integer and the return value is also integer, the return value would be 0. (e.g. 3/4=0)
Without using the *, /, and % operator, what we can use is +,-, and <<, >> .
<< 1 is to multiply 2,e.g. 2<<1 = 4;
>> 1 is to divide 2 e.g. 8>>1 = 4;
Originally, the divide operation can use - only, but this is time-consuming, especially when the dividend is large and the divisor is small. e.g. 123456789/1.
So, use << to speed up.
1. Keep multiply 2 (<<1) to the divisor, until it is greater than the dividend. Store the times of shift operation.
2. if dividend > divisor, then dividend = dividend - divisor/2(>>1). Until dividend< original divisor. Store the result.
3. Output the result.
e.g. 13/3
15 - 24/2 = 3 - 12/2/2=0 < 3, end.
res = 4, res = 4+1, res=5
Another concern is the negative and positive integer and the range of integer. The pos and neg problem can be solved using abs function and the unsigned type cast. The later one we can use the long long type.
In C++ integer type, from small to large:
short (unsigned) 2 Bytes
int (unsigned) 4 Bytes
long (unsigned) 4 Bytes
long long (unsigned) 8 Bytes
in Java, there is no unsigned integer
byte -128~127 1Byte
short -32768~32767 2Bytes
一个有趣的是 Math.abs(-2147483648) 结果还是 -2147483648. 在进行该运算前,要将其转化为long类型
public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) { int sign = 1; if(dividend<0) sign = -sign; if(divisor<0) sign = -sign; long temp = Math.abs((long)dividend); long temp2 = Math.abs((long)divisor); long c = 1; while(temp>temp2){ temp2 = temp2<<1; c = c<<1; } int res = 0; while(temp>=Math.abs((long)divisor)){ while(temp>=temp2){ temp-=temp2; res+=c; } temp2 = temp2>>1; c=c>>1; } if(sign>0) return res; else return -res; }c++
int divide(int dividend, int divisor) { int sign = 1; if(dividend<0) sign = -sign; if(divisor<0) sign = -sign; unsigned long c = 1; unsigned long long tmp = abs((long long)dividend); unsigned long long tmp2 = abs((long long)divisor); while(tmp>tmp2){ tmp2 = tmp2<<1; c=c<<1; } int result =0; while(tmp>=abs((long long) divisor)){ while(tmp>=tmp2){ tmp = tmp - tmp2; result += c; } tmp2 = tmp2>>1; c=c>>1; } return sign*result; }