(LOG)Laplacian of Guassian & (DOH)Determinant of Hessian 斑点检测

1. 原理



(LOG)Laplacian of Guassian & (DOH)Determinant of Hessian 斑点检测_第1张图片

图1-1. 一阶高斯导数(左)、二阶高斯导数(右)与原始信号卷积




(LOG)Laplacian of Guassian & (DOH)Determinant of Hessian 斑点检测_第2张图片

图1-2. 方差为1的二阶高斯导数与不同半径的信号(左)卷积结果(右)


(LOG)Laplacian of Guassian & (DOH)Determinant of Hessian 斑点检测_第3张图片

图1-3. 二阶高斯导数随方差增大的衰减现象















  (LOG)Laplacian of Guassian & (DOH)Determinant of Hessian 斑点检测_第4张图片

图1-4. 在26个位置里比较

2. 代码

#define MAXPOINTS 50000
typedef struct myPoint
	int x;
	int y;
	int radiu;

void getLOGkernel(int halfWin, float sita, float** kernel);
void cornerLOG(unsigned char* srcImg, _point* corner, int* count, int height, int width, float minScale, float maxScale, int stepScale);
void converlution(unsigned char* srcImg, int** dstImg, int height, int width, float* kernel, int kernelWin);
bool isMax(int* compImg, int compValue, _point compPoint, int kerWin, int imgWidth, bool isSameK);
void cornerDOH(unsigned char* srcImg, _point* corner, int* count, int height, int width, float minScale, float maxScale, int stepScale);
void getDOHkernel(int halfWin, float sita, float** kernelxx, float** kernelyy, float** kernelxy);
void detValue(int** scaleimg, int* imgxx, int* imgyy, int* imgxy, float scale, int height, int width);

void main()
	_point corner[MAXPOINTS];
	int numCorner = 0;
	float minScale = 1;
	float maxScale = 20;
	float stepScale = 2;
	unsigned char* srcImg = NULL;

	cv::Mat img = cv::imread("../file/sunflowers.jpg", 0);
	int height = img.rows;
	int width = img.cols;
	srcImg = new unsigned char[height*width];
	for(int i=0; i<height; i++)
		uchar* ptr = img.ptr<uchar>(i);
		for(int j=0; j<width; j++)
			srcImg[i*width+j] = ptr[j];
#if 1
	cornerLOG(srcImg, corner, &numCorner, height, width, minScale, maxScale, stepScale);
	cornerDOH(srcImg, corner, &numCorner, height, width, minScale, maxScale, stepScale);
	delete[] srcImg;

	cv::Mat showImg;
	cvtColor(img, showImg, CV_GRAY2BGR);
	for(int i=0; i<numCorner; i++)
		cv::Point cor(corner[i].x, corner[i].y);
		cv::circle(showImg, cor, corner[i].radiu, cv::Scalar(0,0,255));

	cv::imshow("show", showImg);

void getLOGkernel(int halfWin, float sita, float** kernel)
	int winSize = 2*halfWin+1;
	float tmp1, tmp2, sumValue = 0;
	float powsita = sita*sita;
	for(int i=-halfWin; i<=halfWin; i++)
		for(int j=-halfWin; j<=halfWin; j++)
			tmp1 = -1*(i*i+j*j)/(2*powsita);
			tmp2 = exp(tmp1)*(i*i+j*j-2*powsita);//exp(tmp1)*(1+tmp1)/(-1*powsita*powsita);
			sumValue += tmp2;
			(*kernel)[(i+halfWin)*winSize+(j+halfWin)] = tmp2;
	for(int i=0; i<winSize*winSize; i++)
		(*kernel)[i] -= sumValue/(winSize*winSize);

void converlution(unsigned char* srcImg, int** dstImg, int height, int width, float* kernel, int kernelWin)
	for(int i=0; i<height; i++)
		for(int j=0; j<width; j++)
			float sumValue = 0;
			int count = 0;
			for(int m=i-kernelWin; m<=i+kernelWin; m++)
				for(int n=j-kernelWin; n<=j+kernelWin; n++)
					if(m>=0 && m<height && n>=0 && n<width)
						sumValue += int(srcImg[m*width+n])*kernel[count];
			sumValue *= 100;
			(*dstImg)[i*width+j] = int(sumValue);

bool isMax(int* compImg, int compValue, _point compPoint, int kerWin, int imgWidth, bool isSameK)
	for(int i=compPoint.y-kerWin; i<=compPoint.y+kerWin; i++)
		for(int j=compPoint.x-kerWin; j<=compPoint.x+kerWin; j++)
			if(isSameK && i==compPoint.y && j==compPoint.x)
			if(abs(compValue) <= abs(compImg[i*imgWidth+j]))
				return false;
	return true;

void cornerLOG(unsigned char* srcImg, _point* corner, int* count, int height, int width, float minScale, float maxScale, int stepScale)
	int numScale = int((maxScale - minScale)/stepScale);
	int** scaledImg = new int*[numScale]; 
	for(int i=0; i<numScale; i++)
		scaledImg[i] = new int[height*width];

	for(int k=0; k<numScale; k++)
		float scale = minScale+stepScale*k;
		int kernelWin = 3*scale;
		float *kernel = new float[(2*kernelWin+1)*(2*kernelWin+1)];
		getLOGkernel(kernelWin, scale, &kernel);
		converlution(srcImg, &(scaledImg[k]), height, width, kernel, kernelWin);
		delete[] kernel;

