Scalaz(20)-Monad: Validation-Applicative版本的Either

  scalaz还提供了个type class叫Validation。乍看起来跟\/没什么分别。实际上这个Validation是在\/的基础上增加了Applicative功能,就是实现了ap函数。通过Applicative实例就可以同时运算多个Validation并返回多条异常信息。所以,\/与Validation核心分别就在于Validation可以返回多条异常信息。Validation也是由两种状态组成:Success和Failure,分别与\/的left和right相对应。Failure可以返回多个值。我们先来看看Validation在scalaz里的定义:scalaz/Validation.scala

sealed abstract class Validation[+E, +A] extends Product with Serializable {
  def isSuccess: Boolean = this match {
    case Success(_) => true
    case Failure(_) => false

  /** Return `true` if this validation is failure. */
  def isFailure: Boolean = !isSuccess
  /** Return the success value of this validation or the given default if failure. Alias for `|` */
  def getOrElse[AA >: A](x: => AA): AA =
    this match {
      case Failure(_) => x
      case Success(a) => a

  /** Return the success value of this validation or the given default if failure. Alias for `getOrElse` */
  def |[AA >: A](x: => AA): AA =

  /** Return the success value of this validation or run the given function on the failure. */
  def valueOr[AA >: A](x: E => AA): AA =
    this match {
      case Failure(a) => x(a)
      case Success(b) => b

  /** Return this if it is a success, otherwise, return the given value. Alias for `|||` */
  def orElse[EE >: E, AA >: A](x: => Validation[EE, AA]): Validation[EE, AA] =
    this match {
      case Failure(_) => x
      case Success(_) => this

  /** Return this if it is a success, otherwise, return the given value. Alias for `orElse` */
  def |||[EE >: E, AA >: A](x: => Validation[EE, AA]): Validation[EE, AA] =


/** Flip the failure/success values in this validation. Alias for `unary_~` */
  def swap: Validation[A, E] =
    this match {
      case Failure(a) => Success(a)
      case Success(b) => Failure(b)

Success(3).getOrElse(0)                           //> res5: Int = 3
Success("Three").getOrElse("Everything OK!")      //> res6: String = Three
Failure("Something wrong!").swap.getOrElse("Everything OK!")
                                                  //> res7: String = Something wrong!
(~Failure("Something wrong!")).getOrElse("Everything OK!")
                                                  //> res8: String = Something wrong!


final case class Success[A](a: A) extends Validation[Nothing, A]
final case class Failure[E](e: E) extends Validation[E, Nothing]


for {
  a <- Success(3)
  b <- Success(2)
} yield a + b                                     //> res5: scalaz.Validation[Nothing,Int] = Success(5)

val valid= for {
  a <- Success(3)
  c <- Failure("oh, error!"): Validation[String,Int]
  d <- Failure("oh, error again!"): Validation[String,Int]
  b <- Success(2)
} yield a + b                                     //> valid  : scalaz.Validation[String,Int] = Failure(oh, error!)
if (valid.isFailure) valid.swap.getOrElse("no error")
                                                  //> res6: Any = oh, error!


final class ValidationOps[A](self: A) {
  def success[X]: Validation[X, A] = Validation.success[X, A](self)

  def successNel[X]: ValidationNel[X, A] = success

  def failure[X]: Validation[A, X] = Validation.failure[A, X](self)

  @deprecated("use `failure` instead", "7.1")
  def fail[X]: Validation[A, X] = failure[X]

  def failureNel[X]: ValidationNel[A, X] = Validation.failureNel[A, X](self)

  @deprecated("use `failureNel` instead", "7.1")
  def failNel[X]: ValidationNel[A, X] = failureNel[X]

trait ToValidationOps {
  implicit def ToValidationOps[A](a: A) = new ValidationOps(a)


for {
  a <- 3.success
  b <- 2.success
} yield a + b                                     //> res7: scalaz.Validation[Nothing,Int] = Success(5)

val pv = for {
  a <-  3.success
  c <- "oh, error!".failure[String]
  d <- "oh, error again!".failure[String]
  b <-  2.success
} yield a + b                                     //> pv  : scalaz.Validation[String,Int] = Failure(oh, error!)
if (pv.isFailure) (~pv).getOrElse("no error")     //> res8: Any = oh, error!


final class ValidationFlatMap[E, A] private[scalaz](val self: Validation[E, A]) {
  /** Bind through the success of this validation. */
  def flatMap[EE >: E, B](f: A => Validation[EE, B]): Validation[EE, B] =
    self match {
      case Success(a) => f(a)
      case e @ Failure(_) => e


  @deprecated("""flatMap does not accumulate errors, use `scalaz.\/` or `import scalaz.Validation.FlatMap._` instead""", "7.1")
  @inline implicit def ValidationFlatMapDeprecated[E, A](d: Validation[E, A]): ValidationFlatMap[E, A] = 
    new ValidationFlatMap(d)

  /** Import this if you wish to use `flatMap` without a deprecation
    * warning.
  object FlatMap {
    @inline implicit def ValidationFlatMapRequested[E, A](d: Validation[E, A]): ValidationFlatMap[E, A] =
      new ValidationFlatMap(d)


  /** Apply a function in the environment of the success of this validation, accumulating errors. */
  def ap[EE >: E, B](x: => Validation[EE, A => B])(implicit E: Semigroup[EE]): Validation[EE, B] = (this, x) match {
    case (Success(a), Success(f))   => Success(f(a))
    case (e @ Failure(_), Success(_)) => e
    case (Success(_), e @ Failure(_)) => e
    case (Failure(e1), Failure(e2)) => Failure(E.append(e2, e1))


((3.success : Validation[String,Int]) |@|
 ("oh, error1! ".failure : Validation[String,Int]) |@|
 (2.success : Validation[String,Int]) |@|
 ("oh, error2 again!".failure : Validation[String,Int])){_ + _ + _ + _}
 //> res13: scalaz.Validation[String,Int] = Failure(oh, error1! oh, error2 again!)


((3.successNel : ValidationNel[String,Int]) |@|
 ("oh, error1! ".failureNel : ValidationNel[String,Int]) |@|
 (2.successNel : ValidationNel[String,Int]) |@|
 ("oh, error2 again!".failureNel : ValidationNel[String,Int])){_ + _ + _ + _}
 //> res14: scalaz.Validation[scalaz.NonEmptyList[String],Int] = Failure(NonEmptyList(oh, error1! , oh, error2 again!))


/** A singly-linked list that is guaranteed to be non-empty. */
final class NonEmptyList[+A] private[scalaz](val head: A, val tail: List[A]) {

final class NelOps[A](self: A) {
  final def wrapNel: NonEmptyList[A] =

trait ToNelOps {
  implicit def ToNelOps[A](a: A) = new NelOps(a)


 val nel = 2 <:: 4 <:: 3.wrapNel                  //> nel  : scalaz.NonEmptyList[Int] = NonEmptyList(2, 4, 3)
 val snel = "one" <:: "two" <:: "three".wrapNel   //> snel  : scalaz.NonEmptyList[String] = NonEmptyList(one, two, three)
 nel.list                                         //> res17: List[Int] = List(2, 4, 3)
 snel.list                                        //> res18: List[String] = List(one, two, three)