	*count = 0;
	for(int i=1; i<height-1; i++)
		for(int j=1; j<width-1; j++)
			for(int k=1; k<numScale-1; k++)
					for(int m=0; m<numScale; m++)
						delete[] scaledImg[m];
					delete[] scaledImg;


				_point cp;
				cp.x = j;
				cp.y = i;
				float scale = minScale+k*stepScale;
				cp.radiu = int(1.414*scale+0.5);
				if(isMax(scaledImg[k-1], scaledImg[k][i*width+j], cp, 1, width, false) &&
					isMax(scaledImg[k], scaledImg[k][i*width+j], cp, 1, width, true) &&
					isMax(scaledImg[k+1], scaledImg[k][i*width+j], cp, 1, width, false))
					corner[(*count)++] = cp;

	for(int i=0; i<numScale; i++)
		delete[] scaledImg[i];
	delete[] scaledImg;

void getDOHkernel(int halfWin, float sita, float** kernelxx, float** kernelyy, float** kernelxy)
	int winSize = 2*halfWin+1;
	float tmp1, tmpxx, tmpyy, tmpxy;
	float sumValuexx = 0, sumValueyy = 0, sumValuexy = 0;
	float powsita = sita*sita;
	for(int i=-halfWin; i<=halfWin; i++)
		for(int j=-halfWin; j<=halfWin; j++)
			tmp1 = -1*(i*i+j*j)/(2*powsita);
			tmpxx = exp(tmp1)*(j*j-powsita);
			tmpyy = exp(tmp1)*(i*i-powsita);
			tmpxy = exp(tmp1)*i*j;

			sumValuexx += tmpxx;
			sumValueyy += tmpyy;
			sumValuexy += tmpxy;

			(*kernelxx)[(i+halfWin)*winSize+(j+halfWin)] = tmpxx;
			(*kernelyy)[(i+halfWin)*winSize+(j+halfWin)] = tmpyy;
			(*kernelxy)[(i+halfWin)*winSize+(j+halfWin)] = tmpxy;
	for(int i=0; i<winSize*winSize; i++)
		(*kernelxx)[i] -= sumValuexx/(winSize*winSize);
		(*kernelyy)[i] -= sumValueyy/(winSize*winSize);
		(*kernelxy)[i] -= sumValuexy/(winSize*winSize);

void detValue(int** imgscale, int* imgxx, int* imgyy, int* imgxy, float scale, int height, int width)
	for(int i=0; i<height; i++)
		for(int j=0; j<width; j++)
			float xx = imgxx[i*width+j]/100.0;
			float yy = imgyy[i*width+j]/100.0;
			float xy = imgxy[i*width+j]/100.0;
			int vv = xx*yy-xy*xy;
			(*imgscale)[i*width+j] = int(vv/(scale*scale));

void cornerDOH(unsigned char* srcImg, _point* corner, int* count, int height, int width, float minScale, float maxScale, int stepScale)
	int numScale = int((maxScale - minScale)/stepScale);
	int** scaledImg = new int*[numScale]; 
	for(int i=0; i<numScale; i++)
		scaledImg[i] = new int[height*width];

	for(int k=0; k<numScale; k++)
		float scale = minScale+stepScale*k;
		int kernelWin = 3*scale;
		float *kernelxx = new float[(2*kernelWin+1)*(2*kernelWin+1)];
		float *kernelyy = new float[(2*kernelWin+1)*(2*kernelWin+1)];
		float *kernelxy = new float[(2*kernelWin+1)*(2*kernelWin+1)];
		getDOHkernel(kernelWin, scale, &kernelxx, &kernelyy, &kernelxy);

		int** tmpImg = new int*[3]; 
		for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
			tmpImg[i] = new int[height*width];
		converlution(srcImg, &(tmpImg[0]), height, width, kernelxx, kernelWin);
		converlution(srcImg, &(tmpImg[1]), height, width, kernelyy, kernelWin);
		converlution(srcImg, &(tmpImg[2]), height, width, kernelxy, kernelWin);

		detValue(&(scaledImg[k]), tmpImg[0], tmpImg[1], tmpImg[2], scale, height, width);

		for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
			delete[] tmpImg[i];
		delete[] tmpImg;
		delete[] kernelxx;
		delete[] kernelyy;
		delete[] kernelxy;

	*count = 0;
	for(int i=1; i<height-1; i++)
		for(int j=1; j<width-1; j++)
			for(int k=1; k<numScale-1; k++)
					for(int m=0; m<numScale; m++)
						delete[] scaledImg[m];
					delete[] scaledImg;


				_point cp;
				cp.x = j;
				cp.y = i;
				float scale = minScale+k*stepScale;
				cp.radiu = int(1.414*scale+0.5);
				if(isMax(scaledImg[k-1], scaledImg[k][i*width+j], cp, 1, width, false) &&
					isMax(scaledImg[k], scaledImg[k][i*width+j], cp, 1, width, true) &&
					isMax(scaledImg[k+1], scaledImg[k][i*width+j], cp, 1, width,false))
					corner[(*count)++] = cp;

	for(int i=0; i<numScale; i++)
		delete[] scaledImg[i];
	delete[] scaledImg;


(LOG)Laplacian of Guassian & (DOH)Determinant of Hessian 斑点检测_第5张图片 (LOG)Laplacian of Guassian & (DOH)Determinant of Hessian 斑点检测_第6张图片
